Video | Julia Farrugia files libel suit against Daphne Caruana Galizia

Journalist and Illum editor Julia Farrugia today filed a criminal and civil libel suit against Malta Independent columnist and blogger Daphne Caruana Galizia.


Julia Farrugia asked the Courts today for her libel suits to be heard with urgency, after claiming she felt libelled by blogs penned by Daphne Caruana Galizia.

Farrugia, who is also deputy chairman of the Institute of Maltese Journalists, said she fully believed in the freedom of the press, but she felt this very freedom was being misused and threatened.

“Since 2010, I chose to stay silent on these insults, until today. There are such things as the dignity and integrity of a journalist, which bereft of them would leave us with little else,” Farrugia said.

Farrugia said no journalist in Malta should feel under threat of intimidation or blackmail. “I cannot allow to have my name implicated in political episodes that I had nothing to do with, and which happened when I was nine years old.”

Farrugia said she felt libelled by blogs published by Caruana Galizia since February 2010.

Farrugia is being represented by Dr Alex Sciberras.


Dephne Caruana Galizia is a disgrace to gurnalism. She must be given a sever sentence so she can have some time to think and meditate on her attitude towords other human beings.

@Chris2. I think you hit the nail on the head there Chris. Daphne is a self made woman and obviously worships her creator. Ultimately I suppose she owes all that she is to her parents and I think she should send them 5 cents and square the account.
I wish you all the luck in the world Julia and hope to god that justice is done ..I would also like to know how many court cases are still pending re the Bidnija witch too...I know of three at least ongoing cases but believe there is more .The witch has no shame whatsoever how embarrassed her husband and family must be ...It is not a joke one court case never mind the daily embarrassment she is causing to her so called loved ones . We can all assume she loves herself more well i guess someone has too !.
Gecko, do you really expect Antoine (Stinker) Vella to answer you? Fat chance, Vella and his ilk cannot communicate rationally like normal people. They are unable to hold a conversation; all they can do is indulge in despicable monologues, that's all. They live in a sort of Alice in Wonderland world. They talk to themselves or to one another but not to the other side. They can only level base accusations at people who do not agree with them on anything, they are only able to act like spoilt brats. Well, that's what they are, spoilt brats. The Witch acts the role of godmother to them, she mothers them and tries to smother their adversaries. Sad but true. These people are only sad bastards. You cannot redeem them. No way. You can only have a look at them and say, "To each his own" and keep moving. Until GonziPN steps down, they will continue indulging their base instincts and level insane attacks on anyone they don't take a liking to. The Taliban-like regime protects them. There lies the secret behind their aplomb. After the end of the regime, it will be a completely different story.
It is interesting that Daphne the slimy broad who ferments anger in this country, is the first one wailing when the public reacts to her mischievous sedition. It is hard to watch her persistent assaults rolling out with the blessings of Castille, her independent editor and disgraceful decisions of the Maltese courts, without thinking that there is some plan underway. She maliciously provokes a reaction, hoping for a violent response from her targets so she can use it to tarnish their reputation. Radical neo-conservatives thrive in conflict and chaos, especially those prominent in the status quo. Daphne Caruana Galizia is an agitator whose main function is to agitate to the point of conflict. She will not miss an opportunity to use self-generated strife to demonize, restrain and destroy her opponent’s liberty. Financed by Castille, encouraged by an editorial collusion and protected by the Maltese courts who continue to simply apply slaps on the wrist for her heinous crimes, this venomous serpent must always be condemned and rejected. SAVIOUR IS THERE A POSSIBILITY THAT THE MALTESE PEOPLE WILL GET TO KNOW HOW MANY MALTESE CITIZENS FILED COMPLAINTS IN THE COURTS AGAINST HER?
@Tal Hamrija.There could be an element of truth in what you are saying here but I would have thought myself it would more likely be to do with the change of life. You know how they get at that stage. Maybe she should consider HRT.
Iva din l-artikolista mercenarja DEJJEM hi ghanda ragun? Nahseb ser tidhol fil kotba tar-records bhala l-aktar bniedma f"Malta li hemm libelli pendenti kontra taghha. Sewwa jghidu li ma hawnx ghar min hamalla pulita.
Joseph Sant
Oh there you are again Mr Vella. I thought you had lost your tongue. You still haven't answered my question though. What about the confrontation Mr Vella - are you still researching that?
nies bhal daphne caruana galizia andom jitrasqu il qorti imedjatament taht arrest al tixwiex u instigazzjoni ta vjolenza bil kitbiet tahom. ara jekk tkun xi huta zejra fxi ground tal football malajr iresquk il qorti jekk toffendi xi refferee jew, tikteb fuq xi social network u itellawk il qorti jew tkun xi editur ta xi gazzetta fl-universita tafacja piena ta habs! jew min suppost imexxi l-korp tal puluzija komplici ma dal hmieg??? il-ligi tghid li min jinstigga vjolenza jitressaq taht aresst.
You don't have to go, briffs; let them flame. I'm actually very pleased they don't like my writing. It's an honour to be so disliked by such people.
This is dedicated to the ugly witch/bitch of Bidnija ,and with great joy that she is going to have a taste of her own medicine. When you were just a little girl, You asked your mother what will you be, Will you be pretty, will you be rich, Or just an ugly bitch, Che sera sera,whatever will be will be, The future not ours to see, Che sera sera. I hope that won't be throwwing pots and pans at il-boccu.
Michael Gauci
I believe I know what the problem with Daphne is. Premenstrual problems - Hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle can cause the familiar symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), such as bloating, irritability, fatigue, and emotional reactivity. For many women, PMS is mild. But for some women, symptoms are severe enough to disrupt their lives and a diagnosis of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is made.Being critical of others all the time is one major symptom.Delusions of grandeur another.If this persists then jail time could result.
Well done Daphne!! You`ve really got all these so sad people really worked up. I suppose in a sense, they should be grateful because you`ve given them a reason to live. As for me, I`m out of here before the tirades mulitiply! Enjoy!
The question now is, how much longer are those neo-conservatives that sit on Malta's judiciary remain accomodating to this sadistic, demented and abusive housewife? How many more Maltese citizens need to take legal action before this monster is allowed to continue harassing and abusing the court's indulgence and let off with a silly small fine? Whoever is officially assigned to preside over this libel action must shoulder the responsibility that the Maltese people are disgustingly fed-up, not only by this hyena's savage preying on law abiding citizens but also that this Maltese democracy has sunk to a new low due to the irresponsible actions of the recent judiciary decisions when one of their own had been the target. SHAME ON THE PRIME MINISTER, THE MINISTRY OF JUSTICE AND MALTA'S ACCOMODATING JUDICIARY.
Jeff Cassar
Dawk kollha li jidhlu fil-blogg taghha huma lkoll komplici tal-mibeghda li tinstiga lejn l-ghedewwa taghha (is-soltu nisa attraenti li ma jiehdux l-ordnijiet minnghand kastilja). Jekk il-kilba taghkhom ghall-gossip ma thalikhomx teghlbu t-tentazzjoni li taraw x'kitbet dan l-ahhar, allura ma tistghux imbghad toqoghdu titkazaw biha. Komplu zidulha il-webtraffic halli hi tkompli tivvomita ja!
Skont l-onorevoli blogger tal-Bidniija, il-MaltaToday portal ghandha iktar hits mil-Malta Independant (di xi tkun ?) ghax ghandha il-kelma "Malta" parti mil-address taghha.. Bl-istess argument missha qeda No. 1 ghax ilha snin tezisti!!! (L-ahhar li ccekjajt qeda xi position 370 fl-Alexa ranking) L-argument ma jreggix tikka Mrs. Blogger!!! Is-sahhara tal-Bidnija m'ghandiex L-ICKEN IDEJA kif jahdmu s-search engines u il-web crawlers. Lanqas tikka ideja!!! Well actually m'ghandiex ideja fuq hafna affarjiet ohra hlief xi platt itir, jew xi tahrika mil-VAT deparment. Imma din possibli qatt ma rrejalizzat li lsienha ikbar minn mohha ?
It looks like Mr Antoine Vella is one of those people living well off. What he is missing is THE FACT that EFA (call him whatever you like) took long preaches assuring people that he knows WHO killed Raymond Caruana. EFA (call him what ever you like), is still alive and he should come forward and tell us WHO killed Raymond Caruana. Do your self a favor and stop telling lies................and you know they are nothing more than lies. KEEP UP YOUr GOOD WORK JULIA. INDEED YOU ARE A GOOD JOURNALIST BUT YOU WILL NEVER BE A WITCH!!
@gecko: You're wrong, Sir. The Bidnija Witch is a creature of many names but not Antoine Vella is not one of them. This Vella customer is a lecturer at Tal-Qroqq lecturing centre, a glorified secondary school also knows as a university. I would also remind you what a lecturer in serious institutions abroad is: . He is a member of the faculty of a college or university usually having qualified status without rank or tenure a faculty member ranking below an assistant professor; in Britain he ranks next below a reader, in Italian "lettore". Now this Antoine Vella lectures in agriculture. But that is not the main reason why he stinks, I mean physically stinks. It's his natural body odour not through his connection with manure and all that. He also stinks in the way he writes. He does his damnedest to please his mistress who is feeling the heat because we have reminded her that only under this Regime will she be allowed to spew her bile on venom on anybody GonziPN considers undesirable. The moment GonziPN steps down she will no longer enjoy the immunity she now has - and considers her birthright - and she will have to behave like any other, normal, Maltese citizen. She will learn what it means to be decent, respect one's neighbours (and we don't mean just Mr Mizzi) and act in a normal fashion. The Courts have already branded her a "psychologically agitated" and "frustrated" person. Yet Castille disregards the Court's opinion and allows her, nay, abets her to continue dishing out her verbal assaults on anybody for whom she takes no liking, very much like the Taliban and the Teheran Regime. We repeat what we have been saying: the moment the Gonz, RCC and Pisani Gordon lose power, the Bidnija Witch will have to act normal and bid goodbye to her criminal ways.
il-llum id-decidejt li nithol daqxejn fil blog ta daphne caruana galizia al l-eweel darba. u gejt fi dubju jekk kontx qed nara net tv jew nkella blog ta persuna li sejjah lila nfissa gurnalista. ghaliex di rabbja kolla li ghanda al PL? ghaliex ma titholx gurnalista ma net tv? hemmek tista tattakka lil Partit Laburista bla kontroll ta xejn. izda di l-persuna issa qeda taqbez kull limitu. u nahseb li il gustizzja ghanda tiehu azzjoni ghax di persuna li bil kliem tahha qeda ix-xerhed il mibeda. kemm se dumm dihla u hirga il qorti fuq libelli u qatt ma titalem?? sa fej naf jien meta kin hemm persuna li kitbet fuq social network kontra il papa. spicca il habs. u persuna li qedda tistigga il glied fil pajjiz tibqa qisu xejn m'hu xejn ?? sa fej naf jien persuna li toffendi jew tibat lil xi hadd ji**u ximkien waqt xi loba football jitressaq il qorti. it-tifel tahha x'wehel meta quddiem malta kolla batt cameraperson jih**u?? jew gustizzja ghal kullhadd jew gustizzja ghal hadd. jew jekk ikollok min jaqbez ghalik min kastillja tista tghamel li trid?
Dear Antoine, if you need some good reading then I suggest that you organise yourself an outing to the library and get hold of the newspapers highlighting the confrontation between Gianni Psaila and the person you have just mentioned (1997). Do you really want to go down that road Antoine? Well, let me refresh your memory. Farrugia revealed in Court that Psaila went to his home and informed him that he lied on him because he was offered a presidential pardon and a room full of money by non other than a consultant to his excellency Eddie Fenech Adami. Psaila was ordered back on the witness stand and he admitted that he was offered money and a pardon! Under oath he couldn't justify himself why he omitted this important detail! Shall I continue? Ganni Psaila also confirmed that he lied! During a particular court hearing Psaila had alleged that he saw Farrugia firing a gun in day light ... then in the next session he contradicted himself saying that it was after 9pm! There were many other flauds in this case. The rest is history, or bad music to your and many others ears!
Maliscious gossip is a sort of smoke that comes from the dirty tobacco-pipes of those who diffuse it; it proves nothing but the bad taste of the smoker.
Joseph Sant
My dear Antoine Vella you know that a half truth is worse than a lie. Gianni Psaila has been dead so many years, probably only the skeleton is left of the poor fellow. And yet, in all these many years the person he is supposed to have implicated was never charged. That's how believable Ganni Psaila's testimony was. Now go on and tell us about a later confrontation in court between Ganni Psaila and the person he was pointing to and what the outcome of that was. Be your own man Mr Vella and stop parroting your mistress - tell the whole truth not half of it. Unless of course you are the mistress herself! LOL I bet you too are against divorce for holy reasons!
Priscilla Darmenia
The insults towards various people have been going on for years from Ms D.C.G. I wonder what happened to the case that the Lady Magistrate had instituted against her as I could not follow the case further. Was she given the usual slap on her wrist by our courts? Could someone enlighten me please?
Yes, Mr Vella,we may even find out why the policemen who orchestrated the fake-frameup of PP Busuttil were so favoured by the subsequent PN governments. This may open up more the one can of worms. Who knows - it may even lead to light being shed on the reasons for the triple pardons given by Fenech Adami to his friend Zeppi l-Hafi.
This will of course reopen the Raymond Caruana case and may well involve certain MLP (now PL) figures of prominence. . Many people, myself included, were not aware of the late Ganni Psaila's testimony but now, thanks to Julia Farrugia everyone will know that he implicated her father in the Tarxien shooting. Karmenu Vella's chauffeur.
Keith Goodlip
Go, go Julia- take this overrated, egoistic she-devil to the cleaners. BTW, it's hardly surprising that the Independant is losing it's readers when it supports her kind of gutter contributions.
One can only hope that sooner or later this stupid woman gets the message that she can't use her silly little blog to launch attacks on anyone and everyone. I guess she is becoming more and more frustrated at the moment because of the fact that her beloved Gonzi is losing so much support and will probably be in opposition next time round. What will the little Government puppet do then? Gonzi must be really proud of her given the fact that much of the loss of support he has suffered is down to Daphne and her venomous attacks through the press and her blog. People just don't want to be associated with a party which uses people like Daphne to attack others. And when she is not doing her master's bidding and attacking anything Labour she enjoys her other hobby of attacking any successful female who looks better than she does. This of course is a lifetime hobby as that includes most of the female population of Malta. Can I just end by saying how elegant Julia Farrugia looked at court which was in stark contrast to Daphne's last appearance a few weeks ago when she wore a beige jacket with big orange blobs! Obviously the fashion police have their work cut out for them where Daphne is concerned.
Joe Tanti
Let us hope that when the court passes judgement on this Bitchy Witch it will not be lenient with her by handing out suspended sentences but a nice stretch enjoying the delights of Corradino is more than merits her.The female penal community of Corradino are awaiting her majestic sojourn amongst them.For less other journalists have tasted the cells of our prison.The pen is mighter than the sword,but it must NOT be used to slander,otherwise the sword of justice must be unsheated and used.
Oh dear ... poor Peter Caruana Galizia! I sense that he'll have to yet again experience a few more tantrums from his wifey after Julia Farrugia's move. Daphne will have to embark on a new tirade to ermmmmm 'clean' her image. What a shame our Court hearings are not filmed!
Peter Paul Azzopardi
Go for it Julia. p.s. mind your language ppl.
Joe Tanti
Il-liberta ta l-stampa hi tajba hu sagrosanta f demokrazija kif tkun l-ewwel wahda li tigieled ghalija Julia Farrugia IMMA libertinag bli-stampa hi mod iehor,Issa is-sinjura Daphne Caruana Galizia qabzet kull limitu u l-qorti trid tara xse taghmel. Ghal kull haga hemm il-limitu.L-Institute of Maltese Journalists u L-Malta Indipendent iridu jiehdu azzjoni drastika u mhux biss bil paroli ,wasal iz-zmien li jitnehhew l-ingwanti tal bellus.Sakemm certi awtoritajiet ,edituri,ministri ecc lil din ma jikkondanawiex u jnehulha certi prottezjoni gurnalistika ghandhom jinzammu responsabli daqsa u komplici maghha fil attakki moqzieza personali fuq diversi personalitajiet u l-familji taghhom.