PN appeals to ‘lost sheep’ in Birzebbugia

Gonzi tells Birzebbugia residents to use their vote to send a clear message to Joseph Muscat: “We don’t need your energy proposal. We don’t want it.”

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi took the PN's campaign directly to the most hotly contested electoral battleground yesterday: addressing a reasonable turnout (considering the weather) under the traditional tent in his home town of Birzebbugia.

Candidates Jason Azzopardi, David Casa, Manuel Mallia, Mark Anthony Sammut, Tony Bezzina and Mark Rizzo Naudi all took turns addressing the assembly before him, and most prefaced their contributions by thanking (to considerable applause) past Nationalist stalwarts of the fifth district: including  Louis Galea and Helen Damato, noth of whom received multiple mentions.

Surely it would not have escaped constituents' notice that both these veterans had been ousted on their district by Franco Debono - who, for obvious reasons, went unmentioned in the accolades. But even if unintentional, this curious evocation of the wayward former Nationalist MP seemed to linger throughout proceedings: underscoring the immense strategic importance for the PN of this pivotal district, in the heart (as it were) of 'enemy territory'.

The Prime Minister himself seemed conscious of this: throughout his intervention he repeatedly stressed the extreme urgency of the last few days of the campaign.

Perhaps taking his cue from Bezzina - who had earlier listed out a whole series of embellishment projects in the south over the past few years - Gonzi placed much emphasis on the local environment: reminding his listeners how his administration had decided, on the grounds of public safety, to remove the gas bottling plant of Qajjenza to a new location at a safe distance from human habitation.

This, he said, marked the difference between the two parties. With its energy proposals, Labour was planning to do the precise opposite, and site two gas tanks (each the size of Mosta Dome) bang in the middle of a residential zone.

He urged Birzebbugia residents to use their vote to send a clear message to Joseph Muscat: "We don't need your energy proposal. We don't want it."

Turning his attention speficially to first-time voters, Gonzi stressed that the PN was the safest choice for those who were concerned with jobs. Alluding to the European Commission's recent assessment - which places Malta sixth out of the EU for economic growth prospects, and fourth for job creation among youths - he  insisted that "with the PN, you know where you stand."

On the contrary, the PL was still stuck in its old ways. Gonzi reminded his listeners how Muscat had criticised every reform his government had undertaken - singling out the dockyard and Sea Malta provatisations as examples - and even took his followers to the streets in protest. But his government was of the view that such entites should be privatised to relive government of a burden and allow for investment in such sectors as education... and everyone could see that the countrry was in a better state as a result.

Similar themes had dominated earlier interventions. Transport Authority official Manuel Delia gave a broad outline of the government's technological innovations - recalling how Labour had scoffed at them for introducing computers to schools in 1995. Many of the children who benefited from those computers were now employed in the IT sector and elsewhere, he added. The same PN had also safeguarded the liberty of Maltese citizens. This is why, Delia stressed, the PN was the party of liberty; the party of trechnology; and the party of the future.

On his part, MEP David Casa recounted an anecdote concerning a young woman from a local Nationalist family who told him she was going to vote Labour because they were 'cool'.

That woman was present here tonight, he announced to a burst of applause - adding that the reason she had changed her mind was the fracas at MCAST last week.

Referring to this woman as one of several "lost sheep", Casa expressed his hope that more lost sheep would similarly return to the fold as they invetibaly  realised that the PN was the more serious choice.

Whether he himself realised he was echoing former Labour Prime Minister Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici before the 1987 election is, however, another matter.

Beeeeq , Beeeeq , Beeeq , hey Simon there's another lost sheep looking for you .
Illum ħarġet aħbar interessanti fejn gie irrapurtat li instab xi laħam tal-ħmir fil-burgers . Minn sorsi li is-soltu jkunu infurmati tajjeb intqal li , aktarx li dan l-aħħar seta' wasal xi ħadd min Brussell li seta kien infettat . L-ewwel sintomi li jistgħu jidrhu , huma li jibdew jinhqu mingħajr ma jindunaw . Sorsi governattivi lokali stqarru li il-pubbliku ma għandux jallarma ruħu , għax dan il-mikrobu gie illokalizzat f'post ċentrali lejn tal-Pieta . Aktar informazzjoni tingħata malli din toħroġ għall pubbliku .
Għandi kurzita' kbira nkun naf jekk Dr Gonzi u ir-ragħajja l'oħra li kellu miegħu ġabrux nagħaġ biss , jew jekk ġabrux ukoll xi muntun , għax mhux sewwa li tiġbor il-mara u ma tieħux ukoll ir-raġel biex ikollha kumpanija . Jista jgħidilna xi kemm ġabar , u kemm kabbar il-merħla tiegħu ?
baaa baaa baaa baaa
The PM did not convince me for sure !
mr gonzi i am one of the lost sheep and i prefer to stay lost,and im counting the days left for the people of malta and gozo to get rid of you the sooner the better
One must have the intellectual capacity of a sheep to still believe in the lies and fantasies Gonzi keeps on spewing out.
For lost sheep to be back in the fold Gonzi pn needs to convince the folks of Birzebbugia and the environs that he and his mates are after the well being of these unfortunate citizens and not the much coveted parliamentary seat and all the privileges that go with it.
Attn Gonzi.....beeeeeqq!!!!
"reminding his listeners how his administration had decided, on the grounds of public safety, to remove the gas bottling plant of Qajjenza" I will belive it if the area is converted for the use of families and not sold off as building plots.
Priscilla Darmenia
In 2008 I was one of the lost sheep that returned to the GonziPN fold and I regret it. I believe I shall be a lost sheep until the GonziPN clique remains at the head of the PN. Voting Labour this time to rid of the clique.
You must have some balls to try and convince people to vote for you after you have been and are trying to poison them with a Heavy fuel oil powerstation, and allowwing people to get rich on your back with illegal oil commissions.
I cannot imagine a single person in Birzebbuga voting for the PN. Freeport extension, BWSC, lack of investment in the area turned the locality into Malta's slum area.
Jeffrey Camilleri
By all means I only have faith in Gonzi and PN. These arguments here by others are based on nothing and not reality. I am intelligent enough to chose what it is right.
Nazzareno Pace
SHAME ON YOU Dr. Gonzi for moving the gas plant from the left to the right of Birzebbuga; for allowing the Freeport to make the see murky for their benefit; to allow Freeport to increase their lighting and noises to the detriment of residents; for allowing noisy aircraft to land during the night from the Birzebbuga part of the runway; for allowing heavy industries to operate from Hal Far and allowing for the toxic fumes to fill our lungs. Last but not least SHAME ON YOU for building another power station with the most toxic oil at the detriment of US residents. SHAME ON YOU for making of our Birzebbuga a murky place that is on the border of intoxication.
Paul Sammut
Ba Ba black sheep have you any wool? Yes sir yes sir three bags full. One for my master and one for my dame and one for Joseph and the PL.
Paul Sammut
Ba Ba black sheep have you any wool? Yes sir yes sir three bags full. One for my master and one for my dame and one for Joseph and the PL.
Sur P M ghaliex ma tridux il pjan tal energija tal PL GHAX kuntent bis serq li qieghed isir mill klikka ( Kumbinazzjoni ) nazzjonalista. Ghaliex ??? ghax ivvutajt bil qalb biex issallab lil familji kollha ta malta meta int bwicc tost hadt 600 Euro zieda fil gimgha bil mohbi?? Ara int kellek biex thallsu il kont ghax paxxut kont Meta trid ejja hu ara il familji xjghamlu biex jghaddu bil paga sa lahhar tax xaghar forsi umbghad tibda temmen fiex gibt lil dan il poplu
Beee , Beee , Beee , this is the last words from Dr Gonzi is making to appeal for his lost sheep to return back to his flock . The great sheperd went on this mission and took some of his loyals with him to try to gather as much as he can , because his neighbour has a bigger flock . Beee , Beee , Beee .
To all sheep out there. Extract from Pink Floyd’s ‘Sheep’ 'What do you get for pretending the danger's not real meek and obedient you follow the leader...'
Prosit David. Imnalla gejt minn Brussell biex ergajt dawwart lil dik il-mara. Kompli ahdem u irsisti, kull ma jonqsok 32,999 ohra.
David Casa you need to convince thousands back to the fold. A mere one is simply a drop in the whole ocean, Nothing to applaud for when you well know that this time you will definitely be out. Anyway I have not been convinced by any of the gonzipn candidates to vote for the party again.
A bit late to look for lost sheep! Should have thought about them over the last few years. Anything to steal a few votes from the gullible. A day after the election and they once again forget 90% of the population. Anyway, I'm still waiting for Gonzi to resign because of the oil-procurement scandal, his ministers receiving gifts, the new scandal of the old dellimara power station, protitutes in PN clubs, collapse of the judiciary system, receiving € 240,000 'loans' from contractors, etc, etc......
What a pathetic lot! Gonzi? The worst PM in the history of Malta. Manuel Delia? A transport disaster. Jason Azzopardi? A bla-bla expert. David Casa? The PN's EU delusion. Asking the Birzebbugia people for their vote is ludicrous, to say the least. What with a power station on the left, and an ever encroaching Freeport on the right of Pretty Bay, alas it is not pretty any longer.
Two little things - Dr. Gonzi lives in Marsaskaland it looks like the PN are really going for some theatrics with the girl "convinced" to change how she was voting by the MCAST debate.LOL