Energy production and consumption in 2013 down to early 1990s level in EU
Latest Eurostat figures show that EU energy dependence was up at 53% in 2013
According to Eurostat, in 2013, gross inland energy consumption, which reflected the energy necessary to satisfy inland consumption, amounted to 1,666 million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe) in the EU. This amount reportedly goes back to the early 1990s level and it is a 9.1% reduction compared to a peak of 1,832 Mtoe in 2006.
Eurostat said that in 2013, nuclear energy accounted for the largest share of EU domestic energy production at 29%, ahead of renewables with 24%, solid fuels at 20%, gas at 17%, oil at 9% and non-renewable wastes at 1%.
According to statistics, the EU produced a total of 790 Mtoe of energy in 2013 and as a result, it was dependent on energy imports for slightly over a half (53%) of its consumption in the same year.