Borg Olivier - 'PN has right policies, leader to win next election'

PN secretary-general says his party still has the right policies to win the 2013 general election.

PN secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier has defended his party’s stand against divorce, saying his was party would still welcome candidates that did not agree with its position.

“It’s a party of Christian values, but secular, enjoys unity in its diversity, and it is dedicated to the strengthening of the family… we cannot separate these values but it doesn’t mean that who isn’t in line with the party’s mainstream thinking gets excluded.”

Borg Olivier said he was convinced the PN still had the right policies and leader to win the next general elections, speaking on Radju Malta’s Ghandi Xi Nghid.

On Wednesday, two Nationalist MPs – Jesmond Mugliett and divorce bill promoter Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando – voted in favour of a Labour motion to hold a referendum on 28 May asking voters if they agreed with the introduction of divorce for spouses separated for four years.

Borg Olivier told presenter Andrew Azzopardi that it was incorrect to state that the government had ‘lost’ the vote.

“We didn’t really lose the vote… when you give a free vote you cannot say that the party has lost the vote. It’s not a vote directed by the party whip, there is no defiance of the party line.”

Azzopardi pressed him on whether Pullicino Orlando’s private members’ bill had already been in defiance of the party.

“Yes, nobody in the party could accept the way that was done… waking up in the morning – despite his right as MP to do so – to present a private bill, was impulsive. It was not a move that tallied with the collegiality the party expected,” Borg Olivier said.

The secretary-general defended his party’s consistency on holding a referendum, saying it was the Opposition leader that had ruled out a referendum on divorce. “It appears he did not have enough MPs to pass the divorce bill… I think it was the PN that was consistent in the way it handled the matter, even in respect of Pullicino Orlando himself.”

Borg Olivier said Pullicino Orlando should have presented his idea to the party’s executive committee before going ahead with the bill.

The PN has approved a party resolution declaring its opposition to divorce, which was followed by a Labour motion to hold a referendum with a detailed question asking voters if they agree with divorce after a four-year separation.

Borg Olivier dispelled claims that he had ‘militated’ in favour of divorce as a member of the PN’s youth organ MZPN: “I’m against divorce not entirely because of my Christian faith, but because the value of the family is good in itself, a fundamental vaue.”

He also argued in favour of considering ‘the common good’ in establishing whether a divorce law would be beneficial or not to Maltese society.

In comments on Malta’s position in the conflict in Libya, Borg Olivier said it was not necessary for the island to be used as a military base for the enforcement of the no-fly zone.

“It is important that the spirit of our constitution does not get misinterpreted in times of conflict… what the prime minister said was that Malta cannot be used as a military base, and there are other countries that can be used as a military base. It is not necessary for Malta itself to be used as a base.”

Reuben Sciberras
Yee right!!!!!!!!!!! Dream on!!!!!!!!!
Ghaziz Pawlu Borg Olivier. Ejja ha nghidlek il-policies taghkom kemm huma tajbin fir-rigward tieghi. Gholliet il-kera, il-hajja, il-licenzja tal-karozza, id-dawl u l-ilma, il-gas u mitt haga ohra. U il-penzjoni tieghi baqet l-istess. Ara Gonzipn Popeye, il-leader taghkom, dan ghalih u ghalik m'hu xejn ghax int taf ben tajjeb x'kapaci jaghmel minn wara dahar il-poplu kollu kemm ahmar u kemm blu. Nahseb taf x'zieda ha, u kemm hi backdated, nahseb hemm kont meta talab li jsiru is-sagrifficji mill-poplu. Dan sehh meta hu kien diga qed jiffanga miz-zieda li ha. U jekk din mhiex IPOKREZIJA GRASSA mela x'inhi. Nitolbok li tirrispondini. Jien ili nivvota PN ghal kwazi 50 sena. Pero fuq din il-haga ibqa zgur li din id-darba nivvota lill PL. No way.
Mr Borg Olivier should talk to Air Malta employees and they will tell him if the PN has the right policies for 2013 elections.
Having made the statement Borg Olivier then stuck his head up his own ass again. Why is anything uttered by this dumb ass Nazi even worth reporting on?
Emanuel Tanti
Listen to the whole hog here - PBO also claimed to disagree with his colleague's reasoning (Austin Gatt) - he said that he is not against divorce because those who need it are still in a minority....but he's still against it....because the family unit is still strong! Puhhllleease!
Pauline Moran
Pawl, ghid lill Wenzu jghajjat Elezzjoni Generali din ix xahar id diehel jekk inthom daqshekk ottimisti. Isa Pawl kuragg...mur ghand Wenzu w ikkonvincih jghajjat elezzjoni.....Inthom qabda COWARDS Pawl!!! Inthom kissirtu lil Malta, lil Maltin u issa kissirtu anke lil partit taghkom stess!!! INTHOM IL-PARTIT TAT TKISSIR u TAD DWEJJAQ!!!!!!!!!! Jaqqq!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, by the way, are Christian values so homogeneous as the PN pretends they are? What is so special about these Christian values that makes Christians think they are so better off than any one else?
Notice the Cross behind him. They are so, so, so holy! If the Maltese people re-elect this band of clowns, they deserve all they get.
Keith Goodlip
It’s a party of Christian values, Yes we know Christian values, it was employed with enthusiasm during the inquisition. the mass torture and killing of people who dared to question these "values". Anybody with property, of which the church coveted, would be declared a witch without ANY recourse to their defence whatsoever, duly tortured (on principal) and murdered, so the church could grab all the victims assets. Nowadays the same things are still being carried out, minus the killings. Yes, Christian values. You can keep 'em.
@xprun Hazin jekk isibu ghaliex b'Pawlu sejjrin tajjeb. Issa ifhiema kif trid.
PAwlu PAprati jinqabad qalb in-nawfragju, haffef pawl waddab dak li ma ghandekx bzonn ghal isfel u igbor naqra injam jew perkacci u aqbez il-bahar haha, habat ma blata u sar jaf li kienet Malta.
Luke Camilleri
u bil haqq Pawl tirbah l-elezzjoni bil-Kunsillieri li ghandhekk..kemm huma ferhanin bik, specjalment ta' tas -Sliema u din barra l-akbar PAPRATA tieghek ta' l-e-mail li baghat il-Jason Micallef, flok il-Jason taghkhom fuq ix-xibka ta' pjaciri ta'Gonzipn.. . Mhux b'xejn fil-kuruduri tad-Dar Centrali issibuk bhala Pawlu Paprati... u kullhadd jistenna il-paprata li jmiss : )
surfturtle jien nahseb li €1,000 fil-gimgha ridt tghid. Mela ma tafx li qed jiehdu zewg salarju u huwa ovvju li kull salarju ghandu z-zieda mieghu? Mela €500 zieda ma kull salarju €1,000 fil-gimgha jigu siehbi.
Kompli dahhaqna Pawlu Paprati.
Jien mhux hekk qed nisma fuq Radio 101; hlief tmaqdir u gabrijoli kontra Pullicino u Mugliet na nismax! Altru milli free vote! Diga ghadej l-ilsien hazin minn gewwa biex lil dawn tal-free vote darba ohra ma jitilghux! Hallina nghixu
@PBO Call your bluff off, call for a General Elections. No excuses are excepted, or you are lyingly.
Ma tantx ghandna ghalfejn nistghagbu ghax il libjani ilhom imdejjqin b Gaddafi 40sena, ghax ahna ilna kwazi 25sena taht gvernijiet nazzjonalisti u brebha ohra 30sena! QAGHDNA GHAL KOLLOX? DrGonzi qabel il-Baġit 2010 ghamel surcharge ta 195% fil-Ilma u fl-Elettriku u nehha is sussidju li kien jaghti fuq il kontijiet tad dawl u ilma. Kellna żieda drastika fil-liċenzji tal-karozzi li qed jiżdiedu kull sena sakemm il karozza taghlaq dsatax il sena, segwit minn żieda drastika fil-ċilindri tal-gass . F'dan il-baġit il-Gvern għamel żieda drastika fis sijsa fuq fuel,fl- alkoħol, Sigaretti, u minflok ma ta il-vawċers tal-enerġija huwa nehha dawn il-vouchers li jammontaw għal 11million fis-sena. Il-gvern għamel ukoll xerrej li ha jixtri ghal ewwel darba propjeta jbati l-aktar biż-żieda drastika fit-Tariffi tal- MEPA segwit minn żieda drastika fil-Siment li żgur se jżidu l-prezzijiet tal-proprjetà fis suq. Wara L-budget kellna zieda fic cilindri tal gas, rega ghola l-fjuwil, gholiet il bolla ghal min jaqbad 1600eur. Il-Ministri inghataw zieda blura ta Eur500 fil gimgha bil mohbi f’allowances dirett mil minestri mhux mil budget allokati lill-Kamra tad-Deputati. Il-Prim Ministru hajagħmel Parlament ġdid u teatru bla saqaf li ha jiswina 100 miljun. Ajhar naqqas it taxxi min fun in negozjanti biex jaqtalom naqa l-ispejjez b'hekk jincentiva lil haddiem.L-Gvern ha jintroduci "Second Pillar Pension" is-sena diehla jigifieri jkonna tnaqqis obligatorju fil-pagi taghna ghax tghola iktar il-bolla dan habbara il-gvern. MA ZAMMX KELLMTU ma tal-Airmalta, tat-Taxis, Minibuses,tal- linja,tal-heirs,tat- tarzna, tal GO,l-kaccaturi u nassaba, u mal-poplu Malti kollhu ghax ma naqqas it taxxi. Dax xahar kellna zieda rekord fl-gholi tal Hajja. ISSERVIK l-paga jew PJAGA?
Pauline Moran
Pauline Moran
PAWL, erga ghidili din ghax ma smajtix sew?? Xser taghmlu? Tirbhu l-elezjoni li gejja? ha ha ha...X'INTI TGHID JA XIFAJK! MUR ORQOD PAWL U DDAHHAKX AKTAR NIES BIK! BIEX TIRBHU L-ELEZJONI LI GEJJA TRIDU TIPNOTIZZAW LIL POPLU KOLLU, ISSIBU ZEJT, TAGHTU ZIEDA TA MHUX ANQAS TA 300EURO FIX XAHAR, TBIDLU IL LEADER U TIRREZENJA INT, TONINU TAL FLUS, AUGOSTINUANO, U DIK LI THALLI L-FONDI TAL EU GHADDEJJIEN. Barra mn hekk tridu ddahhlu divorzju u fl-ahharnett tieqfu tbusu l-warrani tal Kuria!! jekk le...kompli OHLOM PAWL!!
EH?LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL if PBO don't read here- maybe this info will get to him, since he is the secretary General of the PN. Apart from the exagerated , immoral and scandal of 500 Euro wekly income to the MPs. apart from the highly water and electricity bills ,that effects a lot the common people. apart so many things. recently i am thinking of how the PN led by Lawrence Gonzi desicion on divorce is going to effect the maltese society: I think by the No to divorce the PN has seperated the maltese citizens once again. This has nothing to do for ex like when Malta was going to be in the EU. This divorce thing effects only certain people. by the PN words to no to divorce is the seperation of citizens. who in favour who oppose. what will happen if the NO wins? don't you know by that , that the most blame will be on the PN? Cause it's the PN who took the NO stand on divorce. what is going to be the reaction of the maltese people who wants the divorce law? don't you know there are thousands? the worst thing the PN had was to take the NO stand- it would have been better that this ddi not turn politically. This is not who wil be in goverment , say who wanst the PL or PN. This is a matter of all people. Today can be me or you, Tomorrow can be my son or your son, after can be my daughter or your daughter, Later can be our grandchildre. NOONE is 100% excluded from this social problem. who marries to get divorced? theer must be time before one can apply for a divorce forsure. say like or or 5 years. But the PN is going to divide the maltese people , and some PN supporters are brining back the old times , with statemenst like mikiel Gonzi Archbishop, did well with the interdett to the MLP & supporters, I think if the No will win, there is going to be so much hatred now between the maltese citizens. this is all the PN fault, for taken the NO stand- made it political issue , with LIES .
Anton Portelli
Dear Paul unless i would be offered a free flight to watch my favourite team , i will make sure that your party wont win the next election
U n-Nazzjonalisti kemm se jdumu jissaportu dawn id-diskorsi ta' mbecilli u bahnanati mis-Segretarju Generali taghhom. Possibli ma jsibux persuna ahjar?
Dear Paul, Hope that during the next general elections you will be accompanying your GonziPN when the door to door visits start. I have kept all ARMS Ltd. bills and I'll be glad to shove them up your a** and that of your GonziPN, particularly the last one of €1185! If you think like your hobbyist financial minister that all but a few are 'cwiec Maltin' you're dam wrong.
Biex trid tirbah elezzjoni ohra Pawl? 1. Bi sptar bla sodod? 2. B'komtijiet mghola is sema? 3. Bil hajja dejjem tghola? 4. Bil korruzzjoni kull fejn iddawwar wiccek? 5. Bil power station li se tnitten kull ma hawn? 6. Bil U-turns ta Gonzi? 7. B'Austin Gatt imexxi u Gonzi follow? 8. 9. 10. stc stc
What gonziPN really has for the 2013 general elections is a long list of misdeeds, misdemeanours and shady dealigs to answer for.
Luke Camilleri
Pawlu Paprati counting the chickens again.... mur dur dawra madwarek Pawl, bil-Whip jikkopja fl-ezamijiet, b'Dolores tirlef il-fondi tal-EU, b'Tonio Fenech jintaxxa biss u ma jaghthiex refunds, il-waiting lists tal-mater Dei, it-trasport bi prezzijiet state-of-the-art, Airmalta, Go b'weghdi mhux mizmuma, Tal-Linja, tal-Monti tal-Belt, Pullicino jikser id-drittijiet umani ta' rahal shih, il-back-benchers u dawk eziljati bhal John Dalli min baqa'.......... Bil-haqq Austin Gatt- hemm forsi ghandekk cans ghax mhux sejjer jikkontesta! Veru ghandhekk Winning Team Pawl! Keep it up! ]
What the PN certainly does not have for the 2013 elections is an astute Secretary General The gaffes he made since his election for this sensitive post are endless. The email erroneously sent to Jason Micallef instead of Jason Azzopardi, the non payment of VAT and his U turn as regards divorce are but a few! How much the PN must be wishing for the like of their former Secretary General.