COVID-19: 94 new cases, 1 death recorded
14 August COVID-19 update | 94 new cases • 696 active cases • 3,598 swab tests in past 24 hours • 38 patients in hospital, 4 in ITU • Fully vaccinated residents at 404,213 • Total deaths at 430

94 new COVID-19 cases were registered on Saturday, figures published by the health ministry show.
The total number of deaths now stands at 430, after an 85-year0old woman died while COVID-19 positive.
Active cases stand at 696 after 120 recoveries were registered.
38 coronavirus patients are currently being treated at Mater Dei Hospital, of which four are in the ITU.
The average age of cases resgitered in the past 24 hours is 38.
3,598 swab tests were carried out in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of swabs to 1,136,982.
Until yesterday, 783,983 vaccine doses were administered, of which 407,679 were first doses. 403,213 people are fully vaccinated.