World Youth Day launched in Mgarr

A journey to see the Pope will be organised for youths. 

On Friday August 13, Kummisjoni Djocezana Zghazagh (KDZ) will be launching the journey of preparation for the World Youth Day 2011, where youths all over the world will meet Pope Benedict XVI in Madrid, Spain.

The World Youth Day launch will take place in Mgarr Square from 20:00 onwards. The event will start with a mass celebration led by the Archbishop of Malta, followed by a concert with the participation of various Maltese bands.

There will be strands of different organisations who will take groups to Madrid for the World Youth Day in July 2011, and those interested will be able to join the groups. There will be food and drink stalls for everyone which will be open after mass.

For more information, contact Mario Sammut on 79289301.