Updated | Joseph Cuschieri ‘shows political immaturity’, says Simon Busuttil

Labour MEP Joseph Cuschieri hits back with accusation of "political irresponsibility."

In a statement reacting to accusations of "political immaturity" by PN MEPs Simon Busuttil and David Casa, Labour MEP Joseph Cuschieri in turn accused the two of not only political immaturity, but "political irresponsibility" based on “personal animosity and partisan interests.”

“My political maturity depends on actions and not words,” Cuschieri said, adding that those who had ignored the mandate of 19,672 Maltese and Gozitan voters for two years and sat idle when they could have done much due to personal animosity and partisan interests “are not only politically immature, but also politically irresponsible.”

Cuschieri said that Simon Busuttil’s declaration that Malta’s sixth MEP seat is assured until after the coming MEP election “is worrying for the democratic process which was held during the last MEP election.”

He added that the statements also revealed a disinterest among Nationalist MEPs towards speeding up the process. “Simon Busuttil’s declaration showed that he does not believe in the country’s democratic process and in Malta’s sixth parliamentary seat.”

Cuschieri also hit out at Casa’s statement that the government had been doing its best to speed up the process, saying this was “empty and lacking in substance.”

“David Casa should have given an account of the work done by the Nationalist government this regard,” he said. “Unfortunately, aside from the ratification of the protocol by the Maltese government, this account cannot be given as nothing concrete was done to begin with.”

Cuschieri said that both Busuttil and Casa knew how the ratification of the protocol had been pending for over a year, “and not simply a few weeks or months.” He said that Casa and Busuttil should have mentioned how over a year ago, he had requested to meet them to discuss the situation in the interest of Malta.

“David Casa didn’t even deign himself to respond to my invitation, far lass attend,” Cuschieri said, adding that a meeting with Busuttil had taken place with the conclusion that Busuttil could give a report on the interventions the latter would make within the EPP.

“Since that day, no reports were made on what was done or not done,” Cuschieri said.

He called on both MEPs to say what action they had taken within the European Parliament and other EU institutions since the most recent MEP election to date, especially since the approval of the Lisbon Treaty and the signing of the protocol in June 2010.

“I completely disagree that something like the Greek situation is held hostage to this issue, especially given the guarantee of a sixth seat,” Busuttil said during a press conference held earlier.

He was asked by MaltaToday to comment on Cuschieri's recent statements urging government to withhold support for the second Greek bail-out unless it ratifies the protocol.

“This shows political immaturity,” he added, referring to how Malta’s sixth seat is already assured come the next MEP election.

Busuttil was speaking at a press conference during which he and fellow Nationalist MEP David Casa reviewed their work as Maltese MEPs.

“This is not how things are done in the European Union,” Casa said. “Shouting and stamping one’s feet is not the way to negotiate,” he added, referring to how Malta is not the only country that is still awaiting its additional seat allocation.

Casa also insisted that despite the delay in the ratification of the protocol that would allocate the increases the number of MEPs in the parliament, “I have no doubt that the government is doing its best and carrying out all the necessary negotiations to speed the process.”

He said the government was doing this though persistence with the handful of countries – among which is Greece – who have not yet ratified the protocol. “Confusing the two issues together is not the correct way of obtaining such a right,” Casa said.

Cuschieri raised eyebrows earlier this week when he wrote to Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi to complain how Malta was ratifying a second bailout for the Greek government without having demanded that the Greek ratifies the protocol governing the extra allocation of MEP seats.

“Malta will be contributing to the second Greek bailout when Greece is one of five member states dragging their feet on ratifying protocol 36… the Maltese government must demand that Greece ratifies it immediately so that its sixth MEP can take his place in the European Parliament,” Cuschieri said.

Casa and Busuttil also tabled their respective accounts during the press conference on Friday.

Busuttil spent a total of €193,123.72 on the budget claimed for recruitment and salaries paid to office parliamentary staff. His staff complement is composed of 10 individuals (six parliamentary assistants, one executive secretary, two external consultants, and one assistant).

Busuttil also spent €33,758.32 on general expenditure allowance. Busuttil’s regular home to parliament travel (and return) expenditure amounted to €21,446.36 on air travel, €1,513.17 on car travel, and €14,678.85 on distance allowed.

Busuttil’s daily subsistence allowance also amounted to €47,307.50 for 155 parliamentary days, while his Travel Allowance amounted to €1,006.10.

Casa’s own expenditure amounted to €210,909.56 on the budget claimed for recruitment and salaries paid to office parliamentary staff. His staff complement is composed of 12 individuals.

Casa’s staff complement was made up of one parliamentary assistant, one parliamentary assistant, one communications coordinator, one private secretary, four assistants, and three advisors.

Busuttil also spent €37,242.12 on general expenditure allowance. Busuttil’s regular home to parliament travel (and return) expenditure amounted to €23,879.51 on air travel, €596 on car travel, and €7,013.17 on distance allowed.

Casa’s daily subsistence allowance also amounted to €40,379, for 135 parliamentary days. He also paid back €37,667.44 to the European People’s Party.

Referring to Cuschieri’s statements, Nationalist Party General Secretary Borg Olivier also described Cuschieri’s statements as “imprudent”. He said the two Nationalist MEPs had taken care to “above all, ensure the national good.”

He added that “binding one’s claim to the Greek bail-out ignores an interest that goes far beyond that mere claim” referring to the stability of the Eurozone that hinges on the Greek economic stability.

In this, Borg Olivier said that Cuschieri should have sought consensus within structures such as the European Socialist Party.

Referring to figures detailing Maltese MEP parliamentary attendance figures, parliamentary questions, reports, interventions during plenary, declarations, and other resolutions, Busuttil and Borg Olivier said that Nationalist MEPs proved themselves more effective than the Labour MEPs.

“Statistics show that two PN MEPS were worth more than three PL MEPs,” Busuttil said. “This is clear especially when it comes to parliamentary attendance figures,” Busuttil said. “If there were three PN MEPs, the gap would be more apparent,” Busuttil speculated.

He added that in this, the PN MEP’s parliamentary attendance figures “were quite unlike those of other people”, in a not-so-subtle jibe at Labour MP Adrian Vassallo – the MP with the lowest parliamentary attendance on record.

Sur JGPEM billi toqghod tikteb b'ittri kbar, nofs il-kliem miktub hazin, nbilli toqghod issejjahli sur Gianninu u sur hehh u sur hekk, BALALU, b'daqshekk ippruvajt xi haga? Ma tarax li l-qarrejja jitmejlu bik. L-Ingilzi haddmu mohhhom ghalhekk qeghdin kif Alla jridhom. U int se thallat il-lira sterlina accettata fid-dinja kollha mal-lira Maltija li ma kien iridha hadd Jew int ghandek xi ,lawrja fl-ekonomija?
hallina kwieti Sur Giovann.DeMartino dalwaqt jigi iz zmien li inkunu nafu kemm Malta QABILLIEX tidhol fl-UE Xinti tara TAJJEB Giovanni.DeMartino fl-UE pajjizi kollha FALLUTI (1) Grecja (2) IRLANDA (3) SPANJA (4)Portugall (5) ITALJA (6) CIPRU (8) MALTA ? u NISTAW nibqaw sejrin Issa gejna OTT U Sur Giovannino ghax ser ikollna nergaw NISILFU il FLUS lil GRECJA tista tghidli Sur Giovanninu kif il GRIEGI ser IHALLSU xi 400 BILJUN li l-UE SILFITHOM ghax jekk dawn bl-GHAJNUNA kollha li qed JIRCIEVU ma jistawx IKKAMPAW kif Sur Giovanninu ser IHALLSU DJUNHOM erba TIJIEM ohra ADDIO l-ewro u ADDIO kollox Sur Giovanninu L-INGLIZI HADMU MOHHOM Sur GIANNINU ghax ma DAHLUX fiz ZONA EWRO
Il-problema issa hi li Joseph sar partitarju kbir tal-EU
Giovann.DeMartino is-CNI sabet post aktar ċentrali il-Belt għalhekk għalqet dak tal-Mosta. Are jekk dak kollu li kienet u għadha tgħid is-CNI huwiex kollu il-verità u jekk għadx jiġi żmine li mhux 'il bogħod ħafna fejn MAlta titlaq mill-UE. Jekk inthom u l-ue għandkom l-iċken ħjiel ta' demokrazija erġgħu għamlu referendum ieħor ħalli taraw jekk il-poplu Malti jridx jibqà f'dal ħmieġ, korruzzjoni, taxxi, invażjoni ta' barranin u immigranti illegali, dittatorjali ta' l-ue.
[email protected] he did not go over the top. This is what is called negotiating. I will give you this if you give me that. But GONEZI is simply a foreigners obsequious lackey. He just does whatever he is told. Yes sir, sure sir, I will do as you say sir, thank you sir. Latest statistics show the GONEZI has been keeping the tissue producers operating full time since he has to constantly wipe his nose.
duncan abela
Joe Cuschieri went a bit over the top and was unrealistic in trying to link a crucial Eurozone issue centred round Greece as a major European financial headache with the fact that JC cannot as yet access the promised sixth seat assigned to Malta as part of the Lisbon agreement and ratified well over two years ago. JC is more than right in feeling frustrated given the feet dragging by Greece and two other countries including our so called eternal best friend the UK. I get particularly angry when I see the likes of Simon Busuttil feigning discomfiture and guffawing at the attempt of JC to accede to the added seat, which was trumpeted in 2009 by SB as being a major acquisition and important benefit for Malta as a result of the Lisbon protocol. JC may not have gone about it the polished way preferred by those nicely ensconced in their MEP seats with all the perks that implies. However it is a fact that JC's unfortunate position of MEP in waiting is now well known and noted in the Brussels corridors of power. I can only surmise the added push and effort which would have gone in if the seat was not a PL won seat. For let us admit it with that seat going to the PL and consequently having a two thirds Maltese majority in the EU parliament the PN would be percieved as being a clear minority party in the EU parliament. JM must from now on be seen to be doing more to secure this sixth seat even if no doubt given his vast EU experience he will go about the issue in a much more diplomatic way.
Simon Busuttil and David Casa are just a pair of wanna be they are not even capable of representing Filfila let alone Malta, and if Simon the sour grape is inspiring one day to lead the pn then simple Simonpn would make a great slogan.
Skuzani Gary 86. Ikteb bil-Malti. Lil Privitera. Ghadek tahseb li kont JIEN li ghedtlek nazzjoanlist? Anzi bil-Malti sar ix-xoghol. Ghala l-ufficcju tas-CNI Main Str ghalaq? Kont tkun qisek il-pres. tal-Amerka sejjet hemm kollok kotba u karti biex tohrog lil Malta mill-EU. Il-kazin tal-Mosta safejn nad jien miftuh. Ghala ghalaq? Ma nafx ezatt. Forsi ghax ahna aghar mit-Talebani?
Kull meta jiftah halqu dan l-anglu di malagurio dejjem jara li l-ewwel jiehu hsieb l-interess tal-barrani anke jekk dan il-barrani hu mejjet bil-guh bhal Gecja......mela m ajmurx jiftah halqu hu u siehbu GONZI biex skond il-kuxjenza safja li ghandhom jaqbzu ghall xi malti specjalment jekk dan il-malti hu laburist? Ghaddej min ghala widnejja li dan is-soft spoken angel qieghed jipprepara biex iwahhalulu lil imghallem tieghu jekk dan ifalli fl-elezjoni li gejja ahseb u ara kemm ser jaqbez ghall-maltin mal-barranin? Tista xi hadd jghidli meta kien mal-mejda tal=kbar jilghabu il-poker min ser jghati l-inqas lil Grecja, kemm ippoppa sidru u hareg flusna minn butu halli juri li anke hu kapaci johrog il-flus ghal haddiehor...ara ghal Airmalta m'ghandux sold miskin. INtom l-ipup libsin ta' naghag WEnz u XMUN
@ Mr DeMartino With all due respect to you, i do not know who you are or what are your political views (and honestly do not care) but i know for sure what kind of person you are after i read your reply to Mr Gary86. An empty vessel if you do not apologize.
Paul Sammut
@ del martino. Mhux ahjar tmur tkokki (owling) la ma ghandekx xi twiegeb!
@eddy privitera milli smajt fil kazin li semejt int, kien qed jintuza al pole dancing u xi affarijiet il-legali ohra. pero sur demartino jidher li hu xi wihed min ta gewa min tal pn, dan il kuljom ifakarni f'sindku li kien imexxi dik il-lokalita li semejt int u gie sfiducjat mil votanti tal lokal. tghid hemm xi konessjoni bejn dawn it-tnejn min jaff
Ara min tkellem. Ma tisthux kemm ilkhom hemm ma ghamiltu xejn hlif tbaxxu raskhom. U int Casa tista tghidli xqieghed tghamel hemm? Tridux thalluna.
To: Simon Busuttil and David Casa: Who would believe you two, had the sixth seat been won by the PN ? I am sure that if Joseph Cuschieri had been given Malta's sixth seat , he would have done more than both of you ! lil Giovann deMartino: Jekk issuggerejt lil gary86 biex jikteb bl-Ingliz flok bil-Malti,lilek nissuggerilek tikteb BIS-SENS ! Meta se tghidilna ghaliex il-Kazin tal-PN tal-Mosta ghadu maghluq. U ghaliex kien inghalaq ? MIn kien li ghalqu, mhux il-pulizija ? X'kien qed isir f'dak il-kazin ? Kont bghatt ittra biex nirrispondik fit-Times dwar il-Kazin izda l-editur ghogbu ma jippublikax dik l-ittra ! Ghalhekk ghidtlek li se nibqa "nferfer " ! Eddy Privitera
giovann jien kburi bil lingwa maltija, laqwa li fimtni, pero ma kellekx biex tiribatti il punt li ghamilt jien ghax taf 100% li edt jien hija il verita sagrosanta. u hrigt barra mi sugett, sib hobby siehbi tkomplix tkun patetiku, tkun ghamilt pjacir lilek in nifsek u il ta madwarek.
Simon, political immaturity is the hallmark of those who simply go to Brussels to say yes sir, I will do as you say sit, thank you sir. Notwithstanding that Ireland also got a reduction in the interests they have to pay, and that shows how bargaining should be done, it is now also saying that it wants an extension of its bailout http://uk.news.yahoo.com/ireland-flags-extension-bailout-beyond-2013-123957945.html Ireland flags extension of bailout beyond 2013
Gary 86...nahseb ahjar tikteb bl-Ingliz!
min jaff min hu l-imatur sur simon busuttil, int imissek tisthi, ghax ghandek konflitt ta interess, fil karigga li qed tokkupa gol EU, filli tmexxi ic centru ta informazjoni dawr l-ewropa, qabel it thul ta malta fl-eu u wara li thalna fl-eu, hrigt al parlamentari ewropew taht il kappa tal gvern li hatrek chairman tal informaiton center tal eu. int messek tisthi ghax int bnidem imatur, ma ikampanjajtx ghal xejn biex malta tithol fl-eu. kemm battulna flyers fi djar. min flus il poplu? messek tisthi mhintix denn li tiraprezenta il malta fl-eu. kont qed tikampanja biex malta tithol fl-eu biex wara tikontesta ghal mep u id dahal il paga ta mep. isthi sur busuttil
Busuttil u Casa...mhux ahjar tghidulna intom x'kapaci kontu taghmlu kemm ilkom fil-parlament Ewropew...apparti li tiffangaw! Dan hu r-rapport ta' hidma? Biex tghidu li hadd iehor hu politikament immatur? Mela x'tghid ghal sidek Gonzi, Busuttil, li ivvota kontra ir-rieda tal-poplu? Jekk qed tahseb illi qed tirbah xi punti ghal girja ghal kap tal-PN se jgharralek...u issa zgur li le...u inti taf ghax id-dinja zghira!!!! U PBO irid jaqbez? Iva, PBO dawn it-tnejn ghadhom l-interess nazzjonali? Nahseb anki int ghandek l-interess nazzjonali meta mort btala bid-daghjsa ta' Vassallo. Buffu iddahhakx izjed. Kieku jien kont Nazzjonalista, Alla biss jaf x'kont naghmel biex nies bhalek ma jibqghux fil-partit...buffu!! Mur aghmel kors tal-ECDL...ikun ahjar ghalik!
THIS IS WHAT IS IMMATURE:- you have a high elite clique of EU Member States called the Eurozone of which Greece is one. You have a bullshit of a burocracy made of the European Parliament, the European Council and the European Commission and a host of other useless entities such as the European Central Bank etc. All the people in these institutions (including the Hon Simon Busuttil) spent billions of our money AND ....they were NOT ABLE to even notice that corrupt, ineffecetive and dirty Greece was cheating ALL ALONG!! When the EUROZONE was on the threshold of despair they suddenly woke up, when even the most ignorant EU citizen knows that you dont bend down when there is a Greek in the vicinity!! Yet now it seems that this shameless EU Member Greek State is going to drag down the whole lot into the mud!!!! THAT IS IMMATURITY, SIMON!!!
Din id dawgha mur qerrha Simon. Mela sewwa, ma taqbilx li Joseph jirrikatta lil Grecja, imma taqbel li il Grecja irrikattat lil l- U.E. kollha. Issa kun ragel u tina garanzija li il flus li SER NIDDEJNU sabiex nacevolaw il falliment tal Grecja, meta u kif ser nehduhom. Il bqija aktar ma int u l-erba shabek li hemm go Brussels tifthu halqkhom fuq id djun u is sitt siggu aktar qeghedin taqaw ghar redikolu , ghax qeghedin turuna li bla bocci. IZ ZAQQ IL MIMLIJA DEJJEM GIET GHALA SOR...MIZ ZAQQ IL VOJTA..
Cuschieri is no God's gift to Labour whatever the boy might think; however,a fake, I think he is not!
If it was a nationalist MEP, you clowns ,busuttil and casa and your capo pinnochio would have done every thing possible to have his seat in the EU parliament. ja zewg BUFFI
La huwa Laburist huwa immatur Ara kieu kien Nazzjonalist kieku Matur, Bravu, Anglu,intelligenti, soffistika, onest, mhux arroganti, joqod lura milli jimla butu, mhux marmala u haqqu jiehu anki dak li mhux tieghu, bastu ikun Nazzjonalist, anti Laburista jew LAQI
WHat's immature about Tit-for-tat in politics? Hokkli dari u nhokklok tieghek, isn't it your credo Simon? If in doubt how about asking your boss gonzi how it works out to keep the party afloat.
Typical of a nazzi politician: I'm alright, F*** You Jack.
Paul Sammut
Hobzu mahbuz u rasu qeda tikber so much that he's started believing he can replace Dr Gonzi hands down overnight. But would the clergy accept him?
Nahseb kieku kien f postu kien jghid l istess. Komplu oholmu fuq il-Grecja. Flok ha tfalli din is-sena ha tfalli id-diehla, jekk le ta wara. Ma ssolva xejn. L'aqwa hemm Barroso jidhaq bla sens quddiem il-cameras taparsi qed jahseb xi haga ta barra minn hawn u inkwetat u Von Rompuy li lanqas jaf x qed jigri. Dan tajjeb biss biex jaqra il-karti li jtuh u jara dahallux ic-cheque fl-ahhar tax-xahar. Ahjar tibdew tahsbu x se jigri jekk il-Germanja tieqaf ghax fuqha qed izomm kollox. No Germany means the end for the EU!
I wonder in who's interest you are working for, Dr.Busuttil !. It's a pity Malta have people like you to represent it.
Il--Partit Laburista m'ghandu JINSA QATT U QATT l-attitudni li l-gvern nazzjonalista minn dejjem mexa biha kontra l-interessi ta' ndividwi LABURISTI. Din ta' Cuschieri hija l-iktar haga sfaccata li qatt kellna meta bi dritt huwa membru fil-Parlametn Ewropew imma minhabba n-nuqqas ta' hegga u bzulujada parti tal-gvern nazzjonalista Cuschieri se jibqa barra. Din ma hi xejn inqas minn HDURA da parti tal-gvern ta' gonzi li hawnhekk ma tnigzux il-kuxjenza meta Kristu qal dak li taghmlu magharkom tkunu qeghdin taghmluh mieghi. Mela il-hdura kontra Cuschieri ghax hu Laburist tmur kontra t-taghlim ta' Kristu imma hawn hekk il-KUXJENZAta' gonzi hija safja. u jiena nghid lil gonzi kompli uri din il-hdura u nkejja u mibgheda lejna l-Laburisti u nizgurak illi fl-elezzjoni li jmiss inti ser tiehu l-ikbar tkaxkira li qattha l-partit tieghek u mhux biss fl-elezzjoni lokali imma anke f'dik ta' l-Ewropa ghax NINI NINI TTELLGHU 3. Viva l-kuxjenza safja tan-nazzjonalisti mmexxija mis-safi gonzi+& Co.
The saddest part in this act of comical theatre is the fact that we a re probably looking at the successor of Lawrence Gonzi. He has spent 10 years learning the bureaucratic financial maneuvers in Brussels, then if he becomes the PN Chosen One he will adopt these same tax and spend policies on the backs of the Maltese people. What a phony SOB !
Simon Busuttil is simplyu trying to obscure the fact that his governmem is either too spineless to safeguard Malta's rights or esle is putting party interests before the NAtional interets - pretty usual for thj Pn. Like his party, he has not yet come to terms with the fact that the Maltese electorate decided to give 4 seats to the LP - it still stick in their throats, so they are shamefully colluding with other states to deny Malt of this sixth seat which is our by right. Truly shameful
Ghandek ragun TITKELLEM hekk Xmun Busutill ghax GHALIK L-UE hija IL PAPPA tieghek ghax fghaxar snien SIRT MILLJUNARJU Xmun min jaf li kieku kont INT is 6 membru jew membru tal PN konyx titkellem biex TIDHOL Dr Gonzi ma ghandux HALQ bix JITKELLEM iew JIBZA JIFTAH HALQU GHAX SKUZI JISTMAWH FIL WARRANI