Qormi bridge works delayed by more than four weeks

Works which are set to alleviate flooding and traffic congestion hampered by recent storms and delays.

Works on the Qormi bridge are set to alleviate flooding concerns which have long plagued locals.
Works on the Qormi bridge are set to alleviate flooding concerns which have long plagued locals.

Works on a Qormi bridge set to alleviate traffic congestion and flooding have been delayed by more than four weeks, much to the disdain of Qormi residents and the local council, Qormi council Executive Secretary Kenneth Brincat told Sunday newspaper Illum.

Brincat pointed out that the works on the bridge were initially extended upon the council's wish to widen the traffic lanes, but after being extended due to recent storms and consequent flooding, the works have yet to be concluded with no end in sight.

The works, which are set to address the flooding problem that has long been the trepidation of Qormi residents, have now been delayed by four weeks.

"Notwithstanding the importance to alleviate flooding and traffic congestion in Qormi these works are addressing, the local council will place more pressure on the authorities to conclude the works as ultimately they are imposing inconvenience upon the Qormi residents," Brincat said.

Read more in today's edition of Illum.


@bendu123 Din hi l-informazzjoni uffiċjali li tani s-Segretarju Eżekuttiv tal-Kunsill Lokali ta' Ħal Qormi. Barra minn hekk, sejjer żbaljat għaliex kemm jien u anke wħud minn sħabi l-kunsilliera żorna l-post u anke tkellimna ma xi residenti tal-madwar. Fuq kollox nispera li x-xogħol jitkompla mingħajr aktar dewmien.
mhux vera li il bridge ta hal qormi ittardja b erba gighmat skond it times kellu jinfetah fis 6 ta novembru imma ghamlet ix xita riedu jaghmlu il menbrem u ma setawx ghax il konkrit kien imxarrab lis sur cilia qatt ma rajtu fuq il post u laqas ebda membru tal kunsill hlief darba giet is sintku kemm bzonn li ix xoghol jitkompla mill aktar fiss
Why weren't the works started at the beginning of summer rather than late summer? I hope it wasn't just so that the ground fireworks could be set up there.