Dismissed AFM soldier takes aim at Keith Schembri
'Army gate' was a joke, 'Malta gate' is murder, the former soldier wrote

A soldier, Godwin Schembri, who was dimissed last year over a viral video that showed him mocking an expensive but ineffectual gate at the Pembroke shooting range took aim at the Prime Minister's former chief of staff Keith Schembri in a Facebook post.
In a post that seemed to be addressing the recently resigned Schembri, he wrote: "Both of us have the Schembri surname, both of us worked for the government and both of us were screwed over by a gate, my friend. The difference is that I was a soldier and you were the chief of staff. 'Army gate' was a joke, 'Malta gate' is murder."
He added that he was fired in a heartbeat after the joke video that featured explicit language poking fun at the gate while Schembri was protected for over two years.
"You were praised even when you were already at police headquarters. Only in Malta," the former solider wrote. He was referencing Muscat's praise of Schembri on the day of the latter's resignation.
The soldier had filed a judicial protest over his harsh dismissal at the time when the viral video was doing the rounds on Facebook.
The former chief of staff is expected to be interrogated further by the police on his possible involvement in the murder of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia. He resigned from his post on Tuesday, a few hours after he was called to the police headquarters for questioning.