First migrating protected birds reported shot

Within hours of being sighted in Malta, protected birds were shot, BirdLife Malta reports.

The shot Night Heron received by BirdLife Malta this afternoon.
The shot Night Heron received by BirdLife Malta this afternoon.

Some of this autumn's first migrating birds have already been shot at and killed by illegal hunters in four different locations around Malta over the past two days, BirdLife Malta said.

Yesterday, it said, a member of the public reported seeing an early migrating Marsh Harrier being shot three times by a man at Zonqor Point in Marsascala.

The man was then seen collecting the shot bird, one of the first seen this season, and walking off with it.

A migrating Night Heron photographed in Is-Simar wetland Nature Reserve this weekend. Photo by Ray Galea

This morning, a member of the public reported shots were fired at a flock of herons in Marsascala.

Later in the day another report of herons being shot at was reported to BirdLife, this time from Qawra Point just next to a popular bathing spot.

In the afternoon, the environment NGO received a Night Heron that had evidently been hit by shotgun pellets, leaving a hole in its left wing.

"The injured heron was immediately taken to a vet, but the wound was so severe that it had to be put down," BirdLife said. 

BirdLife Malta conservation manager Nicholas Barbara noted the incidents occurred just days after the government announced a four hour roll back of the curfew on hunting during afternoons during the peak migration period in September. 

"No sooner do migrating birds appear over Malta than they are shot at, proving that more controls to prevent illegal shooting of birds are required, not less," Barbara said.

titkemlux min sormkom il kaccaturi cavemans nahseb min amel daw il comments kollha jiklu haxix biss xinjoranza ta nies u ghax kaccatur jamma fuq ghasfur protet u jizbalja jehlu mahom 10,000 kaccaturi ohra taqawx aktar an nejk uuuu + ekk dik il kwakka ta april u isa ma tpassix ax isa il frih ipassu igifiri dak il pic minjaf kem ilum basta tajruna injorani u qas tafu sehta >:(
titkemlux min sormkom il kaccaturi cavemans nahseb min amel daw il comments kollha jiklu haxix biss xinjoranza ta nies u ghax kaccatur jamma fuq ghasfur protet u jizbalja jehlu mahom 10,000 kaccaturi ohra taqawx aktar an nejk uuuu + ekk dik il kwakka ta april u isa ma tpassix ax isa il frih ipassu igifiri dak il pic minjaf kem ilum basta tajruna injorani u qas tafu sehta >:(
Possibli li dawn in-nies jekk tista issejhilhom nies? Qatt ma marru f'postijiet fejn ikun mizewdin bl ghasafar u jaraw xi gmiel ta natura? X'valur ghandu ghasfur mejjet? Veru ghandkom delizzju sabih!Delizzu ta qattiela tan-natura. U min jisraq imur il-habs.
M'iniex kaccatur: aktar favur l-ghasafar, imma jekk il-kaccaturi anqas kapaci jikkontrollaw lil membri taghhom, ahseb u ara kemm dawn se jobdu il-ligi minn rajhom. Ghalkemm m'iniex favur l-estremizmi kontra kull kacca, jidher car li l-kaccaturi Maltin ihobbu jisparaw ghal saqajhom l-ewwel u qabel kollox! Qed iddejqu l-bubu ta kulhadd, anke ta dawk li huma moderati favur kacca responsabli!
Luke Camilleri
Dawn il "kaccaturi" haqqhom il-fiducja? Jghidu li had ma hu hu... imam min qieghed jispara fuq dawn l'ghasafar? Hemm bzonn aktar ghassa ma dawn li ghandhom is-snieter! Min ma ghandhux snieter mhux sejjer jispara fuq dan it-tajr! HEMM BZONN INFURZAR BIS SERJETA JEW INKELLA CURFEW 24 X 7 la mhux nies!
What a bunch of cavemen. I sure hope that this idiotic hunting for no reason other to please oneself generation gets extinct.
Poor birds, these hunters are heartless.
Trogs rule, OK?
Why am I not surprised? What I have seen is Malta after being away is how much the island is abused! From the fish in the sea, to comino, to Sliema.. Why should birds get an better treatment? Lets just hope they die quickly.