Three players hit €680,000 Quaterno jackpot

The biggest Quaterno Jackpot to date amounting to €680,000 was won last Saturday by three players. The previous Quaterno Jackpot of €640,000 was won in April 2011 by one player.

Since the enhancements introduced more than two years ago, the Quaterno game has steadily increased in popularity which not only saw the Jackpot increase to a minimum of €200,000 but gave players more chances to win with 3 as well as 2 numbers, Maltco said in a press release.

There are 11 different chances of winning in the Quaterno game with one ticket costing €2.

Moreover, players may opt to play combinations by choosing more than four numbers which would result in the player participating through a higher number of tickets thus increasing even further the chances of winning.

Last Saturday’s Lotto draw also resulted in high winnings on the Prima, Ambo and Terno category that resulted in prizes being capped according to the regulations in place. 

“These regulations were not only approved by the Lotteries and Gaming Authority but had actually been proposed by the Authority after Maltco’s original proposal had not been accepted by the Lotto Receivers’ Union,” the company said.

“Maltco continues to believe that its original proposal was a superior solution to the need to manage the risk which is inherent in the game and without which it would render the game economically unfeasible within the current regulatory framework.”

The Lotto draw is transmitted live every Saturday on Melita Information Channel, ONE TV and NET TV.

For further information about the Quaterno Game, one may visit the Maltco Lotteries website on call on 2388 3333 or visit one of Maltco Lotteries authorised agents.

Raymond Falzon