PN candidate was granted unpaid leave beyond maximum three-year term

Norman Vella was seconded to the PBS newsroom by the Office of Prime Minister in 2012 ‘on grounds of public policy’

PN candidate Norman Vella claims the termination of his broadcasting stint is down to discrimination
PN candidate Norman Vella claims the termination of his broadcasting stint is down to discrimination

A witness in a court case instituted by former TVM presenter Norman Vella against the Office of the Prime Minister, has said Vella wold apply directly with the OPM to request unpaid leave from his civil service job, instead of through his superior, the Commissioner of Police.

Vella, who in 2013 was reinstated to his job as an immigration officer five years after first availing himself of unpaid leave, is today a Nationalist candidate seeking to become MEP. He filed his discrimination case before the Employment Commission against the prime minister and permanent secretary Kevin Mahoney, after he was re-deployed from the TVM newsroom to his immigration post in May 2013.

MORE Norman Vella: political overtones of the overnight TV sensation

A human resources manager for the police force, which department includes the immigration office, told a court today that Vella had filed his request for unpaid leave to seek employment with the Where's Everybody production house, directly with the OPM - contrary to established procedures.

Noel Grixti d'Amato said that Public Service Commission rules demanded that a civil servant should file such requests through a chain of command, leading to his head of department.

D'Amato said the civil service regulations provided a scheme for government employees granting them a maximum of three years' unpaid leave to try a different employment. However this scheme had been extended to five years for Norman Vella and Donald Spiteri, another officer requested unpaid leave to work as a masseur with the Malta Football Association.

Vella applied for unpaid leave in 2007, but instead of filing his request with then police commissioner John Rizzo, his request was filed directly with the OPM. Following Rizzo's 'no objection', the OPM officially approved the first term of unpaid leave on 2 August, 2007.

Vella then requested a renewal through Rizzo, who approved the extension on 12 June, 2008. A third, and supposedly final renewal, was approved directly through the OPM on 18 August, 2009.

The letter of final approval also instructed Vella to resume his immigration office duties on 31 July 2010. But a letter from the OPM, signed by Anna Caruana Colombo a month before the termination of his unpaid leave, approved a one-year extension of unpaid leave for Vella.

His personal file however contained no requests by Vella asking for a further extension. Furthermore the scheme was only valid for maximum term of three years, which Vella had already exhausted.

On 28 June, 2011, principal permanent secretary Godwin Grima approved a fifth term of unpaid leave.

On his part, Norman Vella claimed that since he could not request further extensions through the scheme, he had applied directly with the Office of the Prime Minister. His superiors were not aware of this request and were only informed of Vella's extension subsequent to the letter signed by Grima.A

Attendance sheets exhibited to the Employment Commission show that Norman Vella reported for work as an immigration officer at the end of July 2012, after a five-year leave of absence when the OPM asked the Commissioner of Police to order Vella back to his duties at MIA as he had exceeded his term of unpaid leave without filing any requests.

Subsequently, OPM officer Anthony Zammit sent a letter to the police HR department approving the deployment of Norman Vella with PBS, "on grounds of public policy". The approval was back-dated to 1 August 2012 and former Police Commissioner John Rizzo did not object to Vella's transfer. However, Vella's personal file did not contain a request for any deployment.

A year later - when a new government was elected to power - Vella was recalled from PBS to resume the duties of immigration officer with immediate effect.

Questioned about the movement of the plaintiff's personal file, HR manager Noel Grixti d'Amato confirmed that he had sent the file to the PBS human resources department in August 2012. The file was returned to his office on 28 June 2013 when Vella was recalled to MIA. But file movement notes show that the file arrived at his office from the Ministry for Home Affairs and National Security, rather than from PBS. "The procedure is that a personal file is kept at the HR department of where the person works, but Vella never worked at MHAS," the witness explained.

Police sergeant Matthew Azzopardi, wno is responsible for police officers and immigration officers at MIA, also confirmed that Vella had not performed any duties at the airport for about five years. While Vella's post was never taken by others, Sgt Azzopardi never requested that the immigration officer is recalled to his duties at MIA.

'People complained Vella was biased'

The last witness was home affairs ministry permanent secretary Kevin Mahoney. "It was I who requested the redeployment of Norman Vella on 27 May 2013, after repeatedly being informed of complaints about his political bias during his television productions."

"I had never met Vella in person but was aware of possible political bias from articles I read in the printed media. I discussed Vella's programme schedule with the chief executive of PBS and also spoke about the issue with ministry chief of staff Silvio Scerri," Mahoney said.

Mahoney said that the new police commissioner also intended to restructure the immigration section and reorganise shift personnel. "Vella was an experienced immigration officer... his redeployment to his former duties, made away with the training needed by anyone freshly assigned to immigration office duties."

The Employment Commission is constituted of chairman Michael Mallia, and lawyers Ramona Frendo, Alessia Zammit Mckeon and Grace Ann Cachia .

The case continues on 27 February at 4pm.

And now he wants to go to Brussels for all the perks and a juicy wage packet for doing f..k all as the whole lot of them do !!!! Mhux hekk Norman ....dabar rasek u mur stahba . Ma tisthix .
NORMAN for MEP! HURRAH! HURRAH! HURRAH! Why? In his WISDOM, he has promised to take within his secretariat a certain pseudo blue blooded, country witch known primarily for her dark green (with a heavy blueish tinge) venom. If he repeats that in public, I will vote for him with all my family's 101 votes!!!
missu jisthu u ma jidhirx iktar, jiena nahdem mal gvern, tlabt 6 gimaghat unpaid leave biex nghin il mara ghax ha jkollha baby b cesarja, u ma jridux ituni leave, hlief ghal 4 gimaghat biss. Jidispjacini norman hsibtek ragel iktar minn hekk. jiena unpaid leave tlabt,ta u haga ohra kieku kont single mother u unknown father mhux il leave ittuk, il paga b kollox id dar ta xejn, viva l gustizzja ghal ingustizzja
Vera Norman Vella 'Ewropew' bix-xinxilli! Mhux biss ha tlett snin unpaid leave meta haddiehor kienu jaqlaqlu qalbu biex jiehu sitt xhur u wara jghidulu 'Le' biex jiggeded; imma talli ha 3 snin bil-barka, zied sentejn ohra, waqt li haddiehor anqas sa l-ghatba ta Kastilja ma kien ihalluh jersaq! U issa iridha tal-vittma, meta fil-fatt kien super privileggat? Mimli valuri Ewropej ukoll; u ma jisthix, dik l-isbah!
ommi ma x wick antipatku ghandu dan il purcinell !
DAN SE JDUM IDDAHHAQ JEW....issa li tista taghmel is-satira fil-karnival, jixraqlu karru shih bic-cucati li qal u li ghadu jghid
nahseb l interessi tal poplu malta ha jiddefendi fl ewropa!
Discrimination my left foot. Ara vera nobody knows what is discrimination. What about the MDC employees who were left abandoned for over ten years and still are without a valid reason. Good luck for the red boys. Min xarbu kielu l-bakkaljaw blue and red. Ma xi dwejjaq ta' pajjiz.
Norman Vella missu jirringrazzja lil Gvern ta Alfred Sant 1996/1998 li holoq position ta Immigration Officers li minnhom gie mazghul Norman Vella ghax jien niftakru skrivan il pitkalija jizen il kabocci pastard u xi faxx basal jew tewm. Xi irried izjed dal bniedem. Ghallinqas rasu kibritlu bizzejjed biex giet tixbah xi imkien fejn jixraqlu.
Jikser il-ligi f`Malta ahseb a ara jgej f` l-eUROPA. Anyhow this is just a technicality as Simon said.
ha ha ha nahseb dal kummidjant igib 150 elf vot fil elezzjonijiet ta MEP.
Jekk Vella hu ragel imissu jirrizenja minn mal-gvern u jmur man-NET. Hekk kulhadd ikun kuntent.
Tajba u tahraq. Il massimu normali ghal persuna li titlob unpaid leave hu ta 3 snin. Dan hu zmien bizzejjed biex dak li jkun jarqa jekk jaqbillux jew le li jittermina l-impjieg tieghu minn mal-gvern u jkompli fejn impjega ruhu. Il-habib taghna Norman haseb li hu ghandu xi dritt sopranaturali li jghid lill employer meta jerga jidhol ghax xoghol u mhux vici versa. Mentalita ta Nazzjonalist ma nafx jekk hux Simon li qieghed jimitah jew Norman jimita lilhu
U jien taht GonziPN anqas study leave ma riedu jaghtuni: qaluli 'esegenzi tas-servizz'! U dan , Alla ibeirek sena wara l-ohra jaghtuh 'unpaid' leave biex jaghtihom palata politika ghax kienu qeghdin jaqtghu lura? Riedha hobbla u tredda: jekk kien daqshekk tajjeb qaghad jistenna 5 snin biex ma jiehux decizzjoni? Fih imprenditur ukoll! Rieda l-fuq jirbah u taht ukoll? X'arroganza ta nies!
That's nice ignoring the head of the department, apply directly through the OPM and hence Mr.Vella gets a no objection. Totally ignore the proper channels, however he gets a no objection plus an extension approval as well. was he so indispensable for PBS????? And Mr.Vella our future MEP is claiming discrimination. What a laugh.
mur stahba, ja brigant ta erba soldi ! kieku ghalija misshom jifthu uffuicju ta refugati gol libja u nitfak hemm ghal kollhox,sakhemm ma jsibulex xi cushy job il partit fallut tal Pn go l-istazzjon fallut taghhom.
Se tkun veru hit fl-elezzjoni tal-MEP's sur Norman. Imma int kont tghidilna li inti indipendenti u ma ghandek minn hadd. Issa x'fettillek? Jew ma kont indipendenti xejn imma hard core PN? Tghidilnix ghax nafu x'kont, u dawk is-36,000 over and above ukoll kienu jafu.
what shoddy reporting: he was given more than 3 years leave because the meximum had been changed. i believe it is still 5 years - so although he may have been one of the original reasons, all public service employees can benefit!
Hemm hija l-Gustizzja Norman Vella. Lil haddiehor ma mxewjx hekk mieghu imam anki biex ha l-promotion kellu jiggieled (minhabba li kien delegate tal-partit Laburista). Kemm inthom IPPOKRITI u arroganti.
Ara veru ma jisthix dan ir-ragel....pulcinell propja !!!
Hey cicco......the wrong doing was done by the PL in discriminating against Norman Vella.... Mela..for your sake since you have an issue in seeing the day of light...Norman Vella, who by the way happens to come from a labourite family, was called back to MIA because according to Mahoney (who reminds me of the film squeals Police Academy) said that he had received complaints that he was biased. 1) If that ever was the case than it was the Broadcasting Authority who had jurisdiction to act against Vella and not Mahoney - who please be reminded is a political appointee...min dawn tal billboards biex niftemu! 2) May I remind you that after 10th March, practically ALL Super ONE employees have been given a full time job with the government which you and I are financing. Now, which in your humble opinion is 'clear favouritism'????? and which is costing us most????
jipprova jaqbad ma kull tibna bhal li kieku, Zammit Dimech,Casa,Mallia u Messola se jghatuh cans. Simon&Co. qed jinqeda wahda hoxna bih.
Wara li dejjaq lil kulhadd bil-programmi politikament 'one sided' jigifieri favur GonziPn u kontra l-PL; dan iridt jaghmilha tal-martri? Mela sew hu ha estenstion ta l-unpaid leave tlett darbiet u haddiehor baqa b'xejn: anqas darba ma ha unpaid leave! Dan sieheb dak li qal il-Perit Farrugia fuq l-MEPA: kien lista ghan-Nazzjonalisit ta gewwa: u lista ghall-Laburisti! Dan taghna taghhom zgur! U xi nghidu ghall-iced buns ta miljuni ta ewros f'konsulenzi? Vera ma jafux jisthu dawn in-nies!
If this is not clear favouratisim and scandal under the PN than what is? Imagine this happened under Pl? How many court actions would Simon have instituted?
I consider myself a liberal, neither labour nor nats; so I can eventually critisize one and all. In all honesty I really can't understand what this man is pretending. If the rules say you can't get more than three years of unpaid leave, how can you expect to be treated differently from the rest?
And Norman Vella has the cheek to claim discrimination ? Or should he have said FAVOURITISM ???