Government to start work on national strategy for migrant labour
The government will launch a consultation process to build a national policy for migrants in the economy, in a bid to introduce sensible policies in the field of third-country nationals
Clyde Caruana on Monday said the government will launch a consultation process to build a national policy for migrants in the economy, in a bid to introduce sensible policies in the field of third-country nationals.
Among these measures will be strengthening analytical market research capacity, to facilitate through technology the temporary and cyclical needs of both workers and employers; and assess business neeeds and required skills the market is currently unable to fill.
Tax refunds granted in recent years will be issued yet again, with a cheque of €60-140, with the highest refunds granted to those with the lowest income – 250,000 will benefit from the €26 million measure.
The last budget had improved workers’ wages with a reduction in part-time tax from 15% to 10%, and a 15% overtime tax on the first €10,000.
Tax relief for active pensioners
Around 20% of pensioners’ income will no longer be calculated as tax revenue in 2022, while for next year the amount ignored for tax purposes will increase to 40% - a €27 million measure that will benefit 17,000 pensioners.
In-Work Benefit for atypical-time workers
Workers whose basic pay does not exceed €20,000 who work atypical times in the accommodation and food services sectors, administrative and support services, manufacturing, transport and storage, and wholesale and retail, will receive a grant of €150.
This measure will be extended to next year, with a €150 cheque.
Reduction in income tax for authors and co-authors
Tax on income received by authors and co-authors from royalties on sales of their books was last year reduced to 15% - this will now be halved to 7.5%.
COLA for government workers, private contractors
A €10 million spend will take place for COLA on government workers with collective agreements.
Private sector workers also partly under a government contract will take the full increase in COLA, another €3 million spend.
Minimum wage
The MCESD is conducting discussions related to the minimum wage within the Low Wage Commission to find a common position for the country that benefits both workers and businesses.
Work-Life Balance
Paternity leave has already increased from one or two days to 10 days paid, with two months’ parental leave for each parent paid at the rate of sickness benefit.
In addition, unpaid leave of five days has been introduced for carers of a relative or household who needs medical care. A study on a review and harmonisation of Wage Regulation Orders will also be initiated.