[WATCH] Tuna ranchers, under pressure, acknowledge responsibility to care for the sea

Fish farm operators have launched an environmental protection campaign that includes a telephone number people can call on to report complaints

Four fish farm operators are now acknowledging they also have a responsibility to protect the seas
Four fish farm operators are now acknowledging they also have a responsibility to protect the seas

They have come under fire for polluting the seas, but now fish farm operators have acknowledged the need to operate in a sustainable manner as they launch an educational campaign.

The Federation of Malta Aquaculture Producers, which brings together four of the five tuna farm operators, has launched an educational campaign to protect the seas.

The educational emphasises the need to protect the seas

The campaign emphasises that fish farm operators also have the responsibility to protect the environment.

“The FMAP understands that for many years, its priority was not sustainable protection of the seas. Today, the organisation believes that environmental protection is in everybody’s interest and no activity can be sustainable if it leaves a negative impact on the natural environment.”

The organisation said commercial fish farming helped natural fish populations not to deplete, while it provided food to many communities.

The theme of the campaign is: One Sea, Our Sea.

Fish farm operators got together earlier this month after sea slime coming from fish feed appeared all along Malta’s east coast.

The four operators promised to observe common standards when feeding tuna. These measures included booms to collect oil residues during feeding times and boats equipped with skimmers to collect waste material around the pens.

READ ALSO: Tuna ranchers to deploy booms to control fish farm slime

The operators have also set up a telephone line, which people can call to report complaints regarding their operations.

The telephone number is: 21242776.