In the Press: Warning shots fired after hit-and-run on minister's car

Stories from today's national press

The damage ministerial car (Photo: John Pisani)
The damage ministerial car (Photo: John Pisani)

The Times of Malta

A Briton is being held after a hit-and-run incident on home affairs minister Manuel Mallia yesterday evening. Mallia's driver fired two warning shots after Stephen Smith, 30, approached on foot holding a beer bottle. 


Minister Chris Cardona said that he intervened and halted the process for the licensing of a new casino because he felt there was a conflict of interest for persons on the technical committee evaluating proposals.


The General Workers Union expressed concerns over the public transport provider contract, which has stalled due to a temporary injunction. The union said the situation was causing uncertainty and was demotivating to public transport workers. 

The Malta Independent

Two directors of the Leisure Clothing company were remanded in custody yesterday after being charged with human trafficking for the purposes of labour exploitation.