In the Press: Public transport operator to be announced | Farrugia Sacco likely to retire before Parliament can discuss impeachment

Stories from today's national press

Judge Lino Farrugia Sacco is set to retire next month, giving Parliament a tight deadline to discuss his impeachment.
Judge Lino Farrugia Sacco is set to retire next month, giving Parliament a tight deadline to discuss his impeachment.


Minister of Foreign Affairs George Vella weighed in on a number of international events yesterday. He called for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza region, which is claiming many innocent Palestinian lives.

Vella also called on the EU to remain vigilant about the deteriorating security situation in Libya. He also expressed condolences to those affected by the downing of a passenger airliner over eastern Ukraine.

The Times of Malta

PM Joseph Muscat said yesterday that he was in favour of tough sanctions against Russia in the wake of the MH17 tragedy. Speaking during an interview of CNN yestserday, the PM also spoke about a need for a united front in dealing with immigration in the EU.


Despite its term having expired last November, the Premanent Commission against corruption has had no new appointments, despite still having complaints coming in that require investigation. The PN has condemned the delay, saying it allowed possible cases of corruption to go unnoticed.


Minister for Transport Joe Mizzi said that the selection process for a new public transport operator has been completed and that the chosen company would be announced soon. The operator would run the island's transport system until 2021, with the option to renew for ten or 15 years.

The Malta Independent

Judge Lino Farrugia Sacco is set to retire in a month, giving Parliament little time to discuss his impeachment after legal proceedings he instituted are complete. Justice minister Owen Bonnici expressed hopes that the motion would be discussed quickly however with Parliament's summer break coming up, this appears unlikely to happen.