In the Press: Study shows one in three prisoners have family with convictions

Stories from today's national press

The Times of Malta

A local study on prisoners serving time at Corradino Correctional Facility between 1950 and 2010 has revealed that one in three prisoners have family members with criminal convictions. Many offending parents choose to commit crimes with their children and crime families are usually repeat offenders, the study shows. 


During a radio interview, Opposition leader Simon Busuttil called for an urgent convening of the Security Committee to address the issue of the abuse of the visa and residence permit system.


A new technology, called wind lidar and acquired through EU funds, will be used by the University of Malta to research wind energy and will give local scientists the chance to train in its use.

The Malta Independent

A marine hatchery in Zonqor point was not found to be a suitable use of the land, according to a 2011 site assessment study. PM Joseph Muscat said that the site had been "earmarked" for the hatchery project under the previous administration. AD Vice Chairman Carmel Cacopardo accused the PN of twisting report findings to justify the AUM project.