Q&A | The desire to make a difference | Marion Mizzi
She was goaded into contesting the election by the opposition’s efforts to belittle Malta. “It bothers me,” Marion Mizzi says. She does not expect to be elected – she feels she has no right to go knocking on people’s doors asking for their vote – but if she is successful she would be available and accessible to all, as she has been in her business

Why would someone so successful in business, decide to go into politics?
This time I decided to go into politics to help the party I believe in. Over the past four years I have seen our country grow and flourish and I truly believe it would be a pity to lose this. When I watch the opposition outrightly speaking against our country purposely trying to damage it both here and abroad, it bothers me – it bothers me a lot! Therefore I believe it is my duty to do all I can to help keep up all the good work which has been done over the past four years – notwithstanding all the damage the opposition has tried to do.
Why did you choose to be on the side of Joseph Muscat?
I chose Joseph Muscat’s side because it is the obvious choice for someone who likes to work, who is not jealous or petty and who truly loves Malta and Gozo – these past years have proven to be very successful years where our country has developed – a NEW government has developed our country and I believe he still has a lot to offer us.
This is your second time as a candidate, what are your chances of getting elected?
Not many! I am not the kind of individual who hard sells herself – I feel I don’t have the right to go knocking on people’s doors asking for their vote, neither have I organised large parties or offered gifts. I only have a Facebook page and send out a couple of messages because I was forced to – therefore it will be a huge surprise if I am elected, though I do promise that if I were to be elected, I would commit myself to help each and every individual round Malta and Gozo as I have done over the past years in my profession – to be available, accessible and there when people feel they need assistance from our government.
Do you really believe that you can make a difference?
I don’t mean to sound pompous or anything of the sort, though I believe I can – not in the standard political way but in the way where I am accessible to people. Throughout my life I have lived through a number of different experiences – I was a single mother, have managed to run a business which currently operates 12 SPAs round Malta and Gozo, therefore I believe I can help strike a good balance for other women as myself.
What distinguishes the Labour party from the Nationalist party?
The Labour government really has the good of the country at heart, when we are in opposition, we don’t focus on the negative! But we try and work together to find a better way for which our country can improve – though if you take a step back and look at what the Nationalists have achieved in these four years in opposition, nothing really! They have just managed to destroy our country both here in Malta and also overseas – this is something a Labour government would never dream of doing!
How can you say you love your country, you are proud of your country, then go abroad and sell it out like that! It is just shameful! Another thing which greatly distinguishes the two parties is the absolute cruelty the Nationalists use when building a campaign – they don’t focus on what work has been done, or political affairs! They get personal – they thrive on people’s problems, misfortunes and personal lives. Last but not least is the continuous back tracking – a case in point is the sale of the passports – How can someone be credible if they fight something so hard and then decide to promote it to keep it?
Which were the mistakes that could have been avoided in this administration?
The Labour government was a NEW government which unfortunately started their governance with a lot to fix. They started this immediately, not after 100 days, though obviously they found stumbling blocks along the way. In no way was it a perfect journey – nor an easy one for that matter but really and truly which one is! What we do need to remember is that over the past four years we have removed the deficit and our country has flourished.
On Tuesday you stood by Joseph Muscat when he talked about legalising cannabis. What are your views on this?
The discussion on Tuesday was actually about disability and the fantastic work Dr Justyne Caruana has done over the past years – unfortunately although she explained this, a journalist asked Dr Muscat about cannabis and the discussion suddenly diverted that way. I would personally prefer it if nobody smoked any cannabis, though if it is proven to help medically, people are smoking it any way – why not regularise it, make sure only the proper product is being sold and earn tax on it.
What can you personally contribute to politics?
As I have previously mentioned I can help by contributing life experience, by being an accessible figure which could make politics a little more real! Make it more accessible to people who at times feel that the standard politician may not listen to them. I have helped and guided thousands of people along my career and I will keep doing it to the best of my ability.
What, in your view, would you like to see changed in politics?
The most important thing which needs to be changed is that no party should speak against our country for their personal gain. We should all be doing it with one interest in mind and that is the good of our country – if we are ready to throw this to the dogs to gain votes or the sympathy of the rest of the world what does it say about the parties’ integrity! Another thing I think should be changed is the length of the election period – this should be done over a week, where the leader is elected and he would then choose his cabinet himself.
Marion Mizzi is a candidate in the third and tenth districts