Malta home to 310,409 licensed motor vehicles

With a population of some 410,000, Malta is home to a total of 310,409 licensed motor vehicles.

According to statistics issued by the National Statistics Office (NSO) the stock of licensed motor vehicles stood at 310,409 by the end of September 2011.

Of these, 76.7% were private vehicles, while commercial vehicles accounted for 15.5% of the total.

Between January and September of this year, 4,845 new licences were issued. 3,753 of the new licenses were issued to private vehicle, where the majority – 1,354 – was issued to private vehicles within the Class 1 range, with an engine power below the 1300 cc.

Vehicles with an engine power between 1,801 and 2000 cc followed this group with a total amount of 686.

Newly-licensed new motor vehicles amounted to 2,020, while newly licensed used motor vehicles totalled 2,825.

During the same period, 44 vehicles were exported. Garaged vehicles, vehicles not longer licensed for use on the road but which not been scrapped or exported, amounted to 2,574. These included 421 buses and coaches. Private vehicles accounted for 51.6% of the total garaged.