'I'm still alive thanks to difficult decisions taken by Gonzi' - Libyan pilot

One of the two pilots who defected at the outbreak of the Libyan revolution two years ago expressed his gratitude to prime minister Lawrence Gonzi during a courtesy visit held at Castille.

Prime minister Gonzi together with the Libyan pilot and his son.
Prime minister Gonzi together with the Libyan pilot and his son.

Prime minister Lawrence Gonzi today met with one of the pilots who defected at the height of the Libyan crisis.

The meeting was held just one day short of the two-year anniversary of the pilots' flee to safety.

"This time two years ago both Pilot Ali Faraj Al Rabty and another pilot landed in Malta flying two Mirage jets. We were faced with the difficult decision of choosing between making a statement as the Maltese people in favour of the Libyan people, or else just reacting to what the regime of Gaddafi wanted at the time," Gonzi said.

The pilot spoke of the harrowing tale whereby he had to choose between following Gaddafi's orders and bombing his own population, or defecting and abandoning his family.

"The two pilots left their families on their own during the peak of the revolution. They were desperate to find out what was happening to their families and make sure that they were not in any danger," Gonzi recalled.

Gonzi said that he was faced with another complicated decision just 24 hours later.

"Just one day after the pilots defected, another plane originating from Libya was asking for permission to land in Malta. We refused because we were informed that members of the Libyan military forces were onboard and were preparing to take the planes back to Libya," Gonzi said.

Al Rabty was at pains to express his gratitude to Gonzi, the government and Maltese people in general.

"I am still alive and talking to you today because of the difficult decisions taken by Gonzi. We put the Maltese government in a very difficult spot. It was a very courageous decision," Al Rabty said.

Vera li Gonzi qed japprofitta ruhhu minn kollox. Ma nafx x'jonqos! Ma nafx nidhaqx jew nibkix!
Luke Camilleri
The same Gonzi , the LAST GADDAFI HUGGER !
Gonzi qieghed juri ghal tattici ta l-ahhar irtokk sa gab lil dawn il piloti biex jghamel gwadan mil propaganda biex jebah erba voti imma ghalxejn ghax min ghandu ghajnejh jaf li xhar qabel kien qieghed jghannaq lil Gaddafi, peroahjar imorru lura pajjizom forsi jghamlu siegha xoghol ghax min mindu saret ir revoluzzjni hadu pass lura ghax mhemmx stabbilita ta xejn u hlief qtil u serq li l-anqas il barranin ma jriedu jersqu lhemm. Ahjar imorru jsewwu l-istrutturi tal pajjiz, billi almenu jibdew jghassu b'ossevazzjoni bl-arju dawk it-terroristi li ghad fadallom armi f'idejom forsi jkunu jistaw jzommu l-paci f'pajjizom mela jigu wzati ghal propaganda qarrieqa ta GONZIPN, din vera tad dahq, fhiex waqa Gonzi ghax ma jitlobx il Libja tghatina mela zejt orhos la ghamel daqs dak gid, mal Libja skont hu dejjem?