Pilots meet PM, Tonio Fenech tomorrow

The president of the Airline Pilots Association, Dominic Azzopardi, is to meet Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and finance minister Tonio Fenech tomorrow for talks on Air Malta.

Talks will centre on plans by ALPA to ground Air Malta planes after 96% of union members voted in favour of industrial action unless the airline’s restructuring programme does not renegotiate its third-party contracts. ALPA is insisting that before dismissing any pilots, Air Malta must make substantial savings by renegotiating contracts, particularly with Malta International Airport.

The eleventh-hour meeting comes after ALPA gave notice of its industrial action to the Director of Employment and Industrial Relations this morning.

Yesterday the Association of Airline Engineers announced it had not taken a final decision whether it would participate in a planned demonstration by Air Malta unions, the Forum unions’ federation, and the General Workers Union on Friday.

Additionally, a chorus of industrial leaders said appealed to an end to threats by ALPA to ground aircraft. The Chamber of Commerce said ALPA’s threats were ill-timed, disproportionate and “most irresponsible”. “They must not be short-sighted and resort to the negotiating table in an effort to unblock the situation through reason rather than destruction.”

In an interview with MaltaToday on Sunday, Azzopardi claimed that part of the €52 million bailout for Air Malta had been used to pay off debts the airline had with Bank of Valletta, one of the airline’s shareholders.  “I am absolutely certain that a substantial part of the €52 million were used used to pay off certain loans with BOV. And this was when the Ernst & Young report clearly said that a specific loan to the airline should have been extended, rather than paid off,” Azzopardi said.

Azzopardi says that in meetings with the finance minster, Tonio Fenech had “no reaction” to his allegations.

Speculation is now growing that government may use the seminal strike action as an excuse to liquidate Air Malta, pay off the debts and then sell off the company.

“If government wants to liquidate the company we’re not going to hold it from doing so. If government wants to talk to us and mend the situation, then it means it wants to talk. If government liquidates Air Malta, we won’t budge from Castille... government won’t have enough pilots to man a new service,” Azzopardi said.

One of the threats to a new airline service – perhaps privatised – is that only Maltese-registered pilots can fly Air Malta aircraft, and pilots must have a Maltese licence. Azzopardi said that Maltese pilots flying airliners with foreign companies have lost their native licence. “And you can’t have a foreign company providing the service because it would be a strike breaker. The European Cockpit Association is informed with what is happening in Malta and it is expected to make a flight ban if we go ahead with a strike.”

Warnings by the finance ministry that strike action could endanger Air Malta as a whole have been widely interpreted as a prelude to the closure of the airline.

“It doesn’t pass through my head that government could liquidate the company. But that it gives it for free to somebody... yes. If it liquidates the company it will bring the country to its knees. I think finance minister Tonio Fenech is responsible enough. We’re a chain – if we go down, others go down at Air Malta. We want to save Air Malta.”

Jekk minghalikom il-PM ser b'xi mod ihenn ghall-piloti jew il-haddiema tal-Airmalta ser jgharralkom bl-ikrah.....fid-deher hekk ser jidher li jkun qisu xi Robin Hood bhal meta kien jaqbez ghall-fqar imma fir-realta nissuspetta hafna li gejja xi NASBA ohra iktar fina imma bl-istess rizultat... it-tkeccijja tal-haddiema sabiex isolvu l-kalkulator li ghandom go mohhom...huma ha jahlu l-miljuni imma mbaghad huma l-haddiema li jridu jhallsu ... Huma qalu li jekk isir strike ta' gurnata l-Airmalta tfalli ghal kollox u jkollhom izarmaw. Bl-istess argument jekk l-airmalta ma jkollix klijenti nghidu ahna li jimlew il-vjeggi ghal menu 50 % fil- gimgha...tkun aghar u allura zgur jghalqu... DAqshekk hi sensittiva din L-airmalta ..daqshekk hi fragili.....allura kif jista jkun li jsir xi forma ta ftehim mal-haddiema...uriewhom il-haddiema fejn u kif isolvu il-problemi billi ma jkomplux jimlew il-bwiet ta' shabhom ghas-skapitu tal-Airmalta. PUNTO E BASTA...cuc hu min jghamilna cwiec hbieb..
@ Baglu Ma wegibtx xejn habib. Trid tkun altru minn cert li l-job tieghek safe biex tiehu lil parti minn shabek il qorti fuq il kwistjoni ta l-istrajk. Kull tidwir mal lewza biex titfa dell ikrah fuq il piloti hu biss hela ta hin.
@Baglu It's so evident you are one of those 62!! You're pitiful, not to say pathetic ... if you're up for it, why don't you train to become a pilot so that you can have 'plush apartments' and 'villas with pools'. Billi toqghod b'idejk fuq zaqqek u tikkritika m'int ha taghmel xej ..... oqghod eqred u ghir ghal haddiehor!
Why are the pilots so worried that 62 of their colleagues have opened up a judical protest against their iressponsabile strike threats? Why? Because these workers do not own more than one boat, villas with pools and plush apartments at Portomaso, Madliena and Verdala Mansions.These workers do not own several blocks of apartments like the poor Air Malta pilots who have a lot of free time on their hands!!!! These workers have been deprived from a salary increase for the past 8 years. Has anyone from ALPA ever given a fig about these workers/colleagues without no salary increases. Of course not as they think that they are untouchable and gods. Of course their great President promised them that noone will be touched and even if Air Malta goes down, whoever buys the company has to employ them. It is no problem that there are mass redundancies from other sections of Air Malta, but none from the pilots!!! If the goverment wants to close Air Malta he has to bear political responsability for the ensuing fallout. But of course there are hidden agendas that the pilots have offered themselves as scapegoats for all this mess. And all of you who have to wake up at 5.30 am to earn just a basic living continue to support these barons who have ammassed large amounts of money and property from your own taxes.
It is about time that the Honorable PM intervened! He has allowed Tonio Fenech to make a mess of it all, a bigger mess than what Arsenal, Tonio's favourite team make of every season's title challenge! All that ALPA is asking for is that the foreign consultants that individually are being paid more per day than what the average employee at Air Malta earns in a month start doing their job and really go into the practices and agreements that have sucked the life out of the airline. Many months have been lost already and from a distance I fear that it is now way too late to revive the airlline. Mr. Davies and the croonies he has engaged would also do well to check things themselves than rely on the ass licking beggars that are swarming around them. Mr. Davies was yesterday reported as saying that AirMalta has a state of the art booking website ... well I am sure that KM paid big money for it, way more than what it should have, for this website ....it has been the practice at KM....I humbly invite Mr. Davies to log on to his website...he travels back home every week after all...and download the pdf schedule timetable on this state of the art website....he will find LAST SUMMERS AND LAST WINTERS schedules!!!!!!!!!! Summer 2011 is nowhere to be seen...let alone Winter 2011/12. Wake up Mr. Davies, DO YOUR JOB, that is if you're not here to be the government's henchman, destroy 511 Maltese families, take your money and leave. Honorable Tonio Fenech...how can the Virgin Mary ever pardon you for this?
Toninu, ha nghidlek jien. Meta kulhadd fl-Airmalta, imsafrnu f'saqajh fuq il-futur tieghu, diga hemm nies li 1. iggaranthulhom il-job. 2. Diga TAWHOM ZIEDA KBIRA FIL-PAGA ta xi 5000 euro. 3. sahansitra tawhom il-fakulta li jahdmu mid-dar! u dan meta l-kumpannija falluta u ser jispiccaw in-bies bla xoghol. Dawn mhux allegazzjonijiet. dawn FATTI !! u nisfida lil management jew lil ministru buiex igidibbni. Fost dawk li ffirmaw kontra l-piloti hemm minnhom dawn. Il-unions joqghodu kwieti fuq dawn l-affarijiet ? Qed nistenna twegiba.
@ mikegold117 Ahjar flok tghajjarni bil fantasija, tmeri b'xi mod dak li ktibt jien. Hafna drabi il verita twegga. Nerga nistaqsi jekk dawn it 62 jafux diga li mhux ser jinghataw sensja bhal mijiet minn shabhom? Biex hadu lil ALPA il qorti sinjal li hobzhom mahbuz.
My first comment was addressed to the editor,if you felt that I was referring to you, well you must have recognised yourself in what I wrote. why should I provide my name ,when none of you do? Unless you reallly are called cool breeze! And it really is none of your business if I am one of the 62 or even if I have any connection to Airmalta,my comment was addressed to the editor not to you. I wonder why you think I am superior to most of you? My comments were not political nor where they defending or opposing the above article.I proved my arguments because unfortunately comments are uploaded immediately without being moderated-you did say you agree with my submissions,mostly I copied and pasted this websites guidelines for the comment board! I rather liked your nom de plume, so I nicked it,however it being so hot, I thought uncool was more appropriate For the rest of your comments, I must say you really are a charitable fellow!
Tistew fursi tfemuni x'qed jigri ax ma qecc nifimkem. Teqtewli qalbi nippruva jahasra daqs kemm tibtku tqil... vieru tidru pravi.
Joseph MELI
DEAR UNCOOL BREEZE Start by practising what you preach and provide your real name and lets hope you spell it correctly -but as you are obviously far superior to most of us plebs you will be constrained to remain incognito!.I only wish I knew the names of these gallant 62 Air Malta sycophants-perhaps your are one of them-lodging a judiicial protest against their fellow brethren to express my opinion personally of their traitorious action.However,after all that, I must confess I mostly tend to agree with your submissions -sorry for that validation from such a poorly-educated wretch as myself!
@shawn mula How come you know so much whilst the media doesn't? . How about starting a newspaper yourself and illuminate us on what is really going on in Malta?
@humantorch You so prove my argument...Caps lock and all! Where in my comment did I mention politics ....il kelma hdura biss fhimt qisek min kul ma ktibt @Editor So I was right, these comments are not moderated, they are uploaded automatically after all....
bertu pathalogical lair
AN open comment to the Editor I follow all media pages and comments to get an unbiased view of certain issues but do not comment myself as I believe it is a matter of preaching to the converted.However, in view of what I keep reading in certain sections of your online newspaper, I felt I had to make an exception to express my disgust at certain language and comments,usually accompanied by caps locks and atrocious spelling and generally serving only as a way to be utterly offensive and give vent to what we in Maltese call 'hdura' All this is in blatant disregard for your very own guidelines and rules, which one must agree to, before signing in to comment in this website, and I quote "MaltaToday.com.mt allows people to post under nicknames and we want to make sure that everybody feels welcome to comment on the content provided here, but we expect users to abide by some guidelines. Be relevant, be aware that what you write may be misunderstood, so think before you post: and think of the consequences of what you post on the internet. Be mature with your contributions and considerate towards others, and keep it a constructive environment for debate. Don't let this space become a slanging match!   1. Feel free to debate but do not resort to personal attacks on authors, other users or any third party. 2. We will not tolerate racism, sexism, homophobia or other forms of hate-speech, or contributions that could be interpreted as such. 3. Extremely offensive or threatening posts will be removed: libellous accusations, or comments that offend religious beliefs, as governed by the law of Malta, will have to be removed. 4. We welcome criticism on our newspapers, but misrepresentation of the company Mediatoday Ltd and its products, or of our journalists will be thoroughly assessed: anything that is not constructive or that is meant to smear will be removed. 5. Content that is spam-like will be removed. 6. Repeated and persistent contributions that do not provide any constructive debate, but appear to be annoying readers - trolling - will not be tolerated and such users will be de-registered.. I wonder if most of the comments are moderated .If they are, then I can only feel that these comments denigrate your newspaper and lower it to the standard of what I can only think of as gutter journalism.They are an insult to readers who access the site to obtain an "impartial" view of certain issues of interest.
@mikegold read again between the lines. I said Bundy was asked not to air the program on Air Malta by JM. This has nothing to do with money or Bundy betraying the PN or Bundy being paid by PL. For a matter of fact even the GWU asked Bundy not to air the program from their theater in Valletta consequently he went to The Palace in Sliema.This KM saga has the potential to bring the government down and the opposition with it if certain agnedas are exposed.
@Toninu, ara l-fantasija tigri bik sewwa ta!!!!
ic-cuc tal Alpa qed jitkellem ghax ahmar izjed mil-pepprin ghax kieku anke rasu l-isfel kin joqghod. nahseb li Duminku bena u Wistin imliegha mhux hekk kien. @S. Mula, bundy kien jghid affarijiet ohra qabel ra d-dawl tal-flus mil-pl, allura qabel kien giddeieb u issa sar onest
Ikolli nghid li dawk it 62 haddiem li fethu process fil qorti kontra l-ALPA diga jafu li mhux ser ikunu mal grupp ta 550 haddiema shabhom li ser jitkeccew min ma l-Air Malta. Ghax jekk tkun taf li ser titkecca xi skop hemm li tidhol il qorti kontra il piloti? Nahseb li dawn it-talin ghandhom hafna x'jispjegaw.
some unreported facts for the readers: a large chunk of the 52 Million EUR was used to pay pending BOV loans. (non guaranteed loans that were taken in winter to pay for the worker's wages) Another private Maltese Bank has loans with the company. These loans were never paid and shall never be paid. This Bank is owned by a well known Maltese Group of Companies. The Company's bankruptcy shall be the first step of the privatization process. This private bank shall then effectively control the remaining assets of the company once it is being liquidated. In the mean time........the Opposition is being held at ransom by another group of companies (with controlling interests in air malta) who has financed his electoral campaign (as leader of the party)....for some clues on this the readers are kindly asked to watch the recording of Bundy's 'Affari Taghna' on Air Malta and listen carefully to what Bundy says at the end of the program. PS JM tried to stop the program from being aired on on the instance of his electoral campaign sponsors ....as a matter of fact the program's venue was in the 11th hour GWU was asked to stay relatively silent on the matter by the leader of the opposition......
Joseph MELI
What about the 62 Scabby-assed bastards at Air Malta who have filed a judicial protest against ALPA ?Who are these stooges and what branches of the airline do they represent- do they include board members perhaps?These low-life ass-wipes have probably been coerced into this protest by dangling the carrot of job security if they took such action and who funded the bill for such a protest action one wonders?
NOW THAT THE GOVERNMENT HAS BLINKED, WHAT DOMINIC OF THE 70'S HAD BUILT MUST BE SAFEGUARDED BY ANOTHER DOMINIC, FOUR DECADES LATER. While a strike is an action of last resort, it must not be taken off the table unless ALPA is re-assured that AIRMALTA will remain a national asset. The SUBSIDY PIE that had been shared by the cabals of the MHRA in the last decade and which amounts to tens of millions of euros must be shared by AIR MALTA & SELMUN PALACE. Why is this government subsidizing private enterprise at the detriment of state entities and their employees. Tax payers money should be used to help other Maltese workers not unbridled greed that fall into bed with the administration in order to bribe and collude with the government for self indulgence. In GOD we trust but like the decade of the 70's in DOMINIC we have faith that ALPA will find the solutions to save AIRMALTA. Should we take a referendum if the CUC MALTI from ALPA can save AIRMALTA? The answer is absolutely and the governments first action if it needs to confirm it's commitment to AIRMALTA would be to send these foreign executives who are nothing but self interest demigods back to where they came from.
Ara x' jahsbu l-haddiema tal Airmalta fuqkom Domnic http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20110712/local/air-malta.375188
Mela issa il Ministru Tonio Fenech sar jifhem v`avjazzjoni ? Sa ftit gimghat ilu kien stqarr li huwa cuc f`dan ir rigward. Ara veru qeghed sew dan il pajjiz ta.