PN President was investigated over stalking, harassment in 2003

The President of the PN’s General Council Paula Mifsud Bonnici  had been investigated and admitted to stalking and harassment of PL MP Justyn Caruana in 2003.

The case was revealed in yesterday’s edition of sister paer ‘illum’ where it emerged that a series text messages were sent from Paula Mifsud Bonnici’s mobile phone – then PN Councillor in Hamrun – to Justyn Caruana and also to her then boyfriend, and husband today, Police Inspector Silvio Valletta.

Mifsud Bonnici was reportedly investigated by Inspector Angelo Caruana who had summoned her to the Police headquarters where she admitted sending the messages.

The case had not proceeded in court following an apology issued by Mifsud Bonnici and the acceptance from behalf of Justyn Caruana and Silvio Valletta.

According to Mifsud Bonnici who was contacted by ‘Illum’, the PN was never informed about the case, and neither was her family.

Also contacted, MP Justyn Caruana insisted on a “no comment” adding that “it wasn’t a pleasant time” in her life.

U ejja...x'ser taqilghu...forsi kien hemm xi ragunijiet personali...Veru ma kelliex biex timla l-gazetta biex taqla affarijiet personali ta DISA SNIN ilu! La kien hemm l-apologija u l-accettazzjoni tal-apologija ghaliex terghu tqanqlu sitwazzjonijiet ta wgiegh! Dan gurnalismu ta sitt habbiet!
Joseph Catania
The Antoine Mifsud Bonnici family were always a family of very high integrity. I am sure that there's nothing muxh to the story except for sensationalism. GonziPN should look and learn from Antoine and ask him to teach the party some policy making of integrity. Antoine was an asset in the party who was discarded by EFA and by Gonzi.`
Alfred Galea
Can you please tell me what assumptions are you talking about?? Don't tell me that Paula was not a PNer and Justyne not a PLer in 2003? Settled "amicably"....are you joking or what?? "Must" have been purely pewrsonal......then again it "could've" been purely political right?
Unless you admit to harassment, charged with perjury or tax evasion and form collusion frame-ups against your own Ministers or Majors; you cannot qualify to represent this administration. Now that the sewage has broken through the silence, imagine what is left to be exposed. Is it any wonder that yesterday both the PM and TONIO BORG boasted how much they achieved in the last seven days. It sure makes you proud to be part of a two party system on the Maltese Islands. How else can you handcuff the MINORITY from holding the MAJORITY accountable.
Justyne has been a thorn in their back especially in Gozo where a swing was made last election , it may have been small but it is growing and growing. So how better to combat this,if not by turning their canons on her, this story shows that this has been going on for more time than we thought. Trust Paula to say that neither the party nor her family knew about it, what do you expect her to say, that she had gonziPN's blessing or was encouraged by her parents. Stupid remark, better if not said at all.
Joanne sultana
Joe South I think you are making very baseless assumptions. This must have been purely a personal matter, which as it seems was settled amicably. Politicians have their private life too. I can't really see the point for this paper to make such "news".
Alfred Galea
Really gets to the PN doesn't she......first this clown Mifsud Bonnici stalks and harasses her, then five PN MPs LIE about the way she voted in the House, then Chris Said drags her and implies that she had something to do with his forthcoming perjury trial..... [According to Mifsud Bonnici who was contacted by ‘Illum’, the PN was never informed about the case, and neither was her family.] Of course she wouldn't tell her family and the PN....that woul;d stop her from becoming what she is today, UNLESS she's lying.
Joe Tanti
Well it seems that that the PN are up to their old tricks of trying out personal attacks against those who they see as a thorn in their now more than ever vulnerable side, and one of these is the able and dynamic and much loved by her constituents in the 13th.district:Dr.Justine Caruana, this personal attack it seems is one of a much more orchestrated programm by the GonziPN agaainst one who they are seeing as gnawing at their now precarious majority in our sister isle of Gozo.Thay are seeing the writing on the wall,their days are numbered. Everyone is feeling the pinch of GonziPN politics and the Gozitans more than most and so the PN are resorting to these dirty tricks. The PN have touched rock bottom, the illustrious surnames of Mifsud Bonnici and Borg Olivier are being dragged through the mire of dirty politics by such upstarts like PBO and now Paula Mifsud Bonnici. Now that after 7 years this scandal has surfaced,is Paula going to render her resignation from the PN administration? A general secretary and now the president of the PN, everybody is asking whose next? I am sure that more of the same is in the offing.The maltese adage of "today or tomorrow oil will rise to the surface" is more than true these days.
would an inspector investigate and than if one admits for harassment and stalking and the victim will accept the apologizes the inspector will sent all home, is that to all people in that situation? .............. well peace to all than :)
must be something, that must be very personal for sure......... where there is smoke there is or was fire.... first police investigating than all was finished better for both of them I think....