Safi riots shed light on inhumane 18-month detention policy

Asylum seekers in the closed Safi detention centre rioted today after losing appeals on their rejected claims that meant a 12-month detention would be extended to 18 months.

Additional reporting by Miriam Dalli

A riot instigated by asylum seekers inside Malta’s closed detention centre in Safi, to which journalists are not allowed access, is believed to have been started after the majority of some 271 detainees had their claims for protection rejected at the appeals stage, with the result of having their detention extended from 12 months to 18 months.

The protests of the day, which saw army and police riot squads enter the closed Safi compound to quell the agitation with tear gas, shine a light on the arbitrary policy of detention that is heavily criticised by the Council of Europe’s human rights commissioner.

The Maltese authorities detain migrants for a maximum duration of 12 months, if they have applied for asylum but have not yet received a final decision on their claims. If an asylum application is still pending after 12 months, the person is released.

However, if before this time their asylum claim for protection is rejected by the Commissioner of Refugees and then rejected by the Refugee Appeals Boards, their detention is automatically extended to 18 months.

This highly questionable policy seems to have created the perfect storm today, when 271 asylum seekers in detention received rejections to their claims that, in the most part, meant they would be further detained for a full 18 months.

This policy is at odds with the July 2010 judgement of the European Court of Human Rights against Malta in the case of Louled Massoud, relating to the 18-month detention of an Algerian asylum seeker, whose claim had been rejected at appeals stage before the 12-month detention period.

In this case, the Court noted that there were grave doubts as to whether the grounds for Massoud’s extended detention – ostensibly with a view to deport him – remained valid for the entire period of detention, because his expulsion was not a realistic prospect.

Since the internationally-criticised deportation of 220 Eritreans in 2002, Malta has never deported any rejected asylum seekers to the Horn of Africa countries.

The Maltese authorities have on several occasions stated that mandatory detention is necessary as a deterrent and to “ensure public order”, while also to carry out repatriation.

But it is questionable as to how public order can be maintained under the 18-month detention mechanism, as today’s riots in Safi and previous ones show.

The CoE’s Human Rights Commissioner, Thomas Hammarberg, has in the past urged the Maltese authorities to execute rapidly the judgment of the Strasbourg Court rendered in the case of Louled Massoud.

But the Maltese government is currently engaged in drawing up a report to the Council of Europe’s department for the execution of judgements, to challenge the effects of the binding judgement on Maltese law.

Government statement

In a statement issued by the Ministry for Justice and Home Affairs this evening [there was no press conference organised for journalists]

said 23 detainees “identified as the most violent during the riot” would be arraigned shortly. 

The ministry said that of the 271 protesting asylum seekers, 148 were amongst arrivals who fled Libya back in March and whose claim for protection had been rejected on appeal.

Since 28 March, 1,535 migrants entered Malta mainly from Libya. By July, 722 claims had been processed, with 574 being given some form of protection while 148 were rejected.

The ministry said these figures showed “the work of the asylum determination process was proceeding speedily.”

“Those who deserve some form of protection received it relatively quickly, but there is no exception for those who do not deserve protection,” the ministry said.

Riot squad called in

In a description of events relayed by the ministry, the government said that at 7:15am at Safi’s warehouse 1, two detainees climbed over and sat on the barbed wire fence in protest.

Joined by another two, the detainees complained that they were being held in detention even though they were minors. On this fact alone, the Refugee Commissioner confirmed to the ministry that the two claimants had been found not to be minors by the age assessment team, back in April 2011.

The two protestors later climbed down the fence after this information was communicated to them.

At the same time however, a sizeable amount of detainees – 271 – started protesting against the news that their asylum claim had been rejected on appeal.

“The migrants became violent and started throwing sewage to whoever went close to them, even though the Head of Detention Services [Lieut. Col. Brian Gatt] tried to negotiate with them,” the ministry said.

“The situation escalated as the majority of the 271 immigrants at Warehouse 1 were involved in an unprovoked uprising as they assaulted the fence, hurled sizeable stones at Detention Services workers and soldiers, broke beds and walls to arm themselves and burnt skips. They also managed to open a hole in the fence and went out from there.”

The ministry said that riot squads from the Armed Forces and Police brought the situation under control “in a controlled manner” at around noon.

15 police officers and three soldiers were slightly injured during the operation and were given assistance on the place by an army doctor. One detainee was also slightly injured and subsequently taken to a polyclinic for care.

The ministry also reported that the fence suffered extensive damage and a new hut used by the guards was broken together with a number of beds, wooden partitions, and windows at Warehouse 1. Two skips were set on fire. The windows of an army workshop and a number of vehicles parked inside were hit by stones thrown by the detainees.

Asylum seeker speaks out

One asylum seeker who covered his face with a white shirt so as not to be identified, told MaltaToday during the day's protest that he had fled Libya when the war broke out, leaving behind him his wife and children.

He claimed that “Malta had taken away my mobile phone and money” and that the country “is like Libya and not Europe”.

Other asylum seekers said they wanted to leave the island and go to Italy.

Another one asked journalists: “How would you feel if you were put in detention for six months?” 

Asked what would they do should they be given freedom - even though they had no money - the asylum seekers said they would ask for their money back and seek work.

As protesters were handcuffed and taken to the Police Depot for interrogation, the asylum seekers started shouting “they want to take our brothers to prison.”

Qed jinqaghalek nifsek ftit ftit. Semmili FATTI KONKRETI u nurik jekk insejtx jew le.
Is SITTINIJIET insejthom, mela ibda bihom ....Sur Giovann...jew tisthi...
Ibqa' ghaffeg! Dawk ic-cwiec li kienu fil-kazin ma hadux il-ligi b'idejhom. Dawk iddefendew ruhhom bhalma kellhom dritt u hargu liberati. Il-ligi f'idejhom haduha dawk il-kriminali laburisti li bidlu r-rotta apposta halli jkunu jistghu ikissru l-kazin. Bhalma fl-ahhar mill-ahhar ghamlu ghal sittax-il sena shah. Tantx issemmi li xi hadd jiehu l-ligi f'idejh ghax hemm hafna kazi fejn il-lejber ha l-ligi f'idejh. Ezempju klassiku meta l-KBIR kisser l-arbli tar-rediffusion. Dak in-nhar hadd ma ghajru traditur u hadd ma hebb ghalik. Kien ghadu Salvu.
Tghejdx hmerijiet sur Giovann...Mela ghawn xi hadd jista jiehu il ligi f`idejh ? Halli inkomplilek ftit iehor, halli nurik kemm ma tafx xejn. Dawk li baqaw il kazin kienu c bit tikka. Minghajr ma insemmi liema kazini ,tal P.N. dawn kienu jew jirrangaw taht xi tarag, jew isibu kamra wahda u jghamluh kazin. Ghalfejn ? Sabiex meta ikun hemm xi demostrazzjoni min naha tal lejber, kienu ihalli per ezempju 50.00 lira f`affarijiet, u l-ghada wara it trumbetti fil gazzetti nazzjonalisti, li kissru il kazin ta hemm ( li ikun toqba Giovann ), jiklejmjaw u jiehdu 3000.00 liri maltin , li ghal dak iz zmien kienu paga ta sena. Dan nafu min wiehed nazzjonalist aktar minek li kien imexxi wiehed min dawn il kazini. Kien jiehu pjacir li jitkisser, jitlob lil Bambin sabiex tal lejber jghamlu id demosstrazzjonijiet. Nerga nghejdlek ...mur fuq dak is sit u tara hafna aktar min ta Haz
When you are in a hole, sur guidaforte, stop digging. Ma semmejt assolutament xejn hlief meta waqghu ilk-balavostri.....Dawk li kienu gewwa kienu verament eroj ghax sfidaw ir-regim dittatorjali laburisti, sfidaw il-marmalja li kiisret il-ligi u ghaddiet minn quddiem il-kazin maghluq avolja ma kellhiex tghaddi minn hemm u ippruvaw jidhlu l-kazin halli kif qal l-imhallef "zgur mhux biex jiehdu drink ma dawk li kienu gewwa. Dawn ma kellhomx triq ohra hlief jiddefendu ruhhom u hwejjighom. INSELLMILHOM MINN HAW LIL DAWK L-EROJ.
Ser ikolli naqbel ma dawk li ihobbu jorkuk ta... Mela jien qatt chadt li tal lejber ma kienux imqarbin. Ammettejt li jien kont wiehed minnhom, pero trid tkun ma nafx x`hiex biex ma taccettax, il vjolenza nazzjonalista. Ma iridx nerga nibghatek fuq il " (pero ghal dawk interessati nghejdilhom morru fuq dan is sit halli taraw il qaddisin nazzjonalisti ) ghax tghejd li dawk ir ritratti graw is Somalja u mhux per ezempju haz Zebbug meta waqaw il balavostri wehidhom...Hallina Giovann. Jekk veru int ma tibzax issemmi il passat ibda mil hmieg li kien isir fis sittinijiet .Jew dak iz zmien ma jghoddx.
Ser ikolli naqbel ma dawk li ihobbu jorkuk ta... Mela jien qatt chadt li tal lejber ma kienux imqarbin. Ammettejt li jien kont wiehed minnhom, pero trid tkun ma nafx x`hiex biex ma taccettax, il vjolenza nazzjonalista. Ma iridx nerga nibghatek fuq il " (pero ghal dawk interessati nghejdilhom morru fuq dan is sit halli taraw il qaddisin nazzjonalisti ) ghax tghejd li dawk ir ritratti graw is Somalja u mhux per ezempju haz Zebbug meta waqaw il balavostri wehidhom...Hallina Giovann. Jekk veru int ma tibzax issemmi il passat ibda mil hmieg li kien isir fis sittinijiet .Jew dak iz zmien ma jghoddx.
Sur Guidaforte...jiddispjacini ghalik li trid tiddefendi dak li hadd ma jista' jiddefendi: jigifieri l-passat vjolentissmu tal-lejber. Hemm wisq, wisq u wisq xhieda biex issallabkom mhux ghal kwart ta' seklu, bhalma ghamlet, imma ghal ghomorkom kollu. Unutli tipprova tichad ghax apparti eluf ta' zghazagh li ma jiftakrux, kulhadd jassocja s-70/80 ijiet mal-vvjolenza ORGANIZZATA tar-regim.
Hbieb ara kemm is Sur Giovann ma jaf xejn.....Jien kont inkun wiehed li inwahhal il ritratti / posters tal kandidat/i li ikun ser johrog ghal l-elezzjoni mal hitan, ghax hekk kienet id drawwa. Jien kont mil Belt , allura dejjem hdimt ghal xi kandidat laburista ovvja. Konna inkunu gaj ta xi ghaxra, b`sellum li jitla xi zewg sulari u inwahhlu. F`xi hin jigu gaj iehor ta kandidat nazzjonalista u jghejduli ..." Isma kif qeghed hemm fuq wahhlilna ftit min tghana ukoll " .Ma konniex insibu problema ,ghax umbaghad intuhom min taghna u iwahhluhom hdejn taghhom band ohra. Qeghed nitkellem fil bidu tas 70, sa ma inqataw. Daqshekk konna niggieldu Giovann. Il hazin li qeghed tghamel huwa li tibqa tredden fuq il passat.
Sur Giovann... Thallatx il hass mal Gass.....sorry b riedet tigi ......Li qeghed nghejd jien ma ghandux x`jaqsam mal politika imma mal football, u l-aktar glieda li tibqa imsemmijha kienet go Manuel Island, bejn Il Belt u B`Kara, fis sena 1965 meta kien hemm il P.N. fil gvern.Dawn il hmerijiet baqaw sejrin sa ma morna ta Qali. Jigifieri graw taht iz zewg partiti Giovann. Dak akwantu tal football. Jekk nigu ghal vjolenza politika., bhal ma diga ghedtlex xi sittin darba. Issa ser nghejdilek bil kapital letters forsi xi darba iddahhala f`rasek . JIEN KONT WIEHED MIL L-IMQARBIN FIL PARTIT LABURISTA. XEJN MA IHAMMARLI WICCI, GHAX DAQS KEMM TAJT ...QLAJT MIN NAZZJONALISTI. Daqs kemm ghamlu il laburisti ghamlu in nazzjonalisti. Illum nikkundanna liz zewg partiti, pero infakkrek u int ghedta b`halqek stess li KIEN DR. ALFRED SANT LI KIEN L-AKBAR RAGEL U LI KIEN KAPACI IWAQQAF DARBA GHAL DEJJEM DAWN IC CUCATI. Li meta thares lura tifhem li kienu ikunu il kbarat tal partiti stess li ikkesksuna ghal xulxin.
Hu l-parir tieghi Tonin u sib passatemp iehor. M'intix kapaci. Ghax biex thallat persuna, hi min hi u hi ta' liema kulur hi u li qeghda taqla' lira ma' grupp ta' vandali li jkissru u jaharqu dak li hadu bi flusi u bi flusek...posssibbli int tant stupidu li ma tarahiex id-differenza?
@ demartino Sorry Profs:) Insejt li int biss tifhem f'kollox. Nerga niskuza ruhi mieghek li telliftek milli tkompli iddahakkna. Inweghdek li ma nergax:)
Naqbel perfettament ma' guidaforte. F'sittax-il sena ta' regim laburista kien ikollna hafna izjed inkwiet kuljum precett. U kienu l-Maltin stess li jsawtu u jkissru Maltin ohra bhalhom.
Ma nafx jekk ghandhiex nidhaq jew nibki f`dan il pajjiz....Ghax persuni li qeghdin jinzammu kontra ir rieda taghhom bhal ma kienu izommuhom fl- iskjavitu sakemm ibieghawhom, ghamlu daqxejn ta moviment sabiex juru li ghadhom hajjin, qeghedin nghamlu dal plejtu kollu. Jekk thares lejn l-ispiza li ghamlu taqbad tidhaq. 1000 ewro jew 400 bil Lira maltija, somma li wiehed fis sakra fil festa jaqbizha. Niftakar zmien li fil ground tal Gzira l-istadjum...meta kienu jilghabu loghba football, specjalment il Belt u il Floriana, kien ikun hemm inkwiet 10 darbiet aktar mill kien hemm Hal Safi. Veru li il gazzetti iridu jimlhuhom b` xi haga imma f`gieh Alla, naqra rispett....Jien nemmen li il gerha hija l-awtorita, ghax qeghed tkaxkar saqajha sabiex tevaljuha il pozzizjoni taghhom. Jekk qeghdin jieklu , jixorbu u jigu mantnuti, min fuq daharna it-tort mhux taghhom, imma ta min gabhom hawn kontra ir rieda taghhom, u qeghed jehohda easy biex jara x`ser jghamel bihom.
Tonin, aghmel pjacir lilek in-nifsek u tibqax tizzattat gham ma tinqaghlax! Jien urejtek bic-car kemm int stupidu li thallat lil dawk, ta' liema kulur huma i jkunu qeghsin jahsmu haw ma dawk li wara li nilqghuhom u nippruvaw nghinuhom mir-risorsi limitatissmi taghna, minn fuq dawn ikissru u jaharqu. Trid tkun int biex takkuzani b'razzizmu ghax ktibt hekk. Thallatx lil EFA ma Joseph il-gdid. EDA kien hazin, antikwat ecc. Imma Joseph modern u progressiv u ried jibghathom lura ha jsibu ruhhom f'qiegh ta' bahar. Tibqax taqa' ghac-cajt.
Censinu, you are xenophobic, if you know what the word means. I have frriends of many colors but they are hardworking people and are not illegals and want everything for free. You need to examine what is going on in Malta before you talk and stop talking out of your a**. Malta is full up, and based on the times artilcle of those arrested, they were all from countries where things are ok and they were going to be deported. Get your facts straight. What I cannot believe is how Malta has become the dumping ground of Africa. Sad but true. I for one does not live in my country being overtaken by a bunch of illegal migrants who will in a few years start dominating my country. I don't want that for myself or my children. If you want that, too bad. And I stand by what I said. stop wasting my tax money and the majority of the maltese and gozitans tax money on this kind of nonsense. We had enough. And on top of it, they attack our brother and sisters - the police and the soldeirs. YOu as a maltese should be ashamed of yourself. Really ashamed to be called a maltese above all. Take a hike.
@demartino Li int nazzjonalist ma kellna l-ebda dubju. Li ghandek tendenzi razzizsti hija gdida ghalina. La semmejt lil Joseph Muscat, nixtieq infakkrek x'ghamel EFA meta dahhlu l-vapuri bl-Albanizi li rega baghtom lura f'halq il lupu f'pajjizhom. Jekk taqfel lil dawk kollha li mhux suwed u li mhumiex membri ta l-EU li qeghdin Malta bla permess ghal 18 il xahar go gagga bla dinjita ta xejn ibqa cert li ghar min dawk maqfula f'Hal Safi jaghmlu. Issa kompli ohlom li gejja xi russa tnewwilek xi fliexkun birra:)
The problem is that Malta is already over populated as it is and therefore we cannot guarantee a refugee status to every one who comes over to our shores. One also has to take into consideration that tough the EU is a single block no other European state wants to take over some of these refugees and give them a refugee status in their country. Over the years the country which took over the largest amount of migrants was the United States which obviously is not an EU member. Malta cannot give a refugee status to those which are not refugees because if today we give a refugee status to these guys which are not eligible for it we will end up with thousands more on our shores pretending to get this status as well and if we fail to give them this status we would be accused of discriminating them.
Do you know the difference between: * Illegal immigrant * Refugee * Immigrant * Foreign worker * Tourist ? If yes, then you can start to understand what this is all about. These people in the detention centres are NOT refugees. They are not fleering from war or are in danger of being killed. That's the truth. How they came over and their treatment in Malta is another story. But please first let's understand what's this all about.
Tonin, jiddispjacini, imma anki haw qed tikteb il-hmerijiet: Jekk bjonda Russa iggiblek flixkun birra, u jekk bjonda Svediza tnewwillek xi zewg pasti u jekk ginglija mILL-Ukraina tigi tghum hdejk.......fawk ma jkunux qeghdin ikissru u jaharqu dak li t-taxpayer ikun ipprovdielhom. Jien kontra taghhom mhux ghax suwed, imma mhabba l-imgieba taghhom. HUMA stess qeghdin joholqu r-razzizmu. Fl-ahhar mill-ahhar jien marridx naghmel bhalma ssuggerixxa Joseph Muscat li naghmlu bhal Berlusconi,
Min jemmen li dawn r russi mhux qed jaghmlu l hsara l labor market qieghed jarralu. Naf nies fit turizmu u saret vera difficli ghalihom li isibu xoghol b'paga/kundizzjoni dicenti. Hu ghalhekk li ghandna bzonn ta kontroll ASOLUT fuq l immigrazzjoni jigi min fejn jigi. Jekk haddiem barrani hemm bzonnu mela l gvern ghandu jaghmel min kollox biex dan jhossu home hawn Malta. Jekk le, mela ghandu jparpar min hawn ASAP. . Fuq l immigrazzjoni illegali, din la qatt kella tkun problema taghna (ahna ma ikolonizzajna lil HADD) u lanqas ghanda tkun problema taghna. L Gvern ghandu johrog mid Dublin 2 u jinkoragixxi l immigranti jitilqu fl North tal Ewropa. Min ihobb jisraq r rizorsi u jaqla l gwerrer quddiem dar haddiehor ghandu igawdi l konsegwenzi hu u mhux ahna.
Naqra certi kummenti, u ma niddejjaqx xejn nghid li nisthi li jien Malti. X'ipokrezija. Ara jekk jaraw xi ragel ma xi bjonda Russa ( ma ghandi xejn kontra il barranin ) hemm niggustawh. Ara jekk tmur go xi bar u iservik xi Bulgaru hemm ok. Ara jekk tmur go xi hotel u issib xi receptionista Svediza dik accetabli. Ara jekk kull job li jithallas bil belli liri qed johduhom il barranin ma hemmx x'taghmel. IMMA jekk tara iswed jigbor iz-zibel f'xemx taqli il klieb, hemm ghandna problema ghax qed jihdulna xoghlna. Din hi r-realta ipokrita f"Malta.
Jean-Claude Pace
John Azzopardi, no wonder you're a xenophobe, you don't know anything about me and here you come saying I never paid tax and that I live off benefits (by the way, benefits are always "free", that's the idea behind them really as I've never heard of anyone buying a benefit). I never said that those who did the damage should be pardoned, nor did I say I'm against detention, indeed I said that while in detention the migrants should be given some kind of training to prepare them for the labour market, in sectors where there are deficiencies in the supply side. Most migrants work, or want to. So I don't get your point about tax being paid, as if you're feeding half of Malta out of your own pocket. By the way, anyone from the Schengen area can come into Malta without asking for your permission. But I guess that's alright, since they're not blacks
Censuinu, go take a hike. YOu probobly never paid a euro in tax, has been getting all kind of free benefits and living off the maltese taxpayer, that is why you talk this way. Who are you fooling. This is not acceptable. Identify them as soon as possible, send them to jail and then deport them as soon as they serve their sentence. Anyone who does not act on these situation is endangering the maltese citizen's national human rights. WE did not ask for these people and we have no idea who they are and what they did in their past. This is insane.
Jean-Claude Pace
John Azzopardi, who are you to talk on behalf of the Maltese people? First of all, Malta should make use of its extremely limited diplomatic and political resources to push for action to be taken by the EU, UN etc. in order to prevent conflict and promote economic growth in Africa. Secondly, those immigrants who do make it to Malta should be shared with our EU partners + those who stay should be integrated. The detention period should be used to prepare the migrants for their new life in the Malta / the West. Also, immigrants in detention should be trained to gain skills that are lacking in the Maltese labour market. This would be beneficial for both migrants and the Maltese economy. Being hostile to these new members of our community will only worsen problems. It is natural to develop negative feelings towards a group of people that reject you.
In a survey conducted lately it was shown that Maltese and Migrants are not integrating into one society. So I think that it is useless to try to make them integrate into our society or to try to make us integrate them in our society. Everywhere you go and look you would see that the Maltese still give a cold shoulder to these people because the Maltese are more concerned about the problems of their own and do not want to get involved in the problems of others. These people will never fully integrate in our society and who states the contrary is living in another country.
One has to congratulate the Refugees board for doing their work in a timely way. A due process was followed and the asylum seekers may be greatly disappointed about the outcome but they have no justification to cause a riot and threaten the law enforcers once the proper procedures were followed. As regards the appalling conditions within the detention centre this has to be redressed as it is not only giving the Maltese a bad image but more importantly it ignores the ethics that detainees have the same human rights as us citizens outside the caged enclosure. Authorities should encourage self management within the centre and pay a small allowance to those amongst the prospective asylum seekers who are willing to lend a hand in improving their living conditions within. Perhaps allowing them some monitored outiside leave during the day would also help toreduce community tension and their psychological frustration.
Keeping them locked up with nothing to do is not the way to go, give them a ankle monitor, some overalls and proper working tools let them go out and make Malta nicer, paint the tunnels for example the roads markings, help do up care homes. If they don't want to then send them back.
Dear Emanuel / What you call scum had saved and is currently paying to keep this immigrants well fed and sheltered. Muslim North Africa had made their life hell while Secular Europe had hidden behind the Dublin 2 treaty to keep immigrants locked in Malta. Even the Catholic Vatican refuses to take some immigrants from us despite its teams are spamming in all directions teaching us what we should do (its such a pity that they didn't do the same in the phedofelia's case). These immigrants may not be living in a 5 star hotel condition and will struggle to make a living in Malta (lack of space, resources etc) but at least they are safe for the time being. They should really be grateful since someone here had risked his life to save them instead of pelting this very soldiers who saved them in the first place with stones / Rest assured that even if we gave them heaven on earth they would still riot. Just look what happened in Italy and France a couple of days/years back. If only they show the same passion in saving their country as they show here in getting better benefits from the taxpayers money. We would have a better world to live in
Throw the rubbish out and send them back to their war thorn country and let them revolt there to see what happens to them . They should not be treated like humans since they are not capable to act like one, and are an ungrateful race towards us tax payers who feed them.
Immaterjali mil l-inkwiet li inqala, nahseb li dawk mhux kundizzjonijiet basici fejn jghixu n-nies. Jekk tmur izzur xi Dogs Home zgur ser issib post u ambjent ahjar. Qabel ma nibdew infajru il-kummenti taghna bl-addocc ahjar naraw ftit kif nisghtu nutillizzaw lil dawn in-NIES biex sakemm jigu biex ihallu artna jkunu ta kontribut ghal pajjizna. Ejja ma inkunux xenofobici u naghmlu l-ahjar min din is-sitwazzjoni li qeghdin fiha,htija parti minnha ta kolonjalizmu u sfruttament min pajjizi hbieb taghna ewropej.
The bottom line is this. The maltese don't want these people in Malta period. We didn't ask for them and they are a burden on the maltese taxpayer/ Why we should do however, give them the option to stay in detention or return to their home country. They should never be allowed to roam our streets. That will not solve anything. WE have no idea who these people are. They could be good citizens and they could also be criminals who commited murder, robberies, or other crimes. WE have no way of knowing. The citizen must always come first and no matter what some idiot says, the citizen is the citzen of this country and that is the government's police and military first responsibility. That what other countries do. Find these hoodlums and send them back asap.
They chose to come here. Nobody forced them to come. Our land, our rules. Look what happened with their countries with no rules. Are they better off? Apart from taking resources Europe gave back medicine , knowledge and brought order. Most of what Africa has is due to Europe. Europe has given the equivalent of 3 marshall aid plans to Africa since 1950. Some of those countries have been independent for 60 years. They should have got their act together by now. Incidentally you said that no one has to abide by sovereigns rules about borders and such. Isn't that just what Europe did all those years ago? Can't have it both ways. We were a colony once. Should we ask Europe for retribution? Or should only Africans ask it?
@muscatd I don't know anyone who wouldn't stand up to torment. If someone wanted to imprison me for 18 months, I would do a lot worse. Not everyone has to abide by the sovereigns' rules about borders and such.. Their little minds divided the earth into countries and zones, when in fact it is our home as a whole. Europe stole their resources, now they have to pay back.
If a person's case is not heard withing 12 months he is released. If his case is heard and he loses his case he spends the whole period of detention ie 18 months. Nothing to do with appealing,but with whether the case is heard or not within 12 months. In any case, what right has someone to stay here if he is not a refugee or has subsidiary protection , even more so as we know nothing of their previous history . With their rejection at the appeal stage they are officially economic migrants and should be deported like migrants from Europe and Asia are.
Malta's detention policy is a breach of human rights...if a person does not appeal he will remain in detention for 12 months...if he appeals and he loses his appeal (99% of the cases), they will be sent a further 6 months in detention for doing so...Imagine a Maltese person who was fined 500 Euro and he appeals and he loses his appeal, the Court of Appeal will reject his appeal and in doing so for solely appealing he will be fined a further 500 Euro!! Imagine that!! And this is not a question of being a frivolous appeal but merely for appealing...yes I agree that they should protest to get themselves heard...It was our choice that brought them here and not theirs!! I have been in all the camps in Malta and I can assure I won't even let my dog live in there!!!
Come on tony "send them all back and sod all the black loving journalists". Really? Please keep your pitful disgusting statements for your KKK orgys.
I am sure that now the Council of Europe’s human rights commissioner will be moved by this riot and make sure that he'll take these resources to his own country.
@G em D 3 racist comments out of 4.. nice one Malta.. So it seems that you are in favour of police being beaten up and thrown stones at . Race wasn't even mentioned in my comment. Kindly explain how objecting to policemen being beaten up is racist. Do you think it is acceptable? I await your reply. All you people do is take out the race card when you have nothing valid to say. The only racist comment I see is someone who tries to justify every illegal action by wrongdoers as long as the skin colour is right.
Raymond Falzon
Send them back and sod all the black loving journalists
U BTW, jimporta Karm Mifsud Bonnici tinzel ftit mill-qamar u taghmel xi haga qabel ikun tard wisq please?
Mela ghax tikkundanna l-vjolenza tkun razzist? Ibqaw certi li kieku f'pajjizhom sabu tlett ikliet kuljum, toilets fejn ibulu u jahraw, sodda fuqiex jorqdu zgur ma kienux jaharbu. U xi nghidu ghal famuza freedom li dejjem jeqirdu. Jafu li ahna ghandna l-freedom ghax igiieldna ghalih, jafu kemm batejna gwerrer qabel hadna l-freedom. Jekk iridu jkollohom il-freedom imisshom jigieldu ghalih f'pajjizhom mhux jaharbu mbghad iriduh minn ghand haddiehor. Ahna naccettawhom wara l-vjaggi perikluzi li jkollhom u ntuhom x'jieklu u kenn. Heqq, bil-kappell li ghandna nistghu nsellmulhom. Jekk ma joghgobghomx il-kappel taghna ifitxu iehor bhal ma fittxew ghax il-kappell ta pajjizhom ma ghogobhomx. Dawn mhux sentimenti razzisti. Da zgur ma jkollix missieri suldat jew pulizija u waqt li jkun qed jaqla l-ghixien tal familja jigi mwegga minn dawn ghax iridu l-freedom. Imorru f'pajjizhom jiggieldu ghalih u ma jifqux qabel jirbhuh. Ahna l-maltin, minnkejja d-differenzi taghna ilkoll kemm ahna b'mod jew iehor ghamilna sagrificcju u batejna biex ghandna l-freedom li ghandna. Jew hasbu li freedom hi xi menu u taghzlu kif trid. Jekk biex niddefendi dan il-principju nissejjah razzist (li m'iniex) allura so be it. L-ewwel pajjizi u niesu. Guests have to wait a bit longer.
I hope they will not be sent to prison, but a one way ticket back home. In prison it is worse for all the staff in there, soon we will need to build another prison as there are more foreigners than Maltese people.....
Min jissimpatizza ma dawn in -nies ,nissuggerilu li jehodhom ghandu id-dar u irrabbihom hu,,jitmahhom ,,, jahsilihom ecc ecc....
3 racist comments out of 4.. nice one Malta..
Ibaghtuhom lejn pajjizhom halli jkollhom humane treatment.
Inhumane treatment is the treatment inflicted to the 17 police and soldiers injured by the failed asylum seekers. Note the word failed. Twice.
Put them in a boat and let them sail on to Italy or France or wherever they want to go.
Absolutely disgusting inhumane this the Christian Malta that everyone boasts about?.