Two cuttings, two stories

In 2003, I told readers to vote for the Nationalist Party because of EU membership...

The other day, I was hosting an edition of the TV programme Reporter. The PN speaker on the programme - Noel Muscat - was not just super-eloquent: he was bloody forceful.

He said that the problem with a certain segment of the electorate is that they cannot distinguish between a headache and a heart problem. He said the PN had been working on problems of the heart and had been absent-minded on the peripheral headache.

That may have sounded arrogant but really and truly, it wasn't. He was simply pointing out that the electorate was not realising that the acute problems of the country were being solved.

And perhaps this is the ultimate failure of the PN: failing to realise that most people - whether selfishly or justifiably - cannot really see beyond their patch of land.

The justification for this is not surprising at all.

The boast that we have dozens of gaming companies and hundreds of foreign companies registered in Malta may reflect on the diversity in the gaming sector and financial services, but it does little to have a direct influence on the 'purchasing power' of the depressed middle class.

Few people analyse the intricate influence of these businesses and the multiplier effect and the impetus they give to business in general, and to the economy.

Because it is true that the PN has managed to give energy to business. And despite everything, I, for one, have to acknowledge that.

But the problem doesn't lie with the politics. The root of the problem is in the way this country has been hijacked by the few. People do not look at the deficit and debt of a country, or the inflation and labour supply at that moment. They could not give a flying hoot what these stats mean. 

They are interested in how their quality of life is affected, and more importantly, about whether they can pay bills and better their situation. They are also find themselves alienated from this administration, and its sheer arrogance. Many of them have become indifferent.

I have selected two newspaper cuttings from my extensive scrapbook and I thought I would share them with all of you. One dates back to 6 April 2003, where I tell readers to vote for PN just before the 2003 general elections, after we had voted in favour of EU membership.

Needless to say, I will not be asking anyone what to do with their vote this time.

I will be accused - as I was in 2003 - of having been some sort of lackey. Now it seems I am abdicating on the assumed obligation to argue that there is only "one party, one policy and one chance for democracy".

I apologise for being human. How can I publicly support a party that has forgotten its own origins, and where it is going, and which has treated people like hogwash?

The other cutting is from October 2012, and comes from In-Nazzjon. I have no comments to make. It simply shows finance minister Tonio Fenech, the Prime Minister, and Mr & Mrs Farrugia: no comment  needed here. You may well be entertaining the thought that In-Nazzjon have created an illusory photograph - a photomontage. I assure you that they have not.

Of course, I wouldn't expect TVAM to show any of these cuttings on State broadcasting. These are public documents - that's all. The private ones I have kept for when I revisit Volume I of 'Saying It As It Is', for a sorely-needed revision.

I don`t see how the PN are not ashamed of their origins. Its human wrapping has long dried up.
Excellent research to trace a photo that speaks volumes just by looking at it, and date stamping it!! Especially as we now know that il-Gonz AND Tonju, both had been aware of Georgie's nefarious actions.
Proset Saviour, fuq ta l-ewwel naqbel mieghek , fuq ta tieni nighdlu lil prim. li hekk ma jafx minnhu !!!! Il Malti jighd li MA MINN RAJTEK XABBAHTEK u nieqaf hawn .
And Gonzi keeps on repeating that his party has always been on the right side of history. What hogwash! Time to kick Gonzi out.
@Darwin That's really saying it as it is. I dare say, as it was in the beginning, is now, and forever. ...? Mr.Balzan as they say, every picture tells a story. And both pictures are saying it as it is. Thank you, please keep us Posted!
"Oil trader invoices were taken to PM in 2011, no denial from Gonzi" Yet we see him talking to the oil trader last ( if that is george farrugia in the photo) october.
Anette B Cassar
Saviour, Your no comments are very poignant. You are an honest journalist and we need people like you in Malta Today......and always. I also agree with Darwin.
I think this cliche about the PN forgetting its origins is really unhistorical. What were the origins of the PN: a pro-Italian party which thought that the social order should see them permanently on top and that the working class should have no role in politics except when they thought it fit to unleash them on their opponents. They had no qualms about looking up to Mussolini and to rush to Rome to tell him about their italianata. They opposed education for all, votes for women, health provision, income tax and provided a political support for the church to impose itself on society and to deprive Maltese citizens their right for proper burial. They even proposed in the 1964 constitution to put the church above the law and their government above the law with the excuse that they would be defending the church. And let us come close to home: do you know how many times the Fenech Adami government was found guilty of discrimination during its existence? Why don't you go and do some research in Parliamentary Questions. It should be an education. The first Minister to be found guilty of discrimination under EFA admin was Guido Demarco when he was found guilty of discriminating against a kiosk owner in Gzira. Now were Labour perfect I hear you say? Of course not but there has been too much mythology about the PN and its fall from some golden age in the last five years. I think I stop there.