Bishop Grech’s comments ‘fall short of Christian charity’

'Catholics: Yes because it is a right' movement expressed “regret” at comments made by Bishop Mario Grech, who said that those in favour of divorce are a “wolf in sheep’s clothing”.

Reacting to Mgr Mario Grech's homily at the St George's parish church in Victoria where teenagers received the sacrament of confirmation, the new movement of Catholics in favour of divorce said that Grech’s language fell short of Christian charity.

“It is with deep regret for us as Catholics that our brother made recourse to such language about his Catholic brothers and sisters. Such language falls short of Christian charity and does not consider with respect and wisdom the position of Catholics like us.”

The spokesperson for the movement Carmel Hili said Catholics who will be voting yes will not be declaring themselves in favour or against divorce as a matter of “moral or religious” legitimacy.

“They are only recognising the State’s duty to legislate for all its citizens, irrespective whether they are Catholics or not,” Hili said. “This is in line with the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teachings of our Holy Mother Church.”

Hili said that whilst everyone has the right to marry, no everyone “wants or can” marry in Church: This is precisely our point: that our Holy Mother Church should not coerce the State, or lay pressure upon it, to refuse marriage and a happy life to those who do not want or cannot marry in Church.”

Hili once again referred to the Catechism of the Catholic Church which states that “God does not want to impose the good, but wants free beings”. 

Hili added that whilst Mgr Grech said the ones who vote in favour of divorce are not in communion with Christ, the movement believes that “traitors and wolves dressed as sheep are those who do not eliminate the burdens - such as financial and economic burdens and hardships – which are ruining Maltese families and children.”

Pauline Busuttil . If this is going to be an honest and intelligent discussion, let me say that (1) You are conflating St Paul's word's with the words of the messiah and (2) you are listening to the church's interpretation of what St Paul said. (3) The presumed St Paul's writings have double meanings (it's a Jesuit tradition too, to speak with a forked tongue). They are open to as many interpretations as you like. Read all of St Paul's stuff. Otherwise, select a few lines to prove your point. ' Is doing that honest and intelligent?
Ma nafx ghaliex dawn il kummenti kollha. Minn hu kristjan u kattoliku kull ma ghandu jaghmel huwa li jiftah il-Bibbja u jaqra l-ittri ta' San Pawl u jara kif kien jitkellem. DAK LI HU ABJAD JGHIDLU ABJAD U DAK LI HUWA ISWED JGHIDLU LI HUWA ISWED. Ma kien iddur mal lewza u kien ikun car hafna. Ma kienx jibza jghid dak li hu u meta rrid iccanfar hekk kien jaghmel minghajr ma jibza. Mela ghalfejn dawn il hafna kummenti kontra l-Isqof Grech. Dan ghax ma jibzax jghid il verita? L-Isqof Cremona mhux qed jaghmel l'istess........ ghaliex ghalija qed inhoss li huwa daqsxejn dghajf fil kummenti tieghu. HEMM BZONN LI NDURU LEJN IL-BIBBJA U NARAW MINN FOMM KRISTU KIF GHANDNA NIMXU AHNA L-INSARA.
Grazzi hafna ghal kummenti tieghek Imhallef Philip Sciberras. I do not know how to write in Maltese with such eloquence. May I ask if you know who owns the churches in Malta? Is it the State of Malta or the Vatican State? And how easy/difficult is it for the Maltese legislature to extricate itself from the Church's ubiquitous tentacles? I can just about read Maltese, should you manage to post a reply.
Message to Mgr Mario Grech: I am a wolf in wolf's clothing, but I only turn into a wolf when people cross over into my boundaries uninvited. . I am a wolf especially when the intruders are black sheep.
Missek tisthi tmur fuq it-TV, Issa mur ghid lil dik li kixfitlek ghemilek, ghax ma felhitikx aktar, tindahal lil haddiehor u taghmilha u tridha tal-qaddisa, (minghalik) u bhal dik tinsiex li hemm skola shiha li jafuk, kien ahjar li qatt bi kwitek nahseb , u ma ndhaltx fejn ma jesekx, ghax issa kulhadd jaf, .
Meta l-Lupu ma lahaqx l-ghanqud ta l-gheneb, wara diversi tentattivi, spicca sabiex qal , li QARES;-) Min ghandhu mohh biex jifhem, ma hemmx ghalfejn nelabora :P
SUBMITTED ON TUE, 05/17/2011 - 19:05. *NEW watching the programm Affari tieghek proved to be a surreal experience as it seemed that the Le representative against divorce Joyce Cassar was on an emotional war part. I remember her years ago at sixth form when I was a maltese language student and she was the Pogguta [ SORRY FOR THE TERM] of our seperated maltese language teacher MA. We had rehersals after school for the shakespear play macbeth and she was always there sitting at the side of the stage on a high stool, aloof and disconnected from all around her. It was not a normal situation for a maltese teacher to have his lover attend school activities. the whispering amongst students about the going on was understandable. Things might have changed but even today this behaviour is unacceptable. I would not normally judge but please who is Ms Joyce cassar to judge us. Actions speak loader than words. So those who vote yes are sinners and those who live a certain life out of choice but vote no for divorce and yes for pogguti go straight into the good books of the Maltese Curia. andrea cassar ************************* I was not going to write , But I cannot hold back :) Only a fool did not understand her, NOONE DO ANYTHING FOR NOTHING, THERE IS ALWAYS A REASON' FQATEK DIN , HAQQEK, L-IZPIZJAR MILLI JKOLLU JAGHTIK.
Dort l-14 il-rimarka u l-ebda wahda ma hi dwar r-referendum jigifieri jien fuqiex ghandi nghid iva jew le???? Kontra l-isqof ghax qal li qal...kontra joyce ghax dehret f affari taghna u had ma qal ghala ser jivvota iva jew le. Jien ser nghid ghala jekk nivvota nivvota le.. ghax f'dan ir-referendum ma hemmx blu jew ahmar; ghax nista nahseb x'inhu l-ahjar ghal pajjiz ghal gid komuni;...... ghax iz-zwieg permanenti ghadu mfittex u mixtieq; ghax nixtieq aktar impenn ghal zwieg permanenti u ghal familja aktar b'sahhitha.....
but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened round his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.” (Matt. 18:1-6) Can the National Statistics Office inform us how many millstones were thrown into the sea these last years?
Minn dejjem dejqitni l-ipokresija u aktar u aktar l-uzu tat-tfal innocenti biex inwasslu l-messagg dwar dak li ma joghgobniex u biex nheddu bl-anatemi, l-iskomuniki u d-dnubiet mejta. Dan fl-istess waqt li nistqarru li kulhadd ghandu jkollu l-liberta' li jiddeciedi skond il-kuxjenza. Jien li ghext is-sittinijiet ma nara xejn barra mill-ordinarju illi kelliema awtorevoli fil-Knisja lokali jirrikorru ghal tattici bhal dawn ghaliex, nonostante l-istqarrija tas-soghba ghall-interdetti imposti., uhud, ghal glorja u l-poter temporali, ghadhom ma nfatmux mill-imghoddi u l-izbalji tar-rghaj ta' qabilhom ghadhom ikaxkru u minnhom, dawk prezenti, jidher li ma tghallmu xejn. Tant huma moghmija mill-kurrent tal-poter influwenti taghhom illi minflok ma jiddjalogaw, imqar mal Kattolici dissidenti, jikkundannaw u juzaw l-ghodod spiritwali biex ibezzghu. Sahansitra, jippontifikaw illi min ma jaqbelx maghhom u ma joqghodx ghal dak li jippriedkaw huwa lupu liebes gild ta' naghga. Espressjoni din mhux biss nieqsa mill-Kristjanita izda intiza bhala twiddiba u canfira lil min ihaddan l-istess fidi, forsi ukoll b'zelu aktar minnhom. Dawn it-talin ma jistghux, fil-hsieb tieghi, jitqiesu rapprezentanti denji fl-art ta' Kristu ta' l-imhabba li jterraq biex jerga' jgib fil-merhla n-nghag mitlufa. U la qeghdin nitkellmu fuq l-ilpup b'ilbies tan-nghag ikun jaqbel li dawn l-istess talin, li jaraw it-tibna f' ghajn haddiehor u jghaddu gudizzji irresponsabbli, jaghtu titwila madwarhom fil-kanonici mxerrda f'pajjizna u l-boghod minnha ghax minn dawk ix-xorta ta' lpup isibu kemm iridu. Il-grajjiet mill-istorja recenti, wara tant snin ta' habi, jitkellmu wehidhom u m'hemmx ghalfejn ezempji ghax il-lista hi twila u wiehed ghandu d-diffikolta tal-ghazla. Ghal min irid jifhem bizzejjed naghlaq billi nghidlu "Cetera quis nescit".
Lately I was considering if I was going to vote and surely such statements are making me rethink. Overrated housing, loans, high cost of living and other endless scenarios have made many couples look for part-time work which, in many cases, are the actual cause of family disruptions. Couples during their normal work hours and overtime/part-time get to see more of their work mates than their families/or spouses, and this situation is surely not their fault!! Bishop Mario Grech, we Christians have an intellect and most of us do not desire another religious war which would only cause additional harm to our society.
Archbishop Paul Cremona told the maltese people that the church is not going to make any crusades about the divorce referendum, but may I ask what he has to say after Mons Mario Grech comments last sunday.
Skont Andrea Cassar, habiba kbira ta' Joyce, ghandna inhaggruha l-Joyce ghax hekk iggudikat. Prosit tal-informazzjonin u nispera li Alla jahfirlek !!
watching the programm Affari tieghek proved to be a surreal experience as it seemed that the Le representative against divorce Joyce Cassar was on an emotional war part. I remember her years ago at sixth form when I was a maltese language student and she was the Pogguta [ SORRY FOR THE TERM] of our seperated maltese language teacher MA. We had rehersals after school for the shakespear play macbeth and she was always there sitting at the side of the stage on a high stool, aloof and disconnected from all around her. It was not a normal situation for a maltese teacher to have his lover attend school activities. the whispering amongst students about the going on was understandable. Things might have changed but even today this behaviour is unacceptable. I would not normally judge but please who is Ms Joyce cassar to judge us. Actions speak loader than words. So those who vote yes are sinners and those who live a certain life out of choice but vote no for divorce and yes for pogguti go straight into the good books of the Maltese Curia.
Bishop Mario Grech, who said that those in favour of divorce are a “wolf in sheep’s clothing”. This shameful comment is nothing short of spiritual abuse ! Shame shame!!
"in-nagħaġ mitlufa jitiqukomm magħna 'lkoll ġejjin". Hekk konna 'nkantaw aħna n-Nazzjona;isti fit-tmeninijiet. Issa, grazzi għat-tmexxija preżenti, dawn in-nagħaġ se nerġgħu nitilfuhom, u se jmorru mal-partit "ma nivvutax" !
Sur 'Maltese' ha nkellmek bil-Malti ! Jekk taqbel ma li qal l-Isqof Mario Grech ma nafx kif tista ssejjah lilek innifsek "KRISTJAN" ! Bhala "Rghaj" l-Isqof Grech imissu jara kif jaghmel biex igib lura lejn il-Knisja ta' Kristu " in-naghag mitlufin " mhux qieghed jara x'jaghmel biex ibieghed mill-merhla hafna aktar naghag !
I am still waiting fot this particular Bishop to be prosecuted for the cold-blloodied murder of the English tongue ! You were probabbly a TV witness to this atrocious murder when he addressed youths at the Waterfront during Benedict XVI's visit. I wonder how certain opinionists who pride themselves on their prowess in English failed to comment !
Dear Maltese People breaking away from the Roman Church has a very long history. . People can and do call themselves Christian and Catholic when they break away from the Roman Church. . Christian means follower of Christ - a compassionate approach towards one’s neighbour - amongst other things. . The word catholic means universal. . These attitudes (Christian and universal) are not being displayed by the bishop. . The Roman church can only boast that it is the biggest church because it recruits its adherents as soon as they are born. It gives them no choice. Although the Roman Church is massive compared to other belief systems – Christian or non-Christian - only about 15% of people worldwide have been baptized as Roman Catholics. You can check this out for yourself. And since Roman Catholicism expresses itself differently in different countries, the Maltese RC church is no more than a cult. . Note also that the Roman church deviated from the original teachings of Christ when the council of Nicea was established. It was not Jesus who created canon law and the bureaucracy that goes with it. If you have a look at: and scroll down to the bottom, you will see a diagram which shows you the many divisions that took place from the early Roman Church. Crucially, the green dotted line at the top shows you the existence of the original followers of Jesus's teachings. . Absolutely nothing to do with the Vatican.
Vera "Maltese" u hekk l-Isqof Grech ma jaf bl-ebda kaz ta pedofelia fil-merhla tieghu f'Ghawdex li dwara messu ha azzjoni, jista jitfa l-ewwel gebla. L-Ghawdxin jafu ahjar dwar dan. Grazzi lil dan il-moviment gdid li qed jghix il-kelma ta Kristu, ma jiggudika lil hadd u juri hniena ma min hu anqas ixxurtjat.
Bishop Mario Grech had a right to say what he said. The movement 'Catholics: Yes because it is a right' is a contradiction in itself. At least the movement has to state what are its true credentials. How can you criticize Bishop Grech when he is the leader of the same Church in which you believe?
This is the right way to go about it. . The clergy are not used to non-clergy preaching morality to them. . Let us take a stand and ensure our sense of INTEGRITY and human DIGNITY is not compromised!!!! Thanks for your report Miriam Dalli.