AD says Labour ‘too optimistic’ on gas price

Green Party Alternattiva Demokratika (AD) says Labour’s energy plans are welcome, but it ‘must be clearer in its proposals.’

Michael Briguglio said that AD’s energy policy insists on a “leading role of the state in the energy sector
Michael Briguglio said that AD’s energy policy insists on a “leading role of the state in the energy sector"

In a reaction to the Labour Party's proposals for energy, Green Party Alternattiva Demokratika (AD) chairperson Michael Briguglio welcomed the proposals, but warned that there was also a "problematic" side to the issue.

He said that Labour was being "too optimistic on the price of gas" and on time-frames. He said that the PL must be 'clearer' in its proposals.

"Like other fossil fuels, including heavy fuel oil, its price is likely to increase in the years to come, due to increase in global demand and limited supply,"  Briguglio said, adding that one must also factor in Enemalta's €800 million debt.

Countering the proposal for major private sector involvement in the plans, Briguglio said that AD's energy policy insists on a "leading role of the state in the energy sector, in massive investment in renewable, and in penalising waste whilst subsidising basic use of energy".

Briguglio stressed that Labour should present studies to back up its specific proposals, and questioned the proposed time-frames for the plan to take off, "as processes for tendering, environment impact assessments and other requirements for the construction of a power station take considerable time to be completed."

Regarding water tariffs, Briguglio said that  theft from boreholes must be stopped, adding that this reality is creating problems of unsustainability, which will eventually result in price increases - Briguglio welcomed the importance given to renewable energy.

Ralph Cassar, AD spokesperson for Energy, Transport and IT, called for the State to take the leading role in energy policy and supply.

"It should be ensured that energy use is sustainable, that energy poverty is avoided and that employment is not precarious. This also holds for energy provided by the private sector. If the private sector does not manage to reach these aims, the state should intervene and regulate in an effective manner," Cassar said.

He added that  "AD's energy vision is based on conservation and the careful use of resources, social justice and efficiency.  

"A wiser use of resources such as water means that more wealth and value added will stay in the country. By giving incentives to industries that use clean energy or by making better use of limited resources, employment will increase."

Cassar also called for the state to subsidise the basic consumption of energy while penalising waste.

"The state can make good for the expenditure required by progressive fiscal measures such as windfall taxes and taxes on harmful environmental practices.  Massive investment in renewable energy will reduce dependency on fossil fuels, which are facing inevitable price increases due to limited supply and increasing demand," he said.


AD =(Always disonest)What is this party politics the enviorment or just trying to aquire some votes by critising what energy plans the PL have planned for the future ,the PL have shown us a cleaner and better future for us and our children and AD are just making false and not sustainable accusations about gas prices why dont they say that the BWSC plant is more hazzardous and makes more pollution and has cancerous waste to dispose off or have they somekind of political gender hidden behind the scenes ? PL has given us some new light and cleaner energy for a better future .We have been in to much doom and gloom under this goverment and need a new clean,energetic and responsable goverment that has more family like plannings for our future and not just for the freind of friends .
Dan Bragjolu mhux l-istess wiehed li sa ftit ilu kien kontra li l-prezzijiet tad-dawl jorhsu ghax nibdew nahlu bl-addocc? Miskin hu, u min jaghti kazu.
Luke Camilleri
UZZZGURRRRRR..... Lnqs kien kapaci il-Pajjiz jghamel ID cards godda ghal dawn l'ahhar 10 snin imbghad irridu li l"Maltin" jivvuttaw fl'Ambaxxxati barra il-pajjiz! U halluna! Ahjar tal-AD qalu xi haga kif f'dawn l'ahhar 10 snin tal-PN li kienu fit temexxija tal-Pajjiz , GHALAVOLJA WEDGHU STATE-OF-THE ART "chipped" ID CARDS, dawn qatt ma gew! Progett BULLSHIT ienor tal-Ministru state-of-the-ass Austin Gatt!
Alternattiva should not call themselves Greens. Rather Blue-Green. Or perhaps dirty green, or muddy green, but not just Green.
Dawn huma Green jew le? Jekk veru Green fiex jidhol il-prezzijiet. Jew irridu jippruvaw jikkuntentaw lil GonziPN? AD, m'ghadu jehodkom bis-serjeta' hadd u f'din lk-elezzjoni se tinghasru wahda papali... u jkin hakkhom.
Jista s-Sur Briguglio u s-Sur Ralph Cassar jghidu fejn jifhmu f'dawn l-affarijiet tant teknici ?
It is with regret that I say this, but it looks like AD have lost their way, or the original verve (well needed during Mintoff's years) is missing, or the current adherents have been corrupted by the laissez faire environment that the PN's "money no problem" system created. This is not their fault, and many under forties show similar symptoms of decay. In fact, I would attribute the present sorry state Malta is in to this lie. To be clear, although it saddens me but given today's centrist party policies, I am beginning to doubt whether there is any more need or room for AD.
Is Cassola still within Alternattiva because evey time he appears on television he gives the impression that he is speaking on behalf of the Partit Laburista. Alternattiva can never be taken seriously with people like Cassola.
Joseph Pellicano
ara veru li min jivvutalkom ta AD irrid ikun mignun, ghax ghanqas tafu xi tridu, qiskom pennur id duru ma kul rih, mhux ta xejn kull meta issir xi servay dejjem tnaqsu mil voti.
avatar <<>> extract from BBC report (link provided), which I would recommend AD to study (Also remember that these expressed concerns would not hurt Malta)- "Many have hailed shale gas as the saviour of the US energy market. In fact, the International Energy Agency (IEA) has said it expects the US to overtake Russia as the world's biggest gas producer by 2015 and to become "all but self-sufficient" in its energy needs by about 2035. But critics of shale gas point to environmental concerns such as high water use and possible water contamination, the release of methane and, to a lesser extent, earth tremors caused by drilling. The process has been banned in France, while the UK recently lifted a moratorium on drilling for shale gas.