Evolution? It’s just a theory…

How old is the universe? And how did life as we know it flourish into the extraordinary diversity we see around us today? 

For thousands of years, the answers to these and other questions were simple enough: it’s all in the Bible, stupid!

But with the advent of modern science, and overwhelming evidence in favour of ‘new’ theories such as evolution and the Big Bang, new answers started to emerge. Some say they are complementary to traditional religious views, which in any case should not be taken literally. Others however are sceptical and sometimes downright hostile towards all but the most literal interpretations of Scripture.

Nowhere is this conflict of ideas more evident than in the issue of evolutionary science, which has pitted biologists against young-earth creationists in a battle for the future of education.

Efforts are now underway to enact this same war here in Malta, which this week hosted a four-day symposium addressed by UK-based ‘creation scientist’ Philip Bell.

Bell, whose declared aim is to export creationism to the rest of the world, made the case that Darwin’s theory of evolution is untrue. Far from descending from ape ancestors, Homo sapiens really was assembled out of dust on the sixth day of Creation, which took place just over 6,000 years ago.

Locally, science pundits are unimpressed. Echoing the views of the Malta Astronomical Society, amateur astronomer Martin Galea Degiovanni makes short shrift of the basic creationist arguments regarding the age of the Universe.

“A young universe of only 6,000 years would question some of the most basic understanding of science,” he observes. “In astronomy, distances are measured in light years (l.y.). That’s equivalent to the distance that light travels in one year. It might sound like a huge distance, and in fact to the human mind it is – exactly 9,460,730,472,580.8 km. Yet on the scale of the known universe this does not even cover the distance to our closest star, which is 4.2 l.y. away.

Galea Degiovanni adds that the closest galaxy to our planet, a satellite of our own Milky Way, is 25,000 l.y. away.

“This means that it takes light 25,000 years to reach us here on Earth. This simple measurement, based on solid scientific observation and knowledge, is already way above the 6,000-year limit. One has to also keep in mind that current telescopes are capable of observing objects up to 12 billion light years away, effectively meaning that the light has been travelling through space for 12 billion years…”

And yet, the view that the entire Universe is less than twice as old as Mnajdra, has already made it into at least one local Evangelical school: aided in part by an apparent reluctance to over-emphasise evolutionary science on the national curriculum.

In fact the study of evolution is currently limited only to O- and A-level Biology classes.

Effectively, this means that most Maltese students will go through their entire schooling without being given a solid grounding in evolution at all.

Dr Kris Zarb Adami, Physics lecturer at the University of Malta and researcher at Oxford, is concerned at this state of affairs.

“The difference between creationism and evolutionary science is that the latter is evidence-based. If we believe that living organisms have evolved from earlier life-forms, it’s because there is a wealth of observable evidence to support that view.”

The same, he adds, goes for other widely accepted theories such as the Big Bang – also rejected by creationism as ‘incompatible’ with the Bible.

On the other hand, faith-based systems do not require any evidence at all. Zarb Adami argues that this can be dangerous, because it can lead directly to injustices.

As an example he cites the accepted model used by the law-courts: “A court will require evidence to convict someone of a crime. Without evidence, innocent people could be convicted on mere ‘belief’ that they are guilty. This in fact has happened in the past, such as when justice systems worked on a faith-based, rather than an evidence-based model. The witchcraft trials of the Middle Ages are a case in point…”

The Council of Europe clearly shares Zarb Adami’s concerns, and in 2007 reminded member states that “the teaching of all phenomena concerning evolution as a fundamental scientific theory is therefore crucial to the future of our societies and our democracies. For that reason, it must occupy a central position in the curriculums…”

The same resolution also urges states to “firmly oppose the teaching of creationism as a scientific discipline on an equal footing with the theory of evolution and in general the presentation of creationist ideas in any discipline other than religion.”

But it is far from clear whether or to what extent Malta is currently taking this advice. Questions sent to the Education Ministry this week remained steadfastly ignored.

But physicist Dr Edward Mallia agrees that schoolchildren should be given a thorough grounding in evolutionary science.

“I think it’s important on at least two counts. The first is that, in this day and age, there is simply no longer any excuse to doubt the science of evolution, or to pit it against religious belief. I can understand that there were doubts in ages past: at the time when Darwin formulated his theories, there was a lot of guesswork going on. But ever since the discovery of DNA, I would say all that is really behind us now. …”

The second count, he argues, is that it would be a ‘disservice’ to religion to posit literal interpretations of Scripture. “It would be a travesty of religious belief to argue that the two disparate versions of Creation, as described in Genesis 1 and 2, are to be taken literally.”

Pointing out that a human being’s genetic code is 98% identical to that of a chimpanzee, Mallia argues that to doubt evolution today is “to go beyond fundamentalism.”

@Herman Cummings: Why not also teach that the world is flat and carried on the backs of four elephants which in turn stand on a giant tortoise? Genesis is an old fairy tale and there is NO PART OF IT that is (literally) true. Not a single sentence. @theot58: The "quote" you gave was never made by the person you attribute it to. See http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/ce/3/part12.html Your misquote is in itself a testament to how flimsy your objections are. Whether you came up with that lie yourself, or are merely repeating someone else's lie doesn't change the fact that it's a lie.
It is totally appropriate for people to question Darwin's outdated theory of evolution. There have been a string of deceptions used to propogate it to trusting children. THE SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE SUPPORTING DARWINIAN/MACRO EVOLUTION IS PATHETIC. Do a YouTube search on “kansas evolution hearings” to hear real, credible scientists, present powerful arguments which debunk Darwinian/Macro evolution. Dr John Sanford (Geneticists and inventor of the GeneGun) said . ” The bottom line is that the primary axiom [of Darwinian/Macro evolution] is categorically false, you can't create information with misspellings, not even if you use natural selection.” Prof. Louis Bounoure, Director of Research, National Center of Scientific Research said "Evolution is a fairy tale for grown-ups. This theory has helped nothing in the progress of science. It is useless."
Why are the atheists, clergymen, creationists, educators, and scientists all avoiding the truth of Genesis (Observations of Moses)? Because they all have their own ideology, and want to remain in ignorance, having no desire to learn the real truth. The so-called Bible believers don’t want to change from their false and foolish doctrines, and the atheists want to keep the monopoly of evolution being taught in schools. Why are educators and scientists refusing to examine other explanations of the escalating death of prehistoric life forms? Why are clergymen, such as the Arch-Bishops of Canterbury, York, the Pope (including the “pope in exile”) refusing to be (re)educated on the truth of Genesis? Does the public and laity have to “twist their arm”, or beat them up side their heads to make them face the truth? Genesis is literally true, and is being held from the public by those that want the “lie” of evolution to remain prominent in society. Herman Cummings [email protected]
The fables in the bible were created by illiterate, bronze age desert dwellers who tended to hallucinate on a regular basis. Their "visions" tended to impress their fellow villagers who didn't have the education to enter into discussion or to argue with these visions, thus accepting these fantasies as fact. There is absolutely no evidence, whatsoever, which can prove ANY of the biblical fables ever actually happened.
@ rcasha Much worse than that! If you take the bible as literal, you have to stone your disrespectful son to death. Read this enlightening post for a good explanation why: http://parentingbeyondbelief.com/blog/?p=6285 Here's the short of it: Jesus says in Matthew 5:17 and following "17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. 19 Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven." So Jesus says that the laws of the Old Testament are valid. Turn to Deuteronomy, 21:18 and following: “If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who does not obey his father and mother and will not listen when they discipline him, his father and mother shall take hold of him and bring him to the elders at the gate of his town….Then all the men of his town shall stone him to death.” I hope Renzo Piano has allotted space for these literal Bible believers to properly deal with their sons in his plans for City Gate.
Of course, in order to teach a strict literal interpretation of the Bible one must also: . Teach that rainbows are not really a natural phenomenon caused by refraction of light, but a reminder placed in the sky by a forgetful god to remember not to drown us all again. . Teach that the world is, in fact, flat, since Satan took Jesus to the top of a mountain high enough to see the entire world from, and that doesn't work with a spherical earth. . That humans started building a tower tall enough to reach heaven, and that God became worried that they would succeed, and therefore made them all speak different languages. Then we'd have to explain why we haven't found heaven.
Creationism is incompatible with almost every aspect of science. It contradicts geology due to the age of the earth, astronomy and cosmology due to the distance between stars and galaxies, all aspects of biology, anything dealing with isotopes and radioactive decay, plate tectonics... the list is endless. . Teaching a child creationism denies that person a whole swathe of career choices in the future. After all, who wants to go to a doctor who steadfastly denies that pathogens are evolving resistance to antibiotics, or employ an archaeologist who believes that humans and T-Rex lived together in a Flintstones-like world?
Yep, evolution is "just a theory", like gravity. Anyone wishing to contest the validity of evolution should first experimentally disprove gravity, at Dingli cliffs.
If a chimpanzee's genetic code is 98% similar to mine, how come I wake up every morning craving for a cup of coffee and not a banana?>
It is a disgrace on humanity that religion, in all its different forms, is indoctrinated in very young children when there is no shred of evidence of any gods in the first place. http://www.fortunecity.com/emachines/e11/86/dawkins2.html