Domestic Violence unit handles 70% of reports processed by police units
The figure excludes the reports processed in police stations

Seven out of 10 police reports processed police units last year were about domestic violence, data tabled in parliament shows.
Responding to a parliamentary question made by PN MP Graziella Galea, home affairs minister Byron Camilleri broke down the number of police reports processed according to the unit that processed them.
According to the figures, 3,587 out of 5,102 reports were processed by the Gender-Based Domestic Violence Unit.
Meanwhile, the police’s Environmental Protection Unit saw the second-highest number of reports with 576 reports processed. This was followed by the Traffic Unit, handling 283 reports.
The Vice Squad and Drug Squad processed 101 and 99 reports respectively.
Last year, the Immigration Field Unit and Anti-Money Laundering Unit handled 93 and 78 cases respectively.
According to a different parliamentary question between January and November 2024, there were a total of 92,075 reports if one includes those processed by police stations. This means that police stations processed 86,973 reports.
However, when asked to break down the reports by locality, Camilleri said that the figures are rounded up according to district. He did not provide a district breakdown.