Labour government ‘confirms’ €50 million new taxes – Fenech

Nationalist MP accuses government of increasing tax burden.

The Nationalist Opposition has "noted" that Finance Minister Edward Scicluna today confirmed government's plans to impose an additional €50 million in new taxes in the upcoming Budget.

This, PN MP Tonio Fenech said, was in addition to a €21 million cut in Budget 2013 - a decision which affected 113 programmes and initiatives and 57 entities.

"With its decision, Muscat's government is increasing the tax burden which was reduced over the years by the Nationalist administration," Fenech said.

According to Fenech, the increased taxes would finance Labour's "sporadic electoral promises".

"The Labour government also needs to sustain the obscene salaries it awarded to its friends, including Konrad Mizzi's wife monthly €13,000 salary, Silvio Schembri's double salary which in total will amount to €65,000 and Muscat's Cabinet which will cost €100 million over five years."

The former minister insisted that the increase in tax burden went against Labour's electoral manifesto. He added that the PN was urging government to reconsider "burdening families and businesses with new taxes".

Fenech insisted that while the PN will be supporting the Prime Minister in attaining financial stability and creating more jobs, it would not support the decision to increase taxes "simply to make good for the sporadic expenditure in salaries".

"It is unacceptable for families and business to make good for these bad decisions."

taxes to pay the newly appointed consultants with the red pedigree!!!!1pay back time.
As long as we continue to see the face of this ex minister who ruined our island's finances with debt, deficits, excessive deficit procedures and the virtual bankruptcy of EneMalta,and Air Malta! Also managed to suck dry the Fund for Good Causes!!.... SimonPN should go in hibernation for another 15 years and wake up when Joseph Muscat calls it a day! Till then Simon, DeMarco and this guy with the stupid smile hiding resentment-should forget politics!
Before you accuse others, why don't you take a good look at yourself? AirMalta bankrupt; EneMalta bankrupt;oil scandals galore;80 milliom loss at ex dockyard, Arriva farce;not a single ewro has been paid for BWSC sttion; excesive deficit procedures and three consequitive negative ratings in two years?
Mark Fenech
Dan l-ex-ministru taparsi nesa' li huwa stess kien progetta li fl-2014 kien sejjer izid it-taxxi ndiretti €60miljun, u l-kontijiet tal-elettrikun joghlew bi 30%. Possibli ma jiftakarx. Imma kif ma jafx jisthi wara li fl-2012 rega' tellgha d-deficit aktar mit-3%.
For once, I agree with you Tonio.
Luke Camilleri
U dan Tonio tta' L'arlogg ma jghid xejn fuq il €55,000,000 li HU U L'Gvern HALLIEL li kien parti minnhu hadilna meta intaxxna fuq it-taxxa tar registrazzjoni tal-karrozzi U R-RISPOSTA ARROGANTI TIEGHU KIENET "Hudu il-Gvern il-Qorti" ! ?
Mr T Fenech, but it was very acceptable for the families and business to leave them that staggering 6000,000,000.euros debt eh,and the oil buying corruption scandal of which we had to pay by your artificially monthly inflated fuel prices eh.
Had these GonziPN spendthrifts not reduced the main tax threshold, one of their main electoral pledges to attract "swingers" and higher earners, I am sure there would not have been need for any tax increases, unless for social reasons like cigarettes and alcohol. Moreover, what is wrong in trimming all that obese waste thrown up by the PN administration for their members benefit?
Taf tishi Onor Tonio Fenech? Imlejt pajjiz kollu taxi, diretti, indiretti ta kull xorta u form u issa tohrog bil 50 miljun taxi li sejjer jaghmelu tal Progressivi u Moderati. Ghaliex ma tkunx ragel u tghid kemm il-Miljun hallejtu dejn inthom PN (tal-Partit Nixxef) lil Malta u lil Maltin
tick tock tick tock ton
Labour confirms nothing, but those who have given us two deficit procedures for excessive spending and those, and have spent 200 million euros on a parliament surplus to requirements should have the decency to keep their mouth shut!
If someone else had made the critiscism than maybe someone might have tried to understand what you’re on about, but because of your track record as minister of finance, and how you burdened the maltese people and the country’s economy with enormous debts, very few really give a d**m about your critiscism, in fact the less you comment the more the people might be likely to forget that your ministry played a great part in the party’s ‘tkaxkira’
Micheal Bonanno
Look who's talking. I bet that he would have done worse! I bet that the first raise would be in the energy tariffs with indirect taxes not far behind.