Somali convicted of attempting to rob a sleeping homeless man
32-year-old Somali conditionally discharged after being spotted rummaging through belongings of a homeless man sleeping on a bus stop in Sliema

A 32-year-old Somali national has been conditionally discharged for two years after pleading guilty to attempting to rob a homeless man of his belongings, while he was fast asleep on a bus stop in Sliema.
The incident occurred on Tuesday at around 2:40am in Tower Road, Sliema, when two patrolling officers spotted the accused, Abdi Ahmed Ali, rummaging through a homeless man’s belongings.
Upon seeing this, the police arrested the man, while the victim, who woke up from his sleep, appeared totally unaware of the attempted theft.
After being informed of what had happened, the Maltese homeless man told the police that his bag had been opened but nothing was stolen. Moreover, the victim said that he was sleeping on the bus stop because he lives in a garage where he only has access to water and electricity.
Standing before Magistrate Josette Demicoli, Abdi Ahmed Ali, admitted to the charges and was conditionally discharged for two years.
Inspector Jason Francis Sultana prosecuted, while lawyer Joe Ellis was legal aid.