In the Press: Maltese most optimistic in EU | 'No comment' from EC over Muscat criticism

Stories from today's national press

The Times of Malta

Education minister Evarist Bartolo yesterday proposed a discussion on raising the compulsory school age from 16 to 18, citing it as one possible solution to the unemployment problem. Bartolo spoke at a conference on poverty and linked issues with literacy and a lack of basic qualifications.


Malta showed a continued reduction in industrial production, a trend opposite to the positive growth recorded across the EU, according to Eurostat data. All other EU and eurozone countries experienced growth between March and April 2014, and April 2013 and April this year.


A representative of the European Commission met criticism by PM Joseph Muscat with 'no comment'. Muscat accused the EC of ignoring Malta's plight as migrants begin to make the journey across the Mediterranean. He said it should be ashamed of this attitude and that the only help Malta found in recent weeks came from the Italian and US navies.

The Malta Independent

A Eurobarometer survey shows that the main areas of concern for the Maltese are the environment and immigration. 69% feel positively about the economy while 43% cite immigration as a main concern and 20% cite the environment. 54% stated that they felt their country was headed in the right direction and 40% felt their lives would improve over the coming year.