Children’s online helpline with 1,692 interventions in just under three months
More accessible online helpline results in increased outreach, an online helpline for children, registered close to 1,700 interventions in just under three months assisting children and adolescents with any problems they may encounter. was recently made available as a mobile application – Kellimni App – funded by the voluntary organisations projects scheme (VOPs).
Addressing a seminar organised by SOS Malta on the online service, social dialogue minister Helena Dalli said that younger generation should have easy access to the necessary tools that can help them communicate their problems and emotions.
The minister had words of praise for SOS Malta who together with the Salesian Pastoral Youth Service, Aġenzija Żgħażagħ and Aġenzija Appoġġ have invested in this service since its inception in 2011.
Throughout the past five years, this service continued to expand steadily, from 130 interventions in 2011 to more than 3000 during 2015.
During the first two and a half months of 2016, had already engaged in 1692 interventions.
“You are using a medium which children and adolescents know best in order to help them with the problems they encounter” Dalli said.
These include those who may be suffering from any form of social exclusion, abuse, neglect and psychological difficulties and who are in need of immediate emotional, moral and social support.
Dalli said the project addressed the right of youngsters to realise their own rights, to seek support from qualified individuals, to be listened in a safe non-judgmental and confidential manner and to seek information about other available services.
The service which also involves chat, smart messaging, email and an online forum is also sustained by a number of active volunteers, which this year has increased by some 14 new members who were engaged last March to start their training.
The government, Dalli added, is working upon a series of mobile services which would offer accessibility to the general public for different government services on a 24/7 basis.