Giovanni Buttigieg elected vice-chair to United Nations coordination committee

The committee is responsible for planning and prioritising at UN level

Giovanni Buttigieg, Malta's Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, has been elected as vice-chair to the organisation's Committee for Programme and Coordination (CPC).

Malta was elected to the CPC last September.

The CPC is the main body responsible for planning and prioritising at the UN, as well as assessing results being achieved.  It is a subsidiary organ of the Economic and Social Council, and the General Assembly.

Buttigieg's election is expected to play an integral part in Malta's campaign for a seat on the UN Security Council in 2023.

This position was last occupied by a Maltese person in 1971. Malta had used this position to propose the establishment of a UN office for the seas, and to evaluate the need for an effective international strategy in ocean space.