Mina Tolu | An inclusive Europe is one where everyone participates as they wish to in work, life and democracy

Meet Green Party candidate Mina Tolu

The priorities that I would champion as an MEP would pave the way towards a more Inclusive, Social and Sustainable Europe.

An Inclusive Europe is one where our opportunities and life paths are not determined by personal characteristics and existing societal oppression. An Inclusive Europe celebrates all kinds of abilities, genders, minds and bodies and is a Europe where everyone can participate as they wish to in work, life and democracy.

An Inclusive Europe is welcoming and aware of Europe’s power in the world. A Social Europe is one where time, personal growth and community is valued.

A Social Europe sees the automation of work as an opportunity for all of us to lead more fulfilling lives. A Social Europe supports young people’s journey into work. A Social Europe guarantees access to basic necessities for everyone.

A Sustainable Europe is one where we consume healthy, pesticide-free food. One with seas full of fish not plastic. A Sustainable Europe has high animal welfare standards. A Sustainable Europe is 100% run on renewable energy that is produced locally.

To transition to an Inclusive, Social and Sustainable Europe I will work:

- for full inclusion of persons with disabilities in European societies through full implementation of the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities;

- to establish safe and legal channels for migration to Europe and for a Common European Asylum System that is fair and based on solidarity;

- to close gaps in legal protection on grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics;

- for a complete ban on arms exports from EU MS to countries outside of the EU;

- to raise the minimum wage and to ensure a minimum income for young people and push for a Universal Basic Income coverage for all;

- to ban discriminatory wages and unpaid internships;

- to protect people from exploitation when renting properties and work for a European policy that gives everyone access to affordable housing;

- to increase the Erasmus budget and make Erasmus exchanges more accessible.

- to combat planned obsolescence of products so that things we buy will be long-lasting, repairable and reusable;

- to ensure that EU laws on single use plastic are being implemented and strengthened;

- for an ambitious European climate law with binding carbon budgets, binding emission reduction targets and a minimum carbon price.

- to cut all subsidies for fossil fuels.”

Quick-fire Q&A

Do you agree with the creation of an EU army?    No

Should corporate taxation be harmonised across the European Union?    No. The advantage for a Member State to set its own tax policy should be ethically exercised so that other Member States’ public budgets are not disrupted.

Should children of refugees born on Maltese soil be entitled to Maltese citizenship?    Yes

Should MEPs have the power to veto decisions taken by the European Council?    No. A much more nuanced discussion on vetoes within EU Council should be had. MEP, or EP, or EP group vetoes might change my answer.

Should Malta stop selling citizenship, which is also EU citizenship, under the IIP?    Yes

Should Turkey be a member of the EU?    Yes

Should border controls be reintroduced in Schengen countries?    No

Do you agree with a ‘Mare Nostrum’ style European rescue mission in the Mediterranean financed by the EU budget?    Yes