Who got Labour's goat(ee)?

Labour's PR machine orders leadership to trim 'taches and goatees and drop 'man of yesteryear' image.

Say goodbye to the trimming scissors, and hello to the razor: Labour leader Joseph Muscat and his deputy Anglu Farrugia have been ordered to take a good look in the mirror.

In a bid to spruce up the somewhat fusty image of the repackaged Labour party, Muscat has shaved his goatee while Anglu Farrugia has finally got rid of his policeman's 'tache.

Far from being an exercise in personal vanity, this is yet another twist to Labour's cosmetic makeover: new leader, new party emblem, new shaving regime.

Sister newspaper Illum reported on Sunday on how Labour were actually "advised" to get hold of the shaving kit and why deputy leader for party affairs Toni Abela has not yet rid himself of his Pancho Villa trademark moustache.


Stephen Proudfoot
What for ? he is loosing his hair faster than he can shave it -- hope he does not loose his head too as his supporters do
Clayton Saliba
I would hate to imagine the arguments , if Joseph Muscat was asked shave his head .............
My sincere apologies to you Frankie - i did not know when to stop and I was wrong to respond to the burial ground comments. I even realised the minute I posted. Sorry and if you wish a better apology as you now deserve please let me know.
Stephen Proudfoot
Truth vera li qed tgid, Mintoff was the biggest pimp on the island, he sigle handed managed to pimp the whole nation between the Brits and Libya and Libya won. Hadd porga bill kliem li ktieb inti -
Stephen Proudfoot
Frankie, ignorance is Bliss Malta stratigic, for illegal immigrants - Frankie you live in the Past, even mets l'americani ridu jirbumbaw lil Gaddafi, larjuplan jew mill ingilterra. Mintoff ma kienx f'opposizionu, u ma kellux iktar drit minn hadd iehor biex jitkellem fuq ir rediffusion - big head. Outlines of Maltese history, conveniently leaves out we were all Muslims for 200 years ( Saracini ) - isem Mintoff kien ludi, imma Mintoff igielhedd ma Golda Meyer u mhux il PN - ghax Mintoff racist. Tistahba wara nickname, biex taghid il gideb halli hadd ma jista jiehu justizzja fil qorti jek hemm bzonn, huwwa FRAUDULENT use of nickname. Gaddafi bought Mintoff sould, that why the payment was in money. I honestly do hope you and those like you will live long enough to see the full consequences should the PL get in power. Mintoff was a Cult Leader, that is why many PL people gave up and that is what the Church was against , just the cult culture. Bis serjeta, jien nahseb ahjar titkellem ma xi hadd, jew tabib, ghax il kliem li qed tghid fuq il Holocaust inti biss qed idahal dal paraloi. Kien Mintoff wara kollox li ma kienx jemmen fil Holocaust , hali jielaq it tirma ta Gaddafi. Mur ara tabib siehbi. Ellul Mercer kien midfun fej il familja tieghek ? Forsi ghalek ma trid tikxef ismek - bdaqseq ? Meta il bnidhem imut, hadd ma jaff xjigri wara, la qassis u lanqas mintoff - Alla biss jaf , allura jek tindifen fil bahar, fid desert jew fil mizbla ma taghmielx differenza - Lilli mumiex se jidftninu f' San Gwann, so what. Jien nahseb ille ' you need to get over that episode of life' halli warajk. Tripruvax is sieb vendetta ghaliex qed tara kollox u lill kullhadd kontrieq un meta taghmel hekk, tkun is servi li Dimonju u il had iktar. Mintoff's education was so successful, you can see the product all around, drugs murder, pimps, corruption, hatred, ignorance, all to a new height - everyone has an opinion and believ they have the right to shove it down everyone else's throat - Mintoff u Edgar maru ghand Mao , communist le Dan Zoe Ping irrifuta, PN maru ghand Zoe Ping, Zchen Zchen, fejn fethu China , Sheiku bhall mkodel ta Hong Kong , fastest democartic business system in the world, Mintoff kien mar ghand fastes dieing communist system in the world, anke Mao ametta li qered hafan nies ghall xejn ..... ahjar in halliek, halli forsi tikallma ghamel paci ma min halleq qabel ma tikundana lill had iehor
frankie Mintoff did not only make Gaddafi give us money but persuaded Gaddafi to give him an open cheque. In the same manner he made the British Government and NATO give us much more than the British Government had been giving Malta and he told them that he wanted the money so that Mata will be able to stand on it's feet to be able to kick them out.
Manuel Sammut nahseb li ahjar tehodha inti l-porga ghax wara l-elezzjoni li gejja se jkollok tiehu sigra lumi.
joseph mercieca
Manuel Sammut I won't bother answering you as you are ignorant and abnovxious.I only give you this advice, text books on Maltese history have come a long way from Laspina's 'Outlines of Maltese History' Say what you like, you'r not up to my standard and I won't waste my time with you. Only remember this though we are poles apart and antagonists, I will never consider 'zibel' and will always respect you because you are a human being. Now for the the chicken historian. Man I nerver thought your hate for Labour could stoop so deep. Do you know that even the church apologised for what happened then. Being a biggot you have double standards and don't know what freedom of speech means. So it was alright for Mintoff to be banned from Redifussion because he had other places to speak from. Using the same argument was the Labour government right in prohibiting EFA to hold the meeting at tal-Barrani? There were other places to hold them. As regards the death of Mintoff don't debase yourself. OK you hate the guy but after all he's a human being. By the way I'm still waiting for your answer about you hero Gwido (Almost rymes that!) Come on chicken did he or did he not. Mintoff won't need to ask him because he knows. Do you know? For God's sake Chris don't use the word fraud. You call me a fraud? look around you, read Malta Today to see frauds. Or are you the three monkeys in one? Blind, dumb and deaf. Why all this hype about my anonimity? Why do you want to know who I am? What's it to you? This portal gives me the right to use a pseudonym and I am using that right. But I forget that for you right means something that suits only you. Still if you don't like it ignore me, but if you answer or mention me I will react. As I said I like getting under your skin. Your tackling of the mizbla aspect merits only one adjectiv: CALLOUS? I would not wish that to any human being but of course to you us Labour supporters are as the jews were to Hitler. Good idea that Chris put us in concentration camps and gas all. That would the final solution for the red vermin of Malta. And you took umbrage with me because I was anticlerical Hypocrite! Chris the British interned the PN during the war because they were a fascit fith column. The contempt you have to the working class is unbelieveable. Why so called? because they lived in villas with pool. Chris I am refering you to Joe Pirotta's series 'The Last Colony' There you will see how much wealth the British gave to the Maltese. I'sure you know about the Marshall Aid saga. If you don't look it up. It's a very interesting story about the British generosity to Malta. I am sure people like you had no need but when Mintoff came to power he intruduced the pension sceem, compulsory schooling together with free milk free books together with free dental and ophtalmic checks, apart from the introduction of social housing. All this against the bitter opposition of your Catholic Church and PN. I consider myself a second class citizen because in today's Malta a Labour supporter has no chance of a decent job or promotion. Just read Monday's article on the Times by Lino Spiteri to get the gist. And man, don't bloody patronise me. Remember you are dealing with someone who doesn't need anything capisc? I am footlose and fancy free. But it irritates me when I see Labour supporters treaated as such. Give one example. Relative of mine applied for a promotion. He was refused. You know why? because he was overqualified. You would say serves him right he has not right being Labour. Don't you wish you had Mintoff's vigour at that age. Chris are you also against the Chinese but today the western world is licking their ars to get a bite a the Chinese cake. So you went to Mintoff to China do I get it right? Is it there that you became one of the rats that the Labour administration was infested with? The rest of your answer in complete hysterical hatred against Mintoff. Yes Mintoff brought the money for the hiring of the base 17,000,000 a year for nine years. What would you have said had Gwido brought that kind of dosh? (he tried for 100,000,000 but alas it was pie in the sky) Mintoff knew Malta strategic value and tried to cash on it. So what if brinkmenship was he style? Mintoff was no ars licker man!He even made Gaddafi give us money. Something that Gonzi will only do in his dreams He brought millions to Malta. Remember the neutrality agreement with Italy and the financial protocols that where also made by the Nats. Why have they spotted? With that money Mintoff strengthened education, strengthened free health care. How you wish that Mintoff shot sisters! But he only send them away because they did not want (as the will of the owners of the land wanted) that half the beds would be free of charge. Mintoff wanted the people to have medical care at the blues free of charge. What's so bad about that? I will not hurt you anymore by mentioning the welfare state Air Malta, Sea Malta ecc. Do you know that when EFA came to power Mintoff left him 400,000,000 pounds to spends. What are you going to leave us with a power station that is going to make a few rich and the nation sick and a crippling debt for which we have nothing to show for. Mr. Portelli you agree with me, fair enough but don't tell me to pipe down. I have as much right to air my opion as you do. Or is you idea of a discussion a soliloquy. About Napoleon and Malta I'd suggest you do some research work. Sure we were very tranquil when we we poor, hungry, ignorant, and everybody leaving the island. Those were the clams times the Church with its absolute power abatted by the British and the rich exploiting the working class. That's gratitude for you.
Stephen Proudfoot
truth, nahseb ahjar tihu porga forsi jghadielhekk
Chris Spiteri it's your Arabic writing Chris.
Clayton Saliba
Truth the root of all evils your comments should be address minnfommokk to minnfomirih , to say the truth, as he (or she) raised them. But than you should know, being the Truth
Are you on Drug or something ? What are you talking about ? Please address the points you raised to whover raised them - I have no clue what you are on about - seems like I have become spokesman for anyone with a gripe. Of course it's the same old story. Truth usually is the same old story.
Chris Spiteri it-triq mill-Mile End ghal Kastilja se tkun hemm wara l-elezzjoni li jmiss u se tkun highway mhux triq. U x'ghandhom x'jaqsmu Dorothy u Toto fil-Ministeru tal-Informazzjoni? Forsi minn Kastilja se tmorru lejn triq id-Duluri bil-yellow sumbarine minflok yellow brick road Chris? Mohh, qalb u kuragg ghandna Sur Chris u l-Wizard kif sejjaht lil Joseph anki kieku kellu ma jaghmel xejn ukoll ikun jaghmel il-mirakli hdejn dak li ghamel Dr Gonzi ghax Dr Gonzi tefghana lura ghall-medju evu.
Clayton Saliba
you will get stung Frankie, pipe it down. In both PL and PN there are fanatics that fight fire with petrol because that's all they know. Even your friend Napoleon a big bully in Malta, realised the game was up and he was out of his depth when he heard Nelson was on the way to the Maltese islands - you are no Napleon and you have nowhere Egypt to go to either - in Malta we have nowhere to run, either we live with each other or we kill each other , I know what choice I would make , fighting like Mintoff used to do destroyed the tranquillity that existed before he came to power for ever. Today buggers dont know anything different and so it goes on.
Frankie , you certainly have agaitated something i.e. yourself that's all You keep asking me to answer for the PN or the late Guido DeMarco , one, is I do not belong to the PN and have no association with the PN (or the Catholic Church) and the best I can suggest is to ask Dom Mintoff, who is more likely to meet with DeMarco sooner than myself and he can put your questions to him direct. Your right to a nickname, does not give you any rights to accuse , assimilate and insinuate whilst hiding behind the nickname. I dont hid and consider my self to the right to call you Frankie a FRAUD on these ground, just to start off with. On the question of watching your relatives being buried Holy rights , thats their fault - if they knew how Malta was in those days, they should have done all they could to protect their children from such in humane treatment - but hey, don't bring it to me and attack me , that's your inheritance not mine. I dont belong to the Malta Catholic Church. You are treted as second class citizen for as long as you allow others to treat you as second class - don't blame it on me or the EU The British did not want the Natiionalists and during the war, the navy inparticluar supported and distributed 'wealth'to the so called working class to shift the balance of power and the PL under Boffa was strenghtened only to become infamous under Dom Mintoff. The fact that Dom Mintoff is 94 and that 94 year olds tend to normally be buried and not water skiing is not exactly my fault either. I think Darwin explained this , but in any case the Chinese (also friends of Mintoff) normally celebrate when an old relative passes away, so imprinting your dogma about having to feel sorrow is an old man dies is ignorant to say the least and when an old bastard dies its time to look forward too. The chinese would, ask Mintoff he would know - I remember the trip to visit Mao, along with Eddie Mizzi and we learn't a thing or two, yes I was a young secratary with the mintoff camp - so now you realize not to charge people you dont know. Why should Mintoof have a right to speak on Rediffusion when there are plenty of PL platforms, same like why did he expect to meet the queen when he confiffed with communist Wilson to destroy the Brits. Mintoff's EGO in fighting the Church also led him to pretend he kicked the Brits, knowing damn well the UK Gov were looking for some excuse to get the French or Italians to pay for the souther EU and not having UK (a non EEC ful memeber then) having to keep troops they could ill afford so Carrington came up with the best plan, let them kick us out and we'll save money and they save face. Mintoff knew he was conned easily and then started on the policy of flirting with dictators and communists and shot down Irish Sisters (blue sisters), any freedom of speech unless it attacked the church and the western civilisation and also , ehm banned chocolate , that itself thell you something about the great perit - I do hope the funeral arrangement by the government will include his burial near your relative - brothers in arms. I needd to pop off now (hope thats not too offensive) and I always lookforward to any comments and backward if you choose.
Stephen Proudfoot
nin grazzja l'Alla , li Frankie jidher qawwi u shih. Ok , have it your way, inti mhux bla bajd, imma bla guts, ahjar hekk jew, halli ma inbaxxiqx ta' , sorry ta'. Inti Frankie u Napuliun wkoll kontu taqblu, ghax Napuliun ma kinx jahmillhom lill maltin, ul kien seraq il knejjess kollha - inti tixtieq tikser il Knisja un ma tahmiliex lill maltin minghajr ma taf om lewwel. Lil Napuliun ghaidlhu, " you have to fight a battle more than once, to win it " Il flus irriduwhomm hali in nadfu il mizbla fejn hem iz zibel midfun
Stephen Proudfoot
Its too late Mr Bezzina, diga qaxru is suf fuq wiccom il PL PR managers hadu il kliem ta Chriss u Joe Portelli diga, u J Muscat kellu iqaxar ghax jisma li-spin .......
joseph mercieca
Wow seems that I have agitated a hornets nets. Let me try to respond. About my anoniminty, that is my right and you can puke as much venom as you like you won't know who I am. If you don't like it ignore me. I am not writting for your sakes any. In fact I was going to give it up but since I seem to be getting under your skin, I am beginning to like it. As I said to Chris I say to all of you of his ilk don't use the words backside and fraud. Backside evokes nasty scenes by unsuspectable persons. Fraud is the byword of the government just ask John Dalli, the Mayor of San Gwann, Lehmainer International ecc ecc. How do you have the gall to label and others frauds. How just like sanctimonous Demochristian bigots! Understand this in European Malta me and people like Salgister are second class citizens. You can bring your name because you'r the priviliged you'r. Anyway does writting a name and surname show who you are? Anyway from Salgister and I, knowing our identity as Putin say NIET! About the facial hair I tell this and also Julia. Joe Muscat had to shave others had to go under the knife. Chris your answers confirmed that you are a chicken. What answer is that jibberish? Are that weak in English and Maltese? The bottom line is you have no answer for me. Can't you even confirm me Demarco's (Santo Subito) 100,000,000 lie oh sorry pledge. Just say yes or no is that so difficult? As regards freedom of speech again you don't know what you'r talking out. Where was Gwido and Europe when Labour newspapers were prohibited at St.Luke's when Labour public meetings were interrupted by whistling of children of San Gorg Preca and the chiming of church bells. Did Gwido stick his neck out when we were condemed to everlasting fire if we vote Labour. Did some EU commissioner intervene when Mintoff was prohibited from broadcsasting on Redifussion. As regards Gaddafi, I agree with you that he is a dictator. As regards the oil thing I hope it true but I guess its just your fantasy. The thing is your Government is licking this dictator's ass because he is keeping the blackies away from our shores. Has your Christian Democratic government the guts to show disense or at least, manifest concern about the atrocities occuring daily in Libya? But why mention Mintoff in all this? What are these ties with Libya that are binding our soul? But Chris you put our minds at rest as in the end when everything looks doomed, we hear the cavalry of Europe coming to our rescue. How bloody naive can you get man? Don't you know that Gaddafi has Europe by the balls? Wanna bet that in the end the EU will succumb to his five billion blackmail? Really, I take this writtings as a time to pass the day and mean no harm to anybody as everybody has the right to say what he likes and the way he likes it, no problem. But Chris you passed the limit with the frase 'Mintoff pops off'. It is a very base phrase when referring to someone's dimise. You really hate Mintoff don't you. A devout Catholic like you should not habour such feelings. Please understand I am by no means judging you, just expressing a feeling. Anyway we two balance each other you hate him I adore him. I end with Mr.Manuel Sammut all I have to say to you is please moderate your terms, using colourful language is one thing using filthy langauge is another. Being one of the marmalja I have no difficulty answering you in kind, but I value my dignity and respect the fact that I am writting in a public forum. As for me being ahdar or showing hdura could you please show extracts of my writting were I was being ahdar? I think I argued with Chris but did not show him or anyone any hate. By the way thank you for wishing me in hospital; now that is an argument. Manuel, you know what Napoleon said? Let me remind you and I quote, "THE ONLY WAR I CAN NEVER WIN IS AGAINST THE IGNORANT' Menditate Manuel meditate.
Stephen Proudfoot
Dari, l'isqoff Gonzi kien jibad lill labouristi mejtin fil Limbu Illum, Gonzi pm, baghad il partit laburist kollu fil Limbu, ghax issa nafu li il Limbu originali ma jessitiex aktar. allura Frankie , ir rabajt daqsekk illi thali tahraq lit Times ta Malta?
Jeffrey Vella
There is nothing wrong with giving your facial hair a trim.It gives an image of cleanliness,something the PN does no longer represent.
You would love to wear the burqa as it will hide your face, Salgister like Joe South and Frankie - Birds of a feather ........PL for Burqa too
Ghall Frankie , halli jkun jista jaqra الآن أن تنظيف الفزاعة ، تين مان والأسد في وجوههم ، والخطوة التالية هي لبناء أعمالهم. ونأمل أن يحصلوا على الدماغ والقلب والشجاعة لبعض قبل ان زيارة معالج المالطية في الانتخابات القادمة. لا نستغرق على الرغم من أن الطريق من الطوب الأصفر مايل إند إلى قشتالة مازال يبحث عن دوروثي وتوتو في وزارة الإعلام.
Stephen Proudfoot
Bil hdura ma tasal imkien - bil biza tmur lura Jek li qed tghid huwa vera, ghaliex ma tiktiebx x'ghamlu lill hekk dawn il PN nies, jekk u vera. Inkella inti bla bajd. Jien sufrajt mhux transfer biss taht il labouristi, imma anke qaghbu mat tifla fl'isptar u in namrat tagha. Jien kont niebza ghall futur, imbaghad wara hafna, irrealizajt li ghall kull wiehed , hawn ieher , u ftaht halqie - ktiet dak iz zmien fit Times of Malta u mhux biss le bezzaw ille dawk il bewilla li kienu jibulljaw, jduru ma kull partit fil poter. Dawn hadd ma jriddhom. Salgister, ikxiefhom, dawn huma is zibel ta Malta li j'ghamli il hsara fil politica, mhux il PL jew il PN imma il bullijiet li m'ghandhomx partit, pajjiz u lanqas bajd, ghax meta kxiefthom maru stahbew.
Now that the SCARECROW, TIN MAN and the LION cleaned up their faces; the next step is to build up their ACTS. Hopefully, they acquire a BRAIN, a HEART and some COURAGE before they visit the MALTESE WIZARD in the next election. Don't hold your breath though, the yellow brick road from Mile End to Castille is still searching for DOROTHY & TOTO in the media department.
Clayton Saliba
Honest commentators must try and find ways to starve anonymous hijackers off the oxygen of publicity, on which they depend on, as they will always go with the crowd when face to face. All who hide behind nicknames and want the highroad to pride, have no self-esteem and their wives no satisfaction....... I always cheer up immediately when I am attacked personally as it means they have no political arguments as in your case Salgister " the three stooges" is that the best you can do ? I owe nothing to the PN, except for FREEDOM of speech which I try to use, only to be attacked personally by someone using a nickname. So if you want to cut your own throat dont come to people like me for a bandage. as for your quote ' You're like the dirty teapot calling the kettle black! ' its the Kettle thats exposed to the fames and gets black afterall and always better to try and fail than never to try at all. When you get your head out of your backside, remember it will stink for a while, so the sooner you do it the better.
I have no fear to say what I say Face to Face - there iis no right for you to attack anyone if you need to saty anonymous . If its true you are afraid of being Hunted Down by PN Lackneys (?) than you can't use anonymity to attack someone who let's you know who he is. Even practical men are slaves to the ideas of fear, a long defunct weapan nowadays. Ask Manuel Sammut and his family - for years they feared political persecution and went along with the threats, now he admits he was only afraid of fear itself. Afterall we the majority of people would vote for Freedom of Speech ahead of any Political Manifesto - the few that dont (on both sides) do no deserved a free ride to hide anonymously whilst swinging manure around..... for Frankie's sake ليس لدي أي خوف أن أقول ما أقول وجها لوجه -- هناك معهد الدراسات الإسماعيلية لا يحق لك لمهاجمة أي شخص إذا كنت بحاجة إلى saty المجهول. إذا كان هذا صحيحا لكنت خائفا من أن مطاردتهم من قبل Lackneys السندات الإذنية (؟) من لا يمكنك استخدام عدم الكشف عن هويته لمهاجمة شخص دعونا كنت تعرف من هو. حتى الرجال الذين هم عبيد العملي للأفكار من الخوف ، وweapan طويلة البائد في الوقت الحاضر. اسأل Sammut مانويل وعائلته -- لسنوات انهم يخشون من الاضطهاد السياسي وذهب مع التهديدات ، والآن وهو يعترف أنه كان خائفا فقط من الخوف نفسه. هل نحن إنس غالبية الناس التصويت لحرية التعبير قبل أي البيان السياسي -- القليلة التي لا (على الجانبين) لا يستحق أي رحلة مجانية لإخفاء بينما يتأرجح حول السماد مجهول.....
Liberti هو pricless -- هذا ما الراحل Guido De Marco ، جنبا إلى جنب مع إدي وغالبية الشعب المالطي تمكن من الحصول بالنسبة لنا -- إلا أن يكون الاحتيال مثلك يختبئ وراء Frankie'just 'لأنك فقدت اتصالات تجارية مربحة. يحدث لي أن أكتب عن الشعر في الوجه كما لم يعد ينظر إليها على جذب السياسيون خطيرة ، وبالتالي عدم وجود الناخبين المحتملين وبعد يومين ، والعلاقات العامة لحزب العمال قيادة الجهاز أوامر إلى تقليم 'taches وgoatees وإسقاط' صورة رجل الأمس. الاستجواب حتى لي ، حيث لم أحصل على رأيي من وفيما يتعلق إزالة شعر الوجه ، ليبدو أن فريق العلاقات العامة العمل تتفقون معي في واقع الأمر لم شيئا حيال ذلك -- وهو يبين كيف لم تتمكن من السيطرة غضب الخاص أعمى عندما كنت غيور بعد الاطلاع على الحقيقة تتم طباعتها. الحقيقة مطبوعة كذلك جعلناكم اطلاق النار على الرسول ، وكما كنت تشكو من هذه المادة التي يتم الإبلاغ جوليا فقط الحقائق. في تلك النمطية التي تبدو دائما للتعبير عن مشاعرهم لا نواجه الحقائق ، وهذه هي (). وأنا أعلم أن العديد من مؤيدي رر جيدة يفضلون البقاء هادئة والعمل على تحسين الطرف ، لك ثلاثة مليئة الأنا ، والرغبة في أن يستمع إليه ، بغض النظر عما إذا هو الحقد والغيرة أو السم النقي وأنها لا تساعد على الجزء؟ ليس في الأقل. أما بالنسبة للزاوية مسلم ، Joe Muscat غير مسلم وانه ليس ضد المسلمين كما أنني أولا ولكن في الإسلام ، ويتظاهر بأنه عندما تكون مسلما في الحقيقة انت كافر ، التي من شأنها أن تكون جريمة مصلي. أعيش والعمل مع المسلمين واحترام ما هو أن تكون لنفسها ، إما مؤمن (من نفس الايمان) أم لا. التظاهر كنت من الحماقة. يمكنك كذلك توضيح اسمك كما الاحتيال وهذا تأكد من بطاقة الهوية يعكس نفس الاسم. قمت بإخفاء الاسم الحقيقي لأنك صناع المتاعب ولديها ما تخفيه ، وقد أتاح هذا اليوم مالطا لنا جميعا حرية استخدام أي اسم ، ولكن الذي يهدف إلى أولئك الذين لا يرغبون في التعبير عن آرائهم ، وربما يضطر و ليس لأولئك الذين يريدون دائما للتعبير عن أنفسهم ولكن يختبئون. (ملاحظة : -- خفض الملح ، Salgister يقول لك مالحة الطعم)Listen
Micheal Bonanno
I use Salgister as nick because I can't publish my own name for fear of being hunted down by your PN lackeys, as they did once and ended up being transferred. I prefer to remain anonymous, thank you very much. But one thing is for certain. You're like the dirty teapot calling the kettle black! And Frankie was right, as I was. You are like the 3 stooges!
Clayton Saliba
your deduction was correct
makes it clear now that the goatee is off......
"its like being flogged by a dead sheep" Manuel , they keep hoping Malta will drill for oil when the next labour governement is elected - little do they know that when Dom Mintoff pops it, so will Gaddafis ties with the Island, and then we'll see the real dictator attempting to marginalise the who Island as he was always after , however despite Berculonni friendship, what will save the Island will be it EU membership who would once again pity our predictament, a rather self inflicted one at that.
Liberti is pricless - that's what the late Guido DeMarco , together with Eddie and the majority of Maltese people managed to obtain for us - only to have frauds like you hiding behind 'Frankie'just because you lost lucrative business connections. I happen to write about the facial hairs as no longer seen to attract serious politicans and hence lack of potential voters and two days later , the Labour's PR machine orders leadership to trim 'taches and goatees and drop 'man of yesteryear' image. So questioning me, where did I get my opinion from with regard to removal of facial hairs, its seems that the Labour PR team agree with me and in fact did something about it - it shows how you cannot control your blind fury when you are jealous after seeing the truth being printed. Printed truth also made you shoot the messenger, as you complain about the article in which Julia is only reporting the facts. Its typical that those that always seem to voice their feelings don't face facts, these are Salgister , Joe South and Frankie. I know that many a good PL supporter prefer to remain quiet and work on improving the party, you three are full of ego, wanting to be heard, regardless if it is hatred, jealousy or pure venom and does it help the part ? Not in the least. As for the Muslim angle, Joe Muscat is not a Muslim and he is not against Muslims nor am I. However in Islam, pretending to be be muslim when in fact you are an infidel , that would be a serous offence. I live and work with Muslims and what they respect is to be one's self, either a believer (of the same faith) or not. Pretending you are is foolish. Frankie, you may aswell spell your name as Fraudie. And this make sure your ID card reflects the same name. You hide your true name beacuse you are trouble makers and have something to hide, this Malta Today has allowed all of us the Freedom to use any name, but that is aimed at those who do not wish to voice their opinion and may be forced and not to those who always want to voice but are hiding themselves. (PS - cut down on the Salt, salgister says you taste salty)
Clayton Saliba
On , THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2010 in the article titled :- Muscat accuses Gonzi of putting ‘undue pressure’ on judiciary with his reply to Said’s resignation letter By CHARLOT ZAHRA the following comments where publised, • By the by , he should shave if he wishes to accept western leaders company - reddish facial hairs are associted with Taliban not civilised hygienic leaders that need to appeal to both sexes, unless he is simply after muslim votes who's male must prove they are men and allow facial hairs. well done CHRIS SPITERI • By your contribution you shot yourself in the leg as you, not only, showed how bloody dense you are but maybe, worse than that, you showed us that you are a racsit. FRANKIE And now this article , “who got Labour’s goatee” by Julia Farrugia and Frankies reply to her is “For this 'battikta' you gave me I thank Malta today or Illum or whatever for publishing this stipidity. Is this news about the Labour Party? But there is so much shit is pouring out of the PN that Malta Today and Illum seem to have no other news on Labour to publish so as to make it loose brownie points by making it look puerile and petty.” Basically shootting the messenger, even though its direct result to , Labour's PR machine orders leadership to trim 'taches and goatees and drop 'man of yesteryear' image. As for ‘Fraud’, I bet you that neither Frankie, Salgister or Joe South have these names on their Maltese ID Card , in which case they are fraudulently making statement on behave of a real Frankie, a real Salgister and a real Joe South where ever they may be in the world. Sorry to dissapoint you Fraud........
Stephen Proudfoot
Iva, 'this is news for publishing' obviament splodaijt u despraijt ghax Chris qalikhom qabel ille nies bis suf fuq which , illum mumiex accetati - imma inti ghami u il hruda li ghandhekk se tibadekk lis sptar bid baqieq. Eat your words Frankie, Saligester toqoghods terdahulu ghax se tieh puplesija....... mhux sew, ghax iellhu id- dahaqna.....
Stephen Proudfoot
qieghed nitrijaghad bil biza ! Chris was right all along and the PL adviser seem to have follwed Chris and not Frankie Saqsi lill Mintoff fejin u id drit ta zejt ghall Maltin, wara le hxiljan pajjizna bil hbieberia ma terrorist Gaddafi?
Micheal Bonanno
Wow, what a long sermon, Frank! But Chrissie really needed it. Watch out now, for I think, we'll see his partners Portelli and Manuel get onto you. But it was nice reading your mouthwatering kickback!
joseph mercieca
Chris I believe that you enjoy being flogged. So not to let you down I will oblige. First of all, you are a chicken because though you vomit hateful bile against Labour you still don't admit that you are Nats. Also pal, what the hell have you got against Muslims? Since when having a breard or mustache is not acceptable in politics. Do I take it that in European Malta I cannot have a beard if I want to enter politics. If you think so, I am very sorry for you, really sorry. You see I am strongly anticlerical but I do have Christian charity. Again Chris, as in the case of things affixed to my backside.(good Catholic language that) Do not mention certain words these days, because you'l do more harm than good. But in your hurry to scribble something against Labour you mentioned the word FRAUD. You should know that Fraud is becoming synonym with PN. So next time avoid that word, it's worse than backside. Your demonstrated your Christianity by Labeling us supporters rogue; so for you, we are dishonest, cheaters, knaves, scoundrels, tramps and inferior organisims. Peodophiles and rapists would have completed to a tee the profile of a Labour supporter. I shudder to think what you'd call a Muslim. If you wanted to mention the violence why didn't you? As Saviour told forget and look foreward. You don't and want to look at the past. You know that the 70s were proceeded by the 60s and in that decade us Labour supporters didn't actually have a picnic. We suffered moral and spiritual violence. A punch in the face, a load of tear gas or a knock on the head will pass. But at the age 10 being refused confession because your parents were Labour, hearing a priest giving thanks in church because a young girl from a Cottonera Labour family died in a fire, seeing your deceased loved ones carried without a cross and buried in the mizbla and being osticazed at school are wounds that only time will heal (if it every will). But for a fundamentalist biggot that you are, such actions are normal. Because you walk the moral high ground and are deluded that you have God in your pocket togther with a no return flight direct to the Pearly Gates. Sorry I am an ignorant rogue Labourite, but I did not understand what you wrote about tribalism. You should know this it is a disease inflicted on us by the British and the Church. But you wouldn't understand. Chris I really loved your ending you got me there pal! you got me wetting my pants and than again I was really sorry that in the third millenium we have people so bloody dense and still think they can venture a contribution to the political debate. Really Chris, do you consider yourself a floating voter? If you are a floating voter, I am Emmeline Pankhurst. So our Party needs a Spring Cleaning. What does your Party need? a decontamination? For this 'battikta' you gave me I thank Malta today or Illum or whatever for publishing this stipidity. Is this news about the Labour Party? But there is so much shit is pouring out of the PN that Malta Today and Illum seem to have no other news on Labour to publish so as to make it loose brownie points by making it look puerile and petty. I mean you have to think of balance. Grazzi Julia!!!! PS. By the way, Chrissy, you havn't answered my question about Demarco's (Santo Subito) 100,000,000 (pounds or Euros) pledge to the Maltese.
Good bye to the muslim look - I was attacked by PL supporters for advsing publicly that facial hairs are not acceptable in todays international political circles , (read Frankies vomit article), glad to see the advise was taken onboard. Next step is to get rid of rogue supporters who are just a fraud and survive on tribalism , this would attract the floating voters and minority supporters paving the way for a new spring cleaning.