122 new COVID cases registered, hospitalisations remain stable
21 November COVID-19 update | 122 new cases • 847 active cases • 12 patients in hospital, 2 in ITU • Vaccine booster doses 93,247 • Total deaths 463

COVID-19 cases continue to surge as Malta registered another recent record of 122 new infections on Sunday.
The daily COVID-19 bulletin indicated that there are currently 847 known cases of the virus in the community.
41 patients newly recovered from the virus, and no new deaths have been recorded.
OFFICIAL COVID-19 figures for 21•11•2021 Chris Fearne | MaltaGov | Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Directorate
Posted by saħħa on Sunday, November 21, 2021
There are 12 COVID-19 patients being treated at Mater Dei Hospital. Two of these people are receiving treatment in the hospital's ITU.
Until Saturday, health professionals administered 927,127 doses of COVID-19 vaccines. The figure includes first and second doses of the Pfizer, Moderna, and Astrazeneca vaccines, the single-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine, and recent booster doses.
The booster doses make up 93,247 of the total tally.
Malta was recently taken off the ECDC green travel list as a result of rising COVID-19 cases locally. It was not the only country to be relegated to the orange travel list, with the majority of EU countries situated on either the orange or red list.
Countries with the best infection and positivity rates are classified as green, followed by those in orange, then red. The worst-hit countries are listed in the dark red category.