Marital breakdown, not divorce damages children - Moviment Iva

Divorce will not put children at risk any more than separation does, says Moviment Iva chairperson and family lawyer Dr Deborah Schembri.

A meeting with Commissioner for Children Helen D'Amato and the pro divorce movement Iva had to be cancelled today after D'Amato was hospitalised, according to her office.

Speaking outside the commission's office today, Deborah Schembri quoted the Emery study that had been misinterpreted by D'Amato, and  which concluded that children are at risk not at a divorce stage, but at a separation stage which is when conflict between the spouses is usually at its worst.

“Divorce is merely a factual announcement of something that is already taken place – the separation of the family. The true danger comes when the breakdown is actually happening,” she said, “usually at separation stage if not before.”

She said that studies showed that it is this parental conflict that is the leading factor in the wellbeing or harm of children, and that the quality of the relationship has a bigger factor than either separation or divorce.

“It is very important that we do not create additional reasons for conflict between spouses where we do not need them,” Schembri said – referring to the anti-divorce lobby’s calls for a fault-based divorce.

Reiterating that children are at the heart of the pro-divorce campaign, Schembri added that the divorce draft bill has many considerations which protect the interests of children.

Among these is the extension of maintenance to the age of 23 for those offspring who pursue their studies, she said.

Also speaking during the press conference, former PN minister Michael Falzon wished Helen D’Amato a speedy recovery, and said that the Moviment Iva would be attempting to meet with her before the day of the referendum.

He however condemned without reservation statements she made last week where she misrepresented the Emery study and cast its conclusions in a light that suggested that divorce has a negative impact on children.

“We are not criticising Ms D’Amato on a personal level,” he stressed, “but the institution of the Commissioner for Children which has been used to push a misleading campaign message.”

Given how the Commissioner for Children is a public official and is paid through public funds, Falzon said this is “unacceptable.”

Falzon also quoted excerpts from the study, pointing out how its conclusions clearly state that divorce is no more harmful on children than separation, and that it concluded that children who experience divorce are no more at risk than children who do not.

“The fact that there have already been two calls in the media for her resignation following her comments underlines the seriousness of the situation,” he said.

Asked by the media if the Moviment Iva is also calling for her resignation, he said that the condemnation “is enough on our part” and insisted that the lobby is “not looking for a pound of flesh.” 

THOSE WHO DO NOT WANT DIVORCE TO BE INTRODUCED IN MALTA SHOULD GO AND VOTE "NO" ON THE 28th MAY 2011. Those who abstain may be giving a blank cheque to the Pro Divorcists.
Fimthek tajjeb joe citizen li jekk jidhol id-divorzju ma jibqax tkissir ta zwieg??? Tinsiex li l-ligi proposta mill-IVA taghti cans lil min ma jridx jiddivorzja biex ikollu jaccetta...jigifieri per ezempju jekk ragel telaq il-mara ghax sab ohra li nizletlu ghasel wara li jhalli lil ewwel mara ghal erba snin trabbi t-tfal u jkun separati jkun jista jerga jizzewweg lil ohra (minghajr l-ebda kunsens la tal-mara u lanqas tat-tfal) u kif tkun is-sitwazzjoni tat-tfal tal-ewwel u tat-tieni zwieg - il-Bambin biss ikun jaf....
Joe MC Abortion and divorce are separate issues. Some marriages will break down it's a fact of life. As for broken families, theese will continue to exist in Malta until the system is changed and divorce introduced. Once the theocrats are finally defeated, unfortunate people whose marriage has broken down can finally remarry and give a proper closure to their mishap. However abortion has nothing to do with the subject. It is only the Church in Malta that uses this spin to try and confuse the two issues.
Ara x'qal dan JOE MC . Xi kultant ahjar abort mili jitwieldu tfal go familja mkissra ? Int haq *%%$$## kristjan? U kontra divorzju. Tajjeb wisq , Int fi dinja qieghed ta wkoll, U kullhadd suggett ghal xi haga. Il-Valenu li ghandkom go fikom huwa inkredibbli.
L-injoranza hija enormi u insapportabbli. Mela dawk iz-zwigijiet VERAMENT b'sahhithom, id-divorzju, is-separazzjoni, jew l-annullament , ser jaffetwhom? U leeee Inkredibbli,imma kif jista jkun.
Imma kemm idumu biex jifmhu ceru min-nies, trifd tatihilhom bl-imarfgha,ok. "L-aqwa haga li jista jkollu il-bniedem hija haga wara s-sahha naturalment,Il-Liberta u l-Paci fih innifsu". "Ghax ma tafux xi tfisser jekk qalb tal-gebel. li bniedem ghal ligi jider mizzewweg, f'kaz bhal dak". Imsomma ghal xejn titkellem, ghax min ghandhu qalb tal-gebel, ma jistax ihoss .
falzonsilvio sa fejn naf jien il-ligi tad-divorzju tidhol biex wiehed jerga jizzewweg. Jekk ma hux tad-dahk tal-biki u ghandek ragun ghax ghazlu biex jaljenaw in-nies minn fuq t-taxxi fuq xi haga li qed tissogra l-gid komuni jekk taccetta li f'malta z-zwieg dejjiemi ghadu b'sahhtu hafna...
I am in favour of divorce as a civil right for those who seek a new chance in life. Abortion is not a civil right and goes against the law of humanity. It is a criminal act against life itself. In other countries if a single parent is not able to raise the children they brought into this world are taken away by the Social services and given a proper foster home.
Belinda Huckson
Corrected , sorry for mistakes. The debate has gone off track by a slight misinterpretation as if no other arguments were found? Parental conflict is a source of distress for children whatever the name. Why settle on hairline distinctions when the substance is the way we deal with difficulties, as the most important factor.Is it not the same for all after effects of conflict? After all ,human differences rest on personal decision making, attitudes and how problems are solved . A long term solution is a better one than one which can shift after a short time span.This has more to do with reality than an irrational perception of living happily ever after. That is why some are more resilient than others. Does it justify imposing a new situation of problem solving when it does not guarantee it is better than the rest?
Belinda Huckson
The debate has gone off track by a slight misinterpretation as if no other arguments were found? Parental conflict is a source pf distress for children whatever the name. Why settle on hairline distinctions when the substantial is the way we deal with difficulties is the most important factor.Is it not the same for after effects of conflict? After all human differences rest on personal decision making , attitudes and how problems are solved. This has more to do with reality than an irrational perception of living happily ever after.
xikultant ahjar abort milli jittwieldu go familja imkissra
id divorzju u abort uma dittijiet civili. Had jista jindahal f'ghazla
bejn il-linji, Int Injurant. min qallek li jrid jizzewweg? isma tidhaqx hafna ta , ghax kulhadd fi dinja qieghed. anke mard jista jaqbadna, jigifieriex turiex il-valenu li ghandek go fik.
And what makes you think that such man would lose single parent money to get married!!! LOL
Yes ofcourse, I know personally aman ,who have care and custody of his kids,with no maintenance from thier mother, cause she is with another man, raising her new kids. What we want , cohabitation, so there can be some who abuses? like she gets new money for her new kids as a single parent, and while her new man ,maybe not married (He ) works , living for the eye of the law, in 2 different addresses?(adress for her address for him) So what's all this Fuss (ghageb)of the No movement for nothing? These stories have been going on for years, all stories are different, cause everybody is different. Still the kids grew up like all other kids. Also does that man, deserves to be seemed for the law, as married? Absolutley NO, at least who ahve a heart of flesh. well i stop is enough I think. When it rains, the rain comes down for all. And the Sun rises for all.