Former SAG officer was Muammar Gaddafi’s bodyguard and gunrunner

Former SAG police officer was at the heart of the Gaddafi regime throughout the revolution last year.

Ousted Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi: “It was never true government troops were on a killing spree,” claims former bodyguard.
Ousted Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi: “It was never true government troops were on a killing spree,” claims former bodyguard.

A 38-year-old retired Maltese police officer who served within the Special Assignment Group, and moved on to work as a security contractor in Iraq and Afghanistan, was hired as the chief security officer to the Gaddafi family throughout the Libyan revolution.

Tony Borg - a fictitious name to protect the man's identity who now works as a security contractor in Colombia - told MaltaToday he was exposed to Col. Muammar Gaddafi's inner core during the revolution when he was entrusted to protect family members of the Libyan leader, and also escort weapons to the frontlines defending the cities from rebel attacks.

Borg recounts how he was contracted for the job after meeting a Gaddafi family member's driver in Tunisia. "He took me to his boss who gave me the job, and I served him loyally," he said, adding that he started working just a week before protests started in Benghazi and in some suburbs of Tripoli in mid February last year.

Borg, clearly a supporter of his former employer, was highly critical of the international media and NATO for their role in "distorting truth and facts" about the situation.

"It was never true that government troops were on some kind of killing spree," he argued, going on to recount how he was exposed to phone calls in which Col. Gaddafi made it clear that he did not want anybody to shoot at or kill Libyans.

"This revolution was all about money," Borg said, as he accused the Benghazi-led National Transitional Council who started the revolution after their requests for money were turned down by Tripoli.

"They were greedy, and always wanted more, and when they could get no more, they instigated the people to revolt with the help of French, Qatari, British and American propaganda."

Revealing that Col. Gaddafi used to travel from place to place in an ordinary taxi while Nato planes flew overhead and dropped bombs over the country's infrastructure, Borg denounced what he claims was a massacre he witnessed on the outskirts of Benghazi, sometime in March last year, while he was escorting a cache of weapons to troops defending the oil-town of Brega.

"As soon as my convoy arrived, we were struck by a hell-storm of US cruise missiles that killed hundreds of Libyan soldiers," he said.

According to Borg, Col. Gaddafi's downfall was the result of a series of "betrayals" namely by his former foreign minister Musa Kusa, who defected to Britain and later to Qatar, and his former Prime Minister and oil minister Shokri Ghanem who defected to Italy and then to Vienna where he was found dead a month ago.

"These are the men who tainted the regime. They stole millions, and painted themselves as some immaculate components of a government they suddenly started to despise."

While explaining that he was regularly in the company of Seif al-Islam - the once heir apparent to the Gaddafi rule, now in captivity in Zintan and awaiting trial by the NTC - Borg says that he was disgusted with the NTC's brutal "murder" of Col. Gaddafi.

"I call it murder because the NTC had the moral obligation of ensuring a fair trial, and upholding their cause for democracy in Libya. With the way they killed Gaddafi, the NTC can never claim to be either democratic or legitimate," he claimed.

Borg concluded that Col. Gaddafi wanted to die in Sirte, known to be his birthplace.

"I heard him with my own ears. When they used to tell him to take cover or to flee to another country, he always said that he will never leave Libya, and would rather die in Sirte, like a real Libyan would do."

Tony Borg's contract in Libya expired after he safely escorted the Gaddafi family members across the border into Algeria.

What Mr. Borg tells here is the truth. The fact is that the Libyans wanting a "revolution" was a very small minority in Libya. They consisted of those loyal to the former monarchy, wherefore the revolt carried the flag of King Idries, a group who lost on the social policies of the Jamahiriya and were mostly living outside Libya, a large group of radical Islamists, such as LIFG, who have always been fighting Gaddafi, because of his liberal religous reforms, then the defected, corrupt politicians from the former Libyan government. However they got support from "outside", mainly NATO and Qatar, but also support from the media - an astonishing fact.
What Mr. Borg tells here is the truth. The fact is that the Libyans wanting a "revolution" was a very small minority in Libya. They consisted of those loyal to the former monarchy, wherefore the revolt carried the flag of King Idries, a group who lost on the social policies of the Jamahiriya and were mostly living outside Libya, a large group of radical Islamists, such as LIFG, who have always been fighting Gaddafi, because of his liberal religous reforms, then the defected, corrupt politicians from the former Libyan government. However they got support from "outside", mainly NATO and Qatar, but also support from the media - an astonishing fact.
The principal excuse for the NATO war on Libya was that Gaddafi, after retaking Benghazi, intended to liquidate at least 100,000 of his opponents. According to US- President Barack Obama, “Gaddafi declared that he would show no mercy to his own people. He compared them to rats, and threatened to go door to door to inflict punishment.” Reuters reported large differences between Gaddafi’s remarks and President Obama’s rendition: "Muammar Gaddafi told Libyan rebels that his armed forces were coming to their capital Benghazi and would not show any mercy to fighters who resisted them. He told Benghazi residents that soldiers would search every house in the city and people who had no arms had no reason to fear. He also told his troops not to pursue any rebels who drop their guns and flee when government forces reach the city." ( Logic tells us Gaddafi’s comment (much different than Obama’s presentation) was directed only to fighters and try to deter them from continued fighting. Would any leader tell his people he intended to kill masses of them? If so, they had nothing to lose by fighting. Why encourage them? Professor Alan J. Kuperman (Texas Univ.) writes in “False Pretense for War in Libya,” that Human Rights Watch reported that there has been no civilian bloodbath by Gaddafi. Such as in Misurata, with a population of 400,000 population, after two months of war only 257 people were killed, including combatants on both sides. To support a regime change, Gaddafi has been, except for a few years, under constant attack since 1969. There were multiple reasons - none of them "humanitarian" though - why the West wanted Gaddafi gone. Labelling Gaddafi a "dictator" was intended to support an invasion of Libya or an assassination of Gaddafi. However, it was not true, Gaddafi renounced formally all political power in 1977 and thereafter was only a moral and political philosopher - a guide who the majority of Libyans respected.
I should add - the same people who are such great supporters of Qaddafi - they use very simple and very racist logic - the Libyans need a dictator to run them. May i remind the readers that the British in their time use the same logic about Maltese - that we are too backwards and stupid for self rule - the logic persisted until they had no longer a need for a naval base - and kept Maltese as their servants in perpetual poverty and third-world child mortality rates for 150 years. The truth is that Qaddafi supporters need Qaddafi there - coz its the only way they could continue their illicit business with Libya - any properly run country would not have anything to do with them. Incidentally the Qaddafi that came into power in the 70's was a hero, a liberator and he assisted Malta at its time of greatest need. The Qaddafi that Gonzi meet before his demise was a brutal dictator who deserved what he got. The very fact that he would have been succeeded by his son - meant that the regime had to go. Let that be a warning to the family-mafia political system we have created in Malta.
This guy is hardly a reliable witness. What was SAG anyways, if not a paramilitary force to protect the dictators we have in our own country. What is he doing now in Columbia - protecting some drug lord. Seems this guys is loyal primarily to his pay masters and what is says is obviously wrong - so he is either lying or too stupid to understand what was going on. His type usually are very good with willful ignorance as long as they get the money - we have plenty of them in Malta.
he's nothing but a war criminal, shame on Malta for harbouring him
I have not been in Libya from just prior the start of the revolution/civil war. From what I read it is totally different Libya, free for all (as we have seen the car of Josef Bonnici stopped; everywhere arms in all levels and as I have stated from day one the issue was with the oil money being billions, as other wise if the issue was liberation there was much more to liberate in Syria. I am sure both this man and the other one of the maltese cross spoke the truth; but the bare truth is there to see (I do not like to go to see but always reading what is happening)a libya devastated with arms and fights.
this article goes on to show that at least there are honest men even in places where money seems to be everything. mr borg could have sang another song now that his boss has been murdered with the go ahead of sarkosy and cameroon and sanctioned by ban ki moon. but he stuck to his guns even now that he has nothing to gain but everything to lose unlike your libyan friend maltese cross. i am all for maltese honesty then libyan doublestandards.
Does this chap know what he's saying?
Priscilla Darmenia
A Libyan engineer friend of mine who lives in Benghazi told me different than what Mr Borg claims. He once phoned me to help him and send him some money to Cairo as he had to quickly put his family in the car and fled to Egypt when government troops occupied a suburb of Benghazi, stationed a high powered automatic gun at a crossroad not far from his house and shot cars and passers by indiscriminately. - There are always two sides of a story and I believe my Libyan friend not Mr Borg’s version.
NATIONAL REVIEW ON LINE: 090612 It was, in the words of U.N. special envoy Kofi Annan, the “tipping point” in the Syria conflict: a savage massacre of over 90 people, predominantly women and children, for which the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad was immediately blamed by virtually the entirety of the Western media. Within days of the first reports of the Houla massacre, the U.S., France, Great Britain, Germany, and several other Western countries announced that they were expelling Syria’s ambassadors in protest. But according to A NEW REPORT in Germany’s leading daily, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), the Houla massacre was in fact committed by anti-Assad Sunni militants, and the bulk of the victims were member of the Alawi and Shia minorities, which have been largely supportive of Assad. For its account of the massacre, the report cites opponents of Assad, who, however, declined to have their names appear in print out of fear of reprisals from armed opposition groups. According to the article’s sources, the massacre occurred after rebel forces attacked three army-controlled roadblocks outside of Houla. The roadblocks had been set up to protect nearby Alawi majority villages from attacks by Sunni militias. The rebel attacks provoked a call for reinforcements by the besieged army units. Syrian army and rebel forces are reported to have engaged in battle for some 90 minutes, during which time “dozens of soldiers and rebels” were killed. “According to eyewitness accounts,” the FAZ report continues, the massacre occurred during this time. Those killed were almost exclusively from families belonging to Houla’s Alawi and Shia minorities. Over 90% of Houla’s population are Sunnis. Several dozen members of a family were slaughtered, which had converted from Sunni to Shia Islam. Members of the Shomaliya, an Alawi family, were also killed, as was the family of a Sunni member of the Syrian parliament who is regarded as a collaborator. Immediately following the massacre, the perpetrators are supposed to have filmed their victims and then presented them as Sunni victims in videos posted on the internet. The FAZ report echoes eyewitness accounts collected from refugees from the Houla region by members of the Monastery of St. James in Qara, Syria. According to monastery sources CITED BY THE DUTCH MIDDLE EAST EXPERT MARTIN JANSSEN, armed rebels murdered “entire Alawi families” in the village of Taldo in the Houla region. Already at the beginning of April, Mother Agnès-Mariam de la Croix of the St. James Monastery warned of rebel atrocities’ being repackaged in both Arab and Western media accounts as regime atrocities. She cited the case of a massacre in the Khalidiya neighborhood in Homs. According to AN ACCOUNT published in French on the monastery’s website, rebels gathered Christian and Alawi hostages in a building in Khalidiya and blew up the building with dynamite. They then attributed the crime to the regular Syrian army. “Even though this act has been attributed to regular army forces . . . , the evidence and testimony are irrefutable: It was an operation undertaken by armed groups affiliated with the opposition,” Mother Agnès-Mariam wrote. — John Rosenthal   FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE Abermals Massaker in Syrien 07.06.2012• In Syrien sind bei einem abermaligen Massaker nahe Hama mindestens 55 Menschen getötet worden. UN-Beobachter, die den Tatort aufsuchen wollten, wurden beschossen. Again massacres in Syria 07/06/2012 • In Syria, in a repeated near Hama massacre at least 55 people were killed. UN observers who wanted to visit the crime scene were fired. VON RAINER HEMRANN DAMASKUS Bei einem Massaker im Dorf Qubair nahe Hama sind in Syrien mindestens 55 Menschen getötet worden. Aktivisten der Lokalen Koordinierungskomitees gaben die Zahl der Todesopfer sogar mit mindestens 86 an. 18 der Toten sind Frauen und Kinder. Viele sind in ihren Häusern verbrannt oder wurden mit Messern erstochen. Die meisten Toten gehörten einer Familie an. Während die Rebellen regimetreue Milizen der Bluttat bezichtigten, machte das staatliche Fernsehen eine „Terrorgruppe“ für das Massaker verantwortlich. In a massacre in the village Qubair near Hama in Syria at least 55 people were killed. Activists of the local coordination committee reported the death toll even with at least 86th 18 of the dead are women and children. Many are burned in their homes or were stabbed with knives. Most of the dead were members of a family. While the rebels accused the regime militias of murder, the state television made a "terrorist group" responsible for the massacre. Die in Hama stationierten UN-Beobachter wollten am Donnerstag den Ort Qubair besuchen. Die UN-Beobachter teilten mit, die syrische Armee verhindere ihren Zugang nach Qubair. Der Leiter der UN-Beobachter, General Robert Mood, sagte, auch Zivilisten hielten die Beobachter auf. Deren Sicherheit sei nicht gewährleistet, sollten sie das Dorf betreten, werde ihnen erklärt. Später sagte UN-Generalsekretär Ban Ki-Moon vor der UN-Vollversammlung in New York, die Beobachter seien beschossen worden. Er nannte das Massaker „schockierend und widerwärtig“ und sagte, Syriens Präsident Baschar al Assad habe „jede Legitimität verloren“. The UN observers stationed in Hama wanted to visit the site on Thursday Qubair. The UN observers have stated that the Syrian army prevented their access to Qubair. The head of the UN observers, General Robert Mood, said that civilians were also on the observer. Their safety is not guaranteed, it should enter the village being declared them. Later, said UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon at the UN General Assembly in New York, the observers had been fired. He called the massacre "shocking and disgusting" and said that Syria's President Bashar al-Assad had "lost all legitimacy." Das Massaker ähnelt auf den ersten Blick dem von Hula, bei dem am 25. Mai 108 Menschen getötet worden waren. Syrische Oppositionelle, die aus der Region kommen, konnten in den vergangenen Tagen aufgrund glaubwürdiger Zeugenaussagen den wahrscheinlichen Tathergang in Hula rekonstruieren. Ihr Ergebnis widerspricht den Behauptungen der Rebellen, die die regimenahen Milizen Schabiha der Tat beschuldigt hatten. Sie sollen unter dem Schutz der syrischen Armee gehandelt haben. Da zuletzt Oppositionelle, die den Einsatz von Gewalt ablehnen, ermordet oder zumindest bedroht worden sind, wollen die Oppositionellen ihre Namen nicht genannt sehen. The massacre is similar at first glance at the Hula at the 25th May 108 people were killed. Syrian opposition figures who come from the region were able to reconstruct the past few days because of credible witnesses probable course of events in the hula. Your result is contrary to the claims of the rebels, the militias near the regime had accused Schabiha fact. They should have acted under the protection of the Syrian army. Since last dissidents who oppose the use of force, has been murdered, or at least threatened, the opposition will not see their names called. Das Massaker von Hula hatte sich nach dem Freitagsgebet ereignet. Die Kämpfe setzten ein, als sunnitische Rebellen die drei Straßenkontrollen der syrischen Armee um Hula herum angriffen. Die Kontrollpunkte haben die Aufgabe, die alawitischen Dörfer um das überwiegend sunnitische Hula vor Anschlägen zu schützen. The Hula massacre had taken place after Friday prayers. The fighting suspended, and as Sunni insurgents attacked the three roadside inspections of the Syrian army to hula around. The checkpoints are responsible for the Alawite villages around the predominantly Sunni hula to protect against attacks. Rebellen erhalten 300-Millionen-Dollar-Fonds Eine angegriffene Straßenkontrolle rief Einheiten der syrischen Armee zu Hilfe, die 1500 Meter entfernt eine Kaserne unterhält und umgehend Verstärkung schickte. Bei den Kämpfen um Hula, die 90 Minuten gedauert haben sollen, wurden Dutzende Soldaten und Rebellen getötet. Während der Kämpfe waren die drei Dörfer von Hula von der Außenwelt abgeriegelt. Rebels gain 300-million-dollar fund A challenged street called control units of the Syrian army to help the 1,500 meters maintains a military base and promptly sent reinforcement. In the battle of hula, which should have lasted 90 minutes, dozens of soldiers and rebels were killed. During the fighting, the three villages of Hula were sealed off from the outside world. According to the eyewitnesses to the massacre had occurred during this period. Had been killed almost exclusively families and the Alawite minority Shiite Hulas, which is more than ninety percent are Sunni. Thus, several dozen members of a family were slaughtered, which had in recent years by Sunni converted to Shiite Islam. Killed were also members of the Alawite family Shomaliya and the family of a Sunni member of parliament, because this was considered a collaborator. Immediately after the massacre, the perpetrators would have filmed their victims, they issued a Sunni victims and spread the videos via the Internet. Although representatives of the Syrian government confirmed this version, but pointed out that the government had agreed not to speak publicly of Alawites and Sunnis. President Bashar al Assad is a member of the Alawites, the opposition is supported mainly by the Sunni majority. Unterdessen haben im Ausland lebende syrische Geschäftsleute in der qatarischen Hauptstadt Doha zur Finanzierung der syrischen Opposition und Rebellen einen Fonds mit 300 Millionen Dollar eingerichtet. Mustafa Sabbagh, der Präsident des syrischen Businessforums im Exil, stellte den Fonds vor. Wael Merza, der Generalsekretär des oppositionellen Syrischen Nationalrats, äußerte, die Hälfte des Betrags sei bereits ausgegeben und teilweise an die Freie Syrische Armee geflossen. Meanwhile, Syrian expatriate businessmen in the capital Doha qatarischen to finance the Syrian opposition and rebels, a fund set up $ 300 million. Mustafa Sabbagh, president of the Syrian Business Forum in exile, presented the Fund. Wael Mirza, Secretary General of the Syrian opposition National Council, said that half of the amount had been spent and partly flowed to the Free Syrian army. Der russische Außenminister Sergej Lawrow schlug derweil die Einberufung einer internationalen Konferenz zu Syrien vor, an der alle Länder teilnehmen sollten, die Einfluss auf die Akteure in Syrien hätten. Der Kreis müsse über die Länder hinausgehen, die sich in den „Freunden Syriens“ zusammengeschlossen hätten, sagte Lawrow. Denn diese Gruppe unterstütze lediglich die „radikalen Forderungen“ des Syrischen Nationalrats. Konkret nannte Lawrow neben den Mitgliedern des UN-Sicherheitsrats, der EU und der Arabischen Liga auch die Türkei und Iran. Ziel solle sein, den Annan-Plan „korrekt und ohne Zweideutigkeiten“ umzusetzen. The Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, meanwhile, struck before the convening of an international conference to Syria, where all countries should participate, the impact would have on the actors in Syria. The circle must go beyond the countries that have joined together in the "friends of Syria," Lavrov said. Because this group support only the "radical demands" of the Syrian National Council. Specifically, Lavrov called not only members of the UN Security Council, the EU and the Arab League as well as Turkey and Iran. The aim should be to the Annan plan "correctly and without ambiguity" to implement.
Isma bilfors u emmen jekk trid!!!! Din xi storja ohra tipo KSN??
NATIONAL REVIEW ON LINE: 090612 It was, in the words of U.N. special envoy Kofi Annan, the “tipping point” in the Syria conflict: a savage massacre of over 90 people, predominantly women and children, for which the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad was immediately blamed by virtually the entirety of the Western media. Within days of the first reports of the Houla massacre, the U.S., France, Great Britain, Germany, and several other Western countries announced that they were expelling Syria’s ambassadors in protest. But according to A NEW REPORT in Germany’s leading daily, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), the Houla massacre was in fact committed by anti-Assad Sunni militants, and the bulk of the victims were member of the Alawi and Shia minorities, which have been largely supportive of Assad. For its account of the massacre, the report cites opponents of Assad, who, however, declined to have their names appear in print out of fear of reprisals from armed opposition groups. According to the article’s sources, the massacre occurred after rebel forces attacked three army-controlled roadblocks outside of Houla. The roadblocks had been set up to protect nearby Alawi majority villages from attacks by Sunni militias. The rebel attacks provoked a call for reinforcements by the besieged army units. Syrian army and rebel forces are reported to have engaged in battle for some 90 minutes, during which time “dozens of soldiers and rebels” were killed. “According to eyewitness accounts,” the FAZ report continues, the massacre occurred during this time. Those killed were almost exclusively from families belonging to Houla’s Alawi and Shia minorities. Over 90% of Houla’s population are Sunnis. Several dozen members of a family were slaughtered, which had converted from Sunni to Shia Islam. Members of the Shomaliya, an Alawi family, were also killed, as was the family of a Sunni member of the Syrian parliament who is regarded as a collaborator. Immediately following the massacre, the perpetrators are supposed to have filmed their victims and then presented them as Sunni victims in videos posted on the internet. The FAZ report echoes eyewitness accounts collected from refugees from the Houla region by members of the Monastery of St. James in Qara, Syria. According to monastery sources CITED BY THE DUTCH MIDDLE EAST EXPERT MARTIN JANSSEN, armed rebels murdered “entire Alawi families” in the village of Taldo in the Houla region. Already at the beginning of April, Mother Agnès-Mariam de la Croix of the St. James Monastery warned of rebel atrocities’ being repackaged in both Arab and Western media accounts as regime atrocities. She cited the case of a massacre in the Khalidiya neighborhood in Homs. According to AN ACCOUNT published in French on the monastery’s website, rebels gathered Christian and Alawi hostages in a building in Khalidiya and blew up the building with dynamite. They then attributed the crime to the regular Syrian army. “Even though this act has been attributed to regular army forces . . . , the evidence and testimony are irrefutable: It was an operation undertaken by armed groups affiliated with the opposition,” Mother Agnès-Mariam wrote. — John Rosenthal FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE Abermals Massaker in Syrien 07.06.2012• In Syrien sind bei einem abermaligen Massaker nahe Hama mindestens 55 Menschen getötet worden. UN-Beobachter, die den Tatort aufsuchen wollten, wurden beschossen. Again massacres in Syria 07/06/2012 • In Syria, in a repeated near Hama massacre at least 55 people were killed. UN observers who wanted to visit the crime scene were fired. VON RAINER HEMRANN DAMASKUS Bei einem Massaker im Dorf Qubair nahe Hama sind in Syrien mindestens 55 Menschen getötet worden. Aktivisten der Lokalen Koordinierungskomitees gaben die Zahl der Todesopfer sogar mit mindestens 86 an. 18 der Toten sind Frauen und Kinder. Viele sind in ihren Häusern verbrannt oder wurden mit Messern erstochen. Die meisten Toten gehörten einer Familie an. Während die Rebellen regimetreue Milizen der Bluttat bezichtigten, machte das staatliche Fernsehen eine „Terrorgruppe“ für das Massaker verantwortlich. In a massacre in the village Qubair near Hama in Syria at least 55 people were killed. Activists of the local coordination committee reported the death toll even with at least 86th 18 of the dead are women and children. Many are burned in their homes or were stabbed with knives. Most of the dead were members of a family. While the rebels accused the regime militias of murder, the state television made a "terrorist group" responsible for the massacre. Die in Hama stationierten UN-Beobachter wollten am Donnerstag den Ort Qubair besuchen. Die UN-Beobachter teilten mit, die syrische Armee verhindere ihren Zugang nach Qubair. Der Leiter der UN-Beobachter, General Robert Mood, sagte, auch Zivilisten hielten die Beobachter auf. Deren Sicherheit sei nicht gewährleistet, sollten sie das Dorf betreten, werde ihnen erklärt. Später sagte UN-Generalsekretär Ban Ki-Moon vor der UN-Vollversammlung in New York, die Beobachter seien beschossen worden. Er nannte das Massaker „schockierend und widerwärtig“ und sagte, Syriens Präsident Baschar al Assad habe „jede Legitimität verloren“. The UN observers stationed in Hama wanted to visit the site on Thursday Qubair. The UN observers have stated that the Syrian army prevented their access to Qubair. The head of the UN observers, General Robert Mood, said that civilians were also on the observer. Their safety is not guaranteed, it should enter the village being declared them. Later, said UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon at the UN General Assembly in New York, the observers had been fired. He called the massacre "shocking and disgusting" and said that Syria's President Bashar al-Assad had "lost all legitimacy." Das Massaker ähnelt auf den ersten Blick dem von Hula, bei dem am 25. Mai 108 Menschen getötet worden waren. Syrische Oppositionelle, die aus der Region kommen, konnten in den vergangenen Tagen aufgrund glaubwürdiger Zeugenaussagen den wahrscheinlichen Tathergang in Hula rekonstruieren. Ihr Ergebnis widerspricht den Behauptungen der Rebellen, die die regimenahen Milizen Schabiha der Tat beschuldigt hatten. Sie sollen unter dem Schutz der syrischen Armee gehandelt haben. Da zuletzt Oppositionelle, die den Einsatz von Gewalt ablehnen, ermordet oder zumindest bedroht worden sind, wollen die Oppositionellen ihre Namen nicht genannt sehen. The massacre is similar at first glance at the Hula at the 25th May 108 people were killed. Syrian opposition figures who come from the region were able to reconstruct the past few days because of credible witnesses probable course of events in the hula. Your result is contrary to the claims of the rebels, the militias near the regime had accused Schabiha fact. They should have acted under the protection of the Syrian army. Since last dissidents who oppose the use of force, has been murdered, or at least threatened, the opposition will not see their names called. Das Massaker von Hula hatte sich nach dem Freitagsgebet ereignet. Die Kämpfe setzten ein, als sunnitische Rebellen die drei Straßenkontrollen der syrischen Armee um Hula herum angriffen. Die Kontrollpunkte haben die Aufgabe, die alawitischen Dörfer um das überwiegend sunnitische Hula vor Anschlägen zu schützen. The Hula massacre had taken place after Friday prayers. The fighting suspended, and as Sunni insurgents attacked the three roadside inspections of the Syrian army to hula around. The checkpoints are responsible for the Alawite villages around the predominantly Sunni hula to protect against attacks. Rebellen erhalten 300-Millionen-Dollar-Fonds Eine angegriffene Straßenkontrolle rief Einheiten der syrischen Armee zu Hilfe, die 1500 Meter entfernt eine Kaserne unterhält und umgehend Verstärkung schickte. Bei den Kämpfen um Hula, die 90 Minuten gedauert haben sollen, wurden Dutzende Soldaten und Rebellen getötet. Während der Kämpfe waren die drei Dörfer von Hula von der Außenwelt abgeriegelt. Rebels gain 300-million-dollar fund A challenged street called control units of the Syrian army to help the 1,500 meters maintains a military base and promptly sent reinforcement. In the battle of hula, which should have lasted 90 minutes, dozens of soldiers and rebels were killed. During the fighting, the three villages of Hula were sealed off from the outside world. According to the eyewitnesses to the massacre had occurred during this period. Had been killed almost exclusively families and the Alawite minority Shiite Hulas, which is more than ninety percent are Sunni. Thus, several dozen members of a family were slaughtered, which had in recent years by Sunni converted to Shiite Islam. Killed were also members of the Alawite family Shomaliya and the family of a Sunni member of parliament, because this was considered a collaborator. Immediately after the massacre, the perpetrators would have filmed their victims, they issued a Sunni victims and spread the videos via the Internet. Although representatives of the Syrian government confirmed this version, but pointed out that the government had agreed not to speak publicly of Alawites and Sunnis. President Bashar al Assad is a member of the Alawites, the opposition is supported mainly by the Sunni majority. Unterdessen haben im Ausland lebende syrische Geschäftsleute in der qatarischen Hauptstadt Doha zur Finanzierung der syrischen Opposition und Rebellen einen Fonds mit 300 Millionen Dollar eingerichtet. Mustafa Sabbagh, der Präsident des syrischen Businessforums im Exil, stellte den Fonds vor. Wael Merza, der Generalsekretär des oppositionellen Syrischen Nationalrats, äußerte, die Hälfte des Betrags sei bereits ausgegeben und teilweise an die Freie Syrische Armee geflossen. Meanwhile, Syrian expatriate businessmen in the capital Doha qatarischen to finance the Syrian opposition and rebels, a fund set up $ 300 million. Mustafa Sabbagh, president of the Syrian Business Forum in exile, presented the Fund. Wael Mirza, Secretary General of the Syrian opposition National Council, said that half of the amount had been spent and partly flowed to the Free Syrian army. Der russische Außenminister Sergej Lawrow schlug derweil die Einberufung einer internationalen Konferenz zu Syrien vor, an der alle Länder teilnehmen sollten, die Einfluss auf die Akteure in Syrien hätten. Der Kreis müsse über die Länder hinausgehen, die sich in den „Freunden Syriens“ zusammengeschlossen hätten, sagte Lawrow. Denn diese Gruppe unterstütze lediglich die „radikalen Forderungen“ des Syrischen Nationalrats. Konkret nannte Lawrow neben den Mitgliedern des UN-Sicherheitsrats, der EU und der Arabischen Liga auch die Türkei und Iran. Ziel solle sein, den Annan-Plan „korrekt und ohne Zweideutigkeiten“ umzusetzen. The Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, meanwhile, struck before the convening of an international conference to Syria, where all countries should participate, the impact would have on the actors in Syria. The circle must go beyond the countries that have joined together in the "friends of Syria," Lavrov said. Because this group support only the "radical demands" of the Syrian National Council. Specifically, Lavrov called not only members of the UN Security Council, the EU and the Arab League as well as Turkey and Iran. The aim should be to the Annan plan "correctly and without ambiguity" to implement.
An ex-SAG memeber and most probably a member of "Tal-Gakketta Blue" the faxxist para military group that excisted before the 1987 elections and then was transformed into the SAG.