What a Wonder Ball!
Michael Falzon
The howlers on TVM’s quiz programme are funny. But they are also a sad reflection of the way the public broadcaster works... and of its abandonment of its responsibility to...
A garnishee order may be reduced if the circumstances have changed
Malcolm Mifsud
If there is a change in circumstances which allow the reduction of a garnishee order, the Court may reduce or remove that garnishee order
Filthy neighbourhoods, a deficient waste collection system and litter louts

Malta has become filthy and the laissez faire attitude shown by the authorities only encourages irresponsible litter louts to continue doing as they please

Malta has become filthy and the laissez faire attitude...

Government’s screeching and damaging U-turns | Mark Said

Abela’s premiership hardly ever got off to the smoothest of starts, with...

Abela’s premiership hardly ever got off to the...

When a verdict is not unanimous then the Criminal Court has a discretion to choose which punishment is to be awarded
Malcolm Mifsud

The Court held that the Criminal Court has a discretion to award a punishment in cases of wilful homicide in terms of Article 492(2) of the Criminal Code

The Court held that the Criminal Court has a discretion to...

‘Blaming climate change’ is just another way for Robert Abela to ‘blame himself’...
Raphael Vassallo

And after all that... Robert Abela still has the gall to ‘blame climate change’, for his own failures?! I mean, come on. There’s a limit to...

And after all that... Robert Abela still has the gall to...

Hondoq must be expropriated

The Labour Party must take it on itself to push for a permanent resolution to the Ħondoq issue and in the process, pressure the government to act accordingly

The Labour Party must take it on itself to push for a...

Who cares about a well-rounded human experience when you can be a zombied-out consumer?

No. 202 - Total System Collapse, Baby!

No. 202 - Total System Collapse, Baby!

An avoidable national crisis and our plan forward
Mark Anthony Sammut

They made it almost sound as if this crisis was unavoidable, out of our...

They made it almost sound as if this crisis was...

The arrogance of dilettantism
Michael Falzon

In the Corradino case, the quacks left their signature all over the rubble that crushed and killed Jean Paul Sofia. People registered as...

In the Corradino case, the quacks left their signature all...

Why ‘Mr Mojo-Jojo’ is the superhero this country really needs, right now
Raphael Vassallo

All the ongoing overdevelopment, in this country right now, can be defined as being somehow ‘tourism-related’, in one way or another

All the ongoing overdevelopment, in this country right now,...

If this is not a wakeup call, I don’t know what is
Josanne Cassar

If this is not a wakeup call that we need to change our ways and the completely...

If this is not a wakeup call that we need to change our...

Back to the stone age
Saviour Balzan

The answer to our infrastructural woes are not going to be climate change agencies but action and decision-making based on the premise  that this small...

The answer to our infrastructural woes are not going to be...

Cartoon: 30 July 2023

Cartoon by Mikiel Galea

Cartoon by Mikiel Galea

A climate change emergency and a new Malta

Now that government has 'discovered’ climate change, it should walk...

Now that government has 'discovered’ climate...

Before ‘Barbie’ and ‘Oppenheimer’, there were... ‘The Powerpuff Girls’! (Part One)
Raphael Vassallo

The upshot, of course, is that both Barbie, and The Powerpuff Girls, ended up serving a purpose that was far removed from the intentions of their respective...

The upshot, of course, is that both Barbie, and The...

Heat, like traffic and prime-ministerial U-turns, is just a perception. Trust me, bro
Abandoned in the hour of need

 Surveys have shown that many Labour voters have crossed the line into non-voting territory. This arrogant attitude will only convince them to stay there...

 Surveys have shown that many Labour voters have...

[WATCH] MaltaToday’s survey results analysed
James Debono / Kurt Sansone

MaltaToday Executive Editor Kurt Sansone and Senior Journalist James Debono...

MaltaToday Executive Editor Kurt Sansone and Senior...

Boiler No. 7 all over again: Seven days of hell
Kurt Sansone

Robert Abela and Miriam Dalli keep referring to the sins of PN administrations...

Robert Abela and Miriam Dalli keep referring to the sins of...