JPO, 'My views on divorce changed because I couldn't ignore the trauma of broken marriages'

Nationalist MP says he was against divorce but later had to accept the reality of the increase in marital breakdowns and the way society had changed.

Divorce bill promoter Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando has admitted to MaltaToday that he penned newspaper articles expressing his opinion against divorce 13 years ago, but said his view of Maltese society had changed radically since then.

MaltaToday was alerted to the articles today, which Pullicino Orlando said were already raised by minister Austin Gatt during the internal debate on divorce held inside the PN’s executive committee.

“It was an attempt to embarrass me and perhaps shut me up during one of the many PN executive committee meetings which focused on divorce… it was a personal attack met with disapproval even from high-ranking party officials who are against divorce,” Pullicino Orlando said.

Asked about whether he would be held to account for his change in position on divorce, Pullicino Orlando said he has been “expecting some personal attack of some sort” for some time now.

“I was actually advised against accompanying Dr Deborah Schembri to Monday’s Bondiplus by Rachel Attard, Lou Bondì’s associate… She told me last Wednesday during a telephone conversaton to discuss next Monday’s production that I shouldn’t go to the studios as I ‘might be attacked personally’ during the programme.”

Asked to comment about the opinion articles he had written in the press, expressing his personal opposition to divorce, the Nationalist MP – himself separated from his wife – said the level of marital breakdowns in Malta had rapidly increased.

“The marital breakdown rate in our country has unfortunately, since then, shot up to levels which are even higher than those found in other European countries with a similar culture,” Pullicino Orlando said today.

“I presented the private member’s bill back in July and co-presented it with Labour MP Evarist Bartolo in December because I felt that it was high time that this issue was discussed in Parliament.”

Pullicino Orlando added that after having studied the Irish divorce law passed in 1995, he saw that a responsible form of divorce could be introduced without encouraging marital breakdown. “The divorce bill will be discussed in parliament if the electorate votes yes on the 28th May – and this law simply allows remarriage where the first marriage has broken down irrevocably.”

The MP reiterated his personal belief that it was “unjust” for spouses wishing to regularise their lives after going through the trauma of a broken marriage, to “only do so if they have the means of getting a divorce from abroad.”

Pullicino Orlando also said he was willing to answer questions on his “sincere belief that divorce can help individuals who's first marriage has irrevocably broken down.”

No surprise JPO had changed his mind!! All this divorce debate was put high on the country`s agenda on 7th July 2010 in a press conference he gave when he presented the private member`s bill. The day before L-Orrizont reported on the front page that JPO had been issued a permit for his Mistra property by MEPA. Is this mere coincidence? I am convinced that all this is just a smokescreen to divert piblic opinion away from the Mistra saga. He kept the divorce issue under wraps until the right time. This explains the fact that not even the prime minister was informed beforehand on what he was up to. Needless to say, it all went out of hand and with his capricious attitude he managed to hijack his party, the government and the whole country, with the PL playing along not to be outdone. And now, as The Times reported, this divorce vote is going to put the country further in the red by 4 million euro. After next Saturday it will be now our turn to take out our handkerchiefs and sob our hearts out as we wipe the tears as JPO did in the last election campaign. SHAME !!!
I sympathize with JPO. Years ago I was against divorce myself. What changed me was the unfortunate experiences of genuine people whose marriage broke down irreparably. Not all of these were adultery or violence. I was friends with one couple who were good as friends but not husband and wife. They split amicably and she moved to the USA. Whilst residing there she applied for a divorce and obviously her ex-husband got it as well. Both remarried in due course and are still to my knowledge married (apart from being still on speaking terms). They were lucky because she could apply for a divorce in a truly democratic country. There are many others who are not so lucky simply because they are citizens of the Vatican Satellite state called Malta. This is why I respect JPO. He did not need to do this. As he said he could (and will) get a divorce from the UK. Instead he had the balls to present a private members bill in Parliament so that divorce for Maltese is no longer confined to the rich or lucky ones.
Ohrog indipendenti u xorta ntellghuk Jeffrey. Mark my words.
JPO knew that by introducing his private bill on divorce his political career would at least with the pn was over, yet he had the guts to see it through, for that i admire him.
Lil dawn in Nazzjonalist li qed jiktbu KONTRA JPO hawnhekk infakkarhom kemm fahhruh meta kien avvela lil Alfred Sant fuq it Television qabel l-elezjoni tat 2008. Hemmhekk kien tajjeb JPO jigifieri JA QABDA IPOKRITI!!! Titkellmu kif jaqbel lilkom. Inthom tafu li telfa kbira gejja fuqhkom u din hija l-aktar haga li qed iddejjaqkom ghax GONZIPN is drownng in his own S**T!!!
jiena hija barra min Malta jghix-ilu snin kbar hemm - jekk il-quddiem ikolli bzonnu d-divorzju immur hemm Mike- u ngibu , u nerga nigi ;-) naghmlhu bhal tal-cartoon network-
U le x'nistmeshan hu mike. Jiena ma ghnadiex boznnu divorzju. Personalment qatt ma kont poggut ( sa issa). izda dik il-ligi ghanda tkun hemm, bhal kull pajjiz iehor tad dinja, minbarra din il-micro state , li l-anqas tidher fil-mappa tad-dinja, jek m taghmilx zoom. Li nitqalla huwa li il-knisja li hawn hawhemm trid tindahal fl-istat. qabel ma jinfirdu kompletament , il-pajjiz ser jibqa maqsum. Imabghad ghandek , hemm specjalment 2 nisa jifthu halqhom kontra d-dvirzju , meat ghandhom tfal , min irgiel mizzewga /separati- Hawn pajjiz ta l-ipokriti. Igri jghaddi ghax tqazzizt bl-ipokrezija ta hafna . u jaghddi ma ma jaghddiex mhux problema ghalija mike. pero Xorta nivota IVA.
Min daqshekk veru , ghax il-politika mahmuga. Dawk malajr jirrangaw , mhux hekk sejrin, jahfru lil xulxin hux hekk. Ma hemmx xtaghmel, ahjar tidhaq flok tibki.
What a load of rubbish. There is going to be trauma if the marriage is broken, divorce or not. You can't hold someone against their will.
@ Silvio, JPO li ghamel kellu mottiv personali kontra Gonzi ghax baqa b'xejn issa wiehed issaqsi jekk johrog mal-pl, dawn ikunu ippokriti li jaccetawh tinsiex x'qallu fuqu fit 2008 (remider zghir) Silvio li ghamel jpo kien qed ma partit li ma kellux mandat fuq id-divorzju. Varist kien biss opportunist ghax jekk vera kien jemmen fid-divorzju kien missu ilu li iprezenta il-private bill ara kemm ilu fil-parlament. Dak li qed jikxef fuq il-pn hu biss attakk sabiex jghamel hsara. Ghax ma semmax lehnu qabel l-elezzjoni jekk kien onest, jien anqas fuq tal-mistra ma emmintu. Issa z-zmien jghatina l-parir u toqghodx titmashan ghax tal-iva ser jirbhu zgur.
JPO, jekk tohrog fuq is-sitt distrett lilek nivvota jien. basta mhux mal PN ;-)
@bejn il-linji'. Tolerance is the key word ! "People who live in glass houses should not throw stones! Something made of glass can easily break it is vulnerable; and we are all vulnerable in different ways,i hope and wish you always have a perfect life but have compassion and TOLERANCE for the ones that are not as perfect as yours. i wont add much to my comment as i agree with edyjoyce he/she has summed it up perfectly!
Lil bejn-il-linji": Ma tistax tifhem ghax ma tridx. Pullicino Orlando 13 il-sena ilu ma kienx ghadu ghadda mit-trawma ta' zwieg li jitkisser. Dan gralu 10 snin ilu. Ghalhekk jien zgur li l-esperjenza ghallmitu hafna affarijiet. L-akbar tghalima tkun, li dak li tahseb li jista jigri lil haddiehro mhux se jigri lilek, QATT MA TISTA TGHIDU ! U anki int " bejn-il-linji ", kieku jigrilek bhalu u bhali, malajr tistenbah mill-holma li qieghed tohlom. U kieku tmur tigri tivvota IVA !
Ma hux behsiebni nifhem..specjalment meta niftakar kemm beka fuq tal-Mistra
The broader our understanding of life and the universe in which we live, the LOUDER we can hear our CONSCIENCE. . The narrower and tighter our awareness of life and the universe in which we live, the more likely we are to seek guidance from external authorities. . The hollow voice of the external authority acts as an artificial life support for people whom, alas, barely have a conscience.