MaltaToday editorial, Why a ‘Yes’ vote is crucial to democracy

It should by now be clear that Saturday’s referendum is about much more than the approval of a draft law on divorce.

There is also a fundamental political principle at stake, touching upon a number of crucial characteristics in any self-respecting European democracy: from social justice and the rights and freedoms of individuals, to the obligation of the State to legislate on behalf of all its citizens equally, without discrimination.

Judging by the latest surveys, it seems that people are slowly coming round to understanding this vital point. But it is by no means certain that this gradual increase in apparent support for the Yes campaign will translate into victory at next Saturday’s poll.

If not, the outcome would constitute a grave injustice towards all those whose family circumstances have made divorce legislation a pressing necessity in today’s Malta. It will also be a serious setback for Malta’s progression towards a just society for all.

It will surely come as no surprise to our readers that MaltaToday is firmly in favour of a Yes vote next Saturday: in fact, this newspaper has adhered to a policy in favour of divorce legislation from its inception in 1999.

There are several reasons for this: not least, compassion for and solidarity with those whose need for such legislation is very real and very urgent. Furthermore, it bears reminding that the arguments against divorce legislation to date have been at best unconvincing. Certainly, none has assured us that Malta would in any way benefit from maintaining the status quo.

With or without divorce it remains a fact that marriages fail; and contrary to the often deliberately deceptive approach of the No campaign, divorce laws in other countries do not impinge on the actual marital breakdown rate, or on any of the psychological effects of marital breakdown on family members (effects which are equally applicable to both separation and annulment, both legally available in Malta).

But from the outset we also recognised another dimension to this debate: i.e., that resistance to this legal reform is in part dictated by the desire to retain antiquated legislative models, which should really have no place in a modern democracy.

Sadly, it seems there are many among us who would like to impose their own views on the population as a whole: invariably citing dubious justifications, such as arguments appealing to the “common good” at the expense of individual rights.

Often, the purveyors of such arguments have framed their handiwork into the very fabric of this country’s legislation: making it so much harder for subsequent generations to rectify their injustices. One example out of many is directly relevant to the ongoing divorce debate: the ill-advised 1995 Church-State agreement, engineered by former Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami (now an outspoken campaigner for the No lobby), which empowers the Ecclesiastical Tribunal to take legal precedence over its civil equivalent.

This is an anomaly unto itself, and represents a permanent injustice towards all who do not share in the country’s majority belief system (as well as several who do share in it, but nonetheless recognise the need to keep God and Caesar firmly apart). 

More poignant still, it openly contradicts Malta’s claims to being a European member state based on the principles of ‘equality for all’ and ‘unity in diversity’ – in other words, the same identity so many people had insisted upon and fought for ahead of that other nationwide referendum on March 8, 2003.

For this reason it is certainly no coincidence that MaltaToday also supported our country’s contentious European Union membership bid in 2003. Eight years ago we argued that EU accession would serve as a guarantee of the basic tenets of democracy – so often under threat in this country’s recent political history, as (ironically) few know better than the current Nationalist administration.

From this perspective it is incongruous how the same people who fought for these European ideals, are now campaigning against divorce legislation in a bid to keep Malta from benefiting from the same freedoms enjoyed by our European neighbours.

This makes our country an evident anomaly within the European family: the one EU member state that has stolidly refused to distinguish between secular and ecclesiastical values, to the grave detriment of its own citizens.

It is therefore a matter of political necessity that some semblance of normality is returned to what has become an exceedingly abnormal state of affairs: an abnormality repeatedly confirmed by Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi, who has often claimed that he “doesn’t care” if Malta remains the only democracy in the world to fail to observe this basic democratic principle.

Dr Gonzi may not realize it, but the truth is that such statements only betray how deeply out of touch he is with reality… reinforcing the growing sensation that the corridors of power have been hijacked by irrationality.  Sadly it must be said that this same attitude has also scarred the political landscape of our country, in that it has mired the basic European model of Church-State separation in an increasingly antagonistic disdain for the principle of secularism.

And yet, this selfsame principle forms the very core of the issue at stake in this referendum. And the need for such a distinction has now been painstakingly illustrated by none other than the No campaign itself: with its billboards urging voters to choose between “Christ” (please note: Christ, not Christianity) and “Divorce”… for all the world as if this were not an independent country at all, but an externalisation of the private religious beliefs of the most vociferous of its several religious denominations.

And yet, Malta is not the private property of the Catholic Church. It is home to 400,000 people, many of whom are not Catholics at all. Naturally, all these inhabitants enjoy the right to express their opinions, and this includes the Church (which also has a wealth of means at its disposal to get such messages across).

But this fact alone does not mean that the State should give undue credence to any one of those disparate opinions at the expense of all others. And when it comes to passing legislation – bearing in mind that State laws, unlike religious decrees, are binding upon all citizens equally – the same State has both a moral duty and a legal obligation towards those who do not profess the Catholic faith; or who are Catholics, but feel they should not have the right to impose their own religious beliefs on others.

This very simple concept is a standard feature of all modern democracies, in Europe and elsewhere, and it is indeed regrettable to note how Malta insists on making itself an exception to this rule. A Yes vote in Saturday’s referendum will go a long towards restoring a much-needed balance between the rights and responsibilities of all citizens, as well as towards ending an untenable injustice towards those most vulnerable.

This editorial appeared on Sunday, 22 May on MaltaToday's print edition.

Kemm hu tad-dahk dan Paul Vincenti! "Will women be worse off with Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s divorce Bill? I believe they will. The divorce law will force a woman into a divorce that she may not even want." Xbajt iddahhak nies bik purcinell?! Kif qallek sew Albert Borg, kumment bhal tieghek huwa sessist u ghalhekk mhux merhba bih fis-sena 2011. Allura ghidilna ftit, ghaliex mara ghandha tkun trid tibqa' mizzewga meta r-ragel taghha ma jridiex?! Dan MA JRIDIEX, punto e basta. Mela fehemni ftit ghaliex ghanda tkun trid tibqa' mizzewwga jekk hux biss bhala vendikazzjoni. Ma nehodiex bi kbira li int tappoggja atti vendikattivi. Il-hdura fik tispikka! X'nippretendu minn bahnan li minghalih ghandhu dritt fuq il-gisem ta' kull mara. Is-Sur Vincenti, jippretendi li ghandhu jkollhu dritt jindahal ANKE fl-utru tan-nisa Maltin (u li ttih il-lala anke ta' dawk mhux Maltin). Dan jippretendi li ghandhu dritt jghid lil kull mara biex ma tnehhix dak li ghandha mqabbad mal-utru taghha, anke jekk din ma tridux. Sur Vincenti, il-quddiem iktar u iktar nies ghad iridu jindunaw li hadd m'ghandhu dritt jindahal fuq l-ghazliet tal-individwu. Jekk tfajla inqabdet tqila u ma tridx izzomm it-tarbija - dak huwa affari taghha BISS u jekk int temmen fid-dnub, halliha tidneb kemm trid.
@ Gecko you must be some kind of a poet....goodnight
Joseph Sant
@ Kmag0003 - Indeed! Especially since you've gone and put your foot in your mouth and now can't pull it out! Goodnight sir.
A factual editorial that pretty much sums up the sorry state of affairs of our country. Unless the yes vote wins, a fundamentalist catholic iron curtain will descend on Malta.
@ Gecko you said I have no why should I reply......
Joseph Sant
I do - but apparently you haven't a clue. But since you seem so expert, go ahead, enlighten us. What is an individual right?
With such BANAL comments below I cant help wondering how Malta has been accepted to form part of the EU. Live and let live. Vote Yes and let's get over it! The church's imposition on our state that has made a lot of damage to the Maltese families and not a simple civil right of Divorce! Grow up you bunch of ignorants!!!!
@Gecko Who determined that divorce is an individual right? you know what an individual right means?
jista l-partit laburista alternattiva demokratika etc.. jinaghqdu sabiex nuru lil- membri l-ohra bhalna ta EU, li hawn Malta fi sena 2011 hawn min ghadhu jiggieled ghal drittijiet civili? Tistghu turu Solidarjeta?
Dr.Deborah, hasra li l-moviment ma kellu l-ebda ghajnuna finanzjarja, hali din il-gimgha kienet issir speci ta gathering in valletta, organized so we show all EU that we are still fighting for civil rights in 2011
Joseph Sant
@ Kmag0003 - how dare you tell me that the rights of an individual, any individual - have to be sacrificed for the "common good" ? How dare you insult us in this manner? What is the common good? who decrees what it is? and on what criteria? If it is Christian values you are claiming to protect, (and by Christian I mean the values of Christ not the values of so called Christians) maybe you should be reminded that Christ was happiest with prostitutes, money lenders and other individuals who posed a threat to the perceived "common good" of his society. Never in my whole fifty years plus have I felt more of a stranger in my own country!
Joseph Sant
Mr Vincenti, will you do us and yourself a favour and stop parroting the No movement warped propoganda? Why see everything from a female point of view - is it because they are the sector where your popoganda might yield more fruit? Since you seem so buddy buddy with the No movement maybe you might tell us wherefrom the No movement obtained the data of all married females in Malta to send them a personalized letter. Incidentally that letter contained very much the same arguments you are parroting here.
Read this about the Bishop's Pastoral letter and the unfairness of it all.
I am very sorry but I must stress again that the stand of this paper on the last years of a Labour government is unfair. How can one say there was a threat to democracy when Mintoff himself gave in to pressure from the PN when their boycot of parlaiment. What we always forget is that the PN mounted an artificial crisis because they got more number 1 votes. Everybody cried foul. In the USA Bush Jr. beat Al Gore because in Florida the Republicans got 500 more preferences. On the other hand in the number of overall prefernces Al Gore beat Bush by something like 600,000 votes. What did Gore do? He shook Bush's hand and admnitted defeat. But Fenech Adami is of whipping up hot air. It was really much ado about nothing. I cannot fathom why the Malta today people never mention the sixties when democracy was not threatened but did not exist. Those times are relevant today because similar tactics are being used to curtail democracy. Today there is even greater danger because the Labour Party has neither the passion not the temerity to challenge these forces of reaction. So if divorce does not make we can forget other important issues. A no victory will mean that our island is in the clutches of fundamentalists. So much for being in the EU. Sure and I live on Mars.
MKa nistghux inkunu egoisti. illum int u ghada jien. Jien naqbel mad-divorzju u se nivvota iva, imma se nivvota IVA biex nghaddi messagg lil politikanti u specjalment lil Gvern. Inthom qeghdin hemm bil-vot taghna u tridu tharsu d-drittijiet civili taghna, sew jekk ahna Bi Bzonnijiet Specjali, sew jekk Nisa/Irgiel Imsawta (Id-divorzju) u sew lejna il-minornza li l-aktar ahna trasparenti ghal Gvern, jigifieri il-Komunita' Omosesswali.
Micheal Bonanno
@kmag. Who was talking about the bishop. We know that the octopus has 8 tentacles, and we know that there is always a hidden hand behind every move. But I follow the comments and commenters regularly here and you for one, are part of the new batch in these columns! Plus another reason is, why after 3 weeks of campaigning pros and cons, today is the biggest wave of attacks here? You may not be one of the orchestra, (just guessing) but others are, especially on another e-newspaper.
Hawn xi hadd min ta moviment tal-LE jiddiskuti mieghi hawn?:) just isaqsini u nwiegbu:) xejn specjali mil-kumdita ta dahrna:) Imma jrid igib ismu jew isimha, halli nkunu certi li hi jew hu. L-ewwel mistoqsija , "X'differenza tghamel lil familja is-separazzjoni u id-divorzju". mhux hafna kliem -jekk inkunu semplici aktar jifmhu n-nies;-)
It has dawned to me, that as I see the present circumstances unfold, it is only citizens who can bring about a cultural and mental modernization, and not the Christian Democrat political party with a clear Catholic social agenda. The open intervention by the Catholic hierarchy in Maltese politics was the most determined, forceful, and direct in decades, considering that its previous interventions having always been performed through formally independent Catholic citizens’ political and social organizations. If there is anything that we can learn from contemporary European history, but in particular the European side of the Mediterranean, Spain especially underwent very fast modernization only after it emerged from the authoritarian/clerical dictatorship of Franco (1939-75). Nevertheless Italy and France also have a history of anti-democratic regimes, fascist regimes (Mussolini and Vichy). To my dismay, what we are really observing is the socio-political outcome of theological beliefs which have the power of subverting constitutional principles. As I see it, the only way foreward, for all the varieties of liberals, is a strict separation of state and religion as the only defining condition of Malta’s political and economic modernization - being the only guarantee against civic and political backwardness.
Naturalment ma hawn l-ebda kumment li jghodd ghal kulhadd. Perezempju lil qatusa nghidlu li jien imsawwat u sa issa zammejt kollox ghax inhoss li ghal familja u ghat-tfal hekk l-ahjar. Allura jien jekk ser nivvota le ghax kapaci nerfa kull challenge ghandu xi hadd ilumni. pero ma nippretendi lil had jivvota iva jew le ghax jghidlu xi hadd imma kulhadd ghandu jara kif ihossu l-ahjar u ma noqhodux nghidu ghax il-knisja dnub u ghax ghal editur m hemmx demokrazija u kulhadd jispara. Ragunijiet ghedthom li nahseb minhabba fihom ser nivvota le u mhux ghax ser naghti kaz x'jghid dak u l-iehor imma mmur ma dak li ghandi f'mohhi gfhaxnahseb li kekk sewwa anke jekk ma hux li jaqbel lili.
Mela jistghu ma jizzewgux in-nies ta , ghax xorta titlaqhom il-mara jew jitaqhom ir-ragel jekk ser noqghdu sejrin hekk. hekk gara , qed jigri u ser jibqa jigri bi divorzju jew le, anke tfal hawn min nies li huma separati, mela allura bla sens li d-divorzju ser jaghmel hekk. ma hemm differenza ta xejn, hlief li min irid jista jizzewweg u min ma jridx ma jizzewwigx , jaghmel li jrid. Anke is-separazzjonijiet li hawn eluf, naha tista tmur ghand avukat u tiftahlek kawza , trid u ma tridx xorta.
Mr Vincenti, yours is a terribly sexist comment. I believe that we are all equals in today's society and gender-based discriminatory arguments as the one you're posing shouldn't even be contemplated. A wife-beater ought to be jailed not set free or allowed to continuously abuse the same person. It is a shame how disrespectful of other's choice you may be. Also please, do not mock our intelligence. While agree that nothing may be guaranteed in this world (because nothing is!) the law is there to do it's utmost to protect. Your speak of second class/inferior children is hogwash. Stop spreading lies. Shame on you.
Will women be worse off with Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s divorce Bill? I believe they will. The divorce law will force a woman into a divorce that she may not even want. It will allow a married man to divorce his wife, possibly in exchange for a younger, more attractive woman. He will be able to just walk out on his marriage and family to get a divorce – no questions asked. I have never heard of anyone being allowed to negate on a legal contract without incurring penalties. Not until Dr Pullicino Orlando presented his no-fault divorce law that is wholly geared against women. A divorced man may choose to remarry and have another child. Provided that he is able to demonstrate that he cannot financially support his new family and at the same time pay maintenance in respect of his first marriage, he may quite possibly apply to the courts to request that he stops any child maintenance allocated to his first wife and children. This is a travesty. The divorce movement claim that a battered woman should be given a second chance. Who in their right mind wants a woman to undergo such abuse anyway? Of course, the wife-beater was kept conveniently out of sight in their billboard that depicted the grim looking woman with a black eye. The truth is that the wife-beater will also be set free with divorce. Freed to remarry and in all likelihood continue to abuse another wife. How then did divorce solve the issue of wife beating? Simply, it did not solve anything. It just shifted the problem onto another woman. The proposed divorce law is perfectly crafted to suit men with the divorced women of Malta and their children becoming poorer and even more dependent on men. This is of course the worst possible kind of divorce as it favours one sex over the other and the siblings of the second marriage over those of the first. This divorce law will create a subgroup, a new minority class of divorced women and their fatherless children. The anti-family movement have gone to enormous lengths to disguise the implications of this law by reframing it and calling it “responsible”. I feel that the women of Malta deserve far better than a divorce law that places them at a disadvantage to men.
Vatican: victims dismiss bid to curb abuse as empty ROME (AP) — People who were sexually abused by priests gathered in Rome on Saturday to denounce the Vatican’s latest effort to show it is cracking down on clerical abuse and demand greater accountability from the Catholic Church. About 50 victims, most of them Italian, gathered for a daylong symposium on the psychological and legal issues surrounding abuse. The group, which included several former students of a notorious school for the deaf in Verona where dozens of people reported abuse, ended the day with a march on Italy’s parliament. One of the organizers, Salvatore Domolo, a 46-year-old ex-priest who says he was abused from age eight to 11 by his parish priest in Novarra, said victims were incensed by the Vatican’s letter this week to bishops around the world asking they write guidelines to combat abuse. In its letter, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith emphasized the primary role of bishops and religious superiors in handling abuse cases at a time when bishops’ credibility to enforce child protection policies has again been questioned. Recent reports by lay review boards in the U.S. and Ireland have exposed some bishops’ continued stonewalling and unwillingness to report abusers. And just Saturday, the church and Salesian order in the Netherlands said they were investigating revelations that a Salesian priest served on the board of a group that promotes pedophilia and campaigns to end the Dutch ban on adult-child sex, with the full knowledge of his boss.
Malta to hold divorce referendum in May (AFP) – Mar 16, 2011 VALLETTA — The only country in Europe that still outlaws divorce, Malta, will hold a referendum on May 28 on introducing a law to allow it, the Maltese parliament ruled on Wednesday. A majority of citizens of the tiny Mediterranean island -- the smallest member of the European Union -- are staunchly religious Roman Catholics. Maltese will be asked whether they favour allowing divorce following four years of marital separation, with the Church fiercely opposed to the change. The referendum does not have legal weight and a new law would be required. "Divorce has to be treated rationally and not on some religious dogma," opposition Labour party leader Joseph Muscat told lawmakers before a vote in parliament on the referendum in which the government was defeated. "This question has got nothing to do with modelling ourselves on other countries or because we are the only country apart from the Philippines not to have divorce," Muscat said. "I want to live in a European country and that does not mean flying to Brussels or passing through the EU citizens' lane at airports. It means having a set of European values," he said. Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi had declared his opposition to divorce but he gave MPs from his Nationalist Party a free vote and was defeated in parliament.
I have said this so many times. 'To the holier than thous' What if it was you in the situation and you were told by others that you were not allowed to erase the mistake you made. Would you be prepared to stay on your self made cross, or would you climb down.
@ salgister Yesterday the bishop phoned me up and instructed me to start writing comments left right and centre.......dont speak non sense please
Micheal Bonanno
Looks like a concerted counterattack by the NO camp has started. From the comments below one can see new contributors who have never appeared here. I wonder who is their conductor who is orchestrating this massive assault on the media? Wait for more in the coming days1
Prosit ta' l-istand li hadtu fuq dan l-issue. Il-mistoqsija tar-referendum mhijiex: 'Id-divorzju tajjeb jew hazin?' Il-mistoqsija qed ssaqsik taghmel id-divorzju available ghal min iridu. Min irid juzah sew juzah. Min irid jabbuza minnhu jista' wkoll. IVA
Same to you bdw, Sir, Karl Magro :-)
Jiena nemmen li kulhadd jaghzel hu, nahseb li kulhadd jaf xinhu tajjeb jew le ghalih, u kulhadd ghandhu dritt jghix hajtu. kif nemmen li kulhad hekk qed jaghmel.
@ Alfred Borg the truth is that divorce will have a negative impact on do not need much degrees about this...
*Good day - excuse the typo.
@ Kmag0003 haha, big words claiming to know the truth :) please do tell us someday. Good to you sir/madame.
@ Albert Borg you fail to see the common good of a society, you fail to see the truth...
@ Kmag0003 thus my initial statement - you fail to understand. You fail to understand the concept of a right as being something unalienable. You fail to understand that the divorce issue as in this case is not a threat to society.
Lili ma mpressjonani xejn ghax ma fieh l-ebda artiklu wiehed li jipprova li l-ligi tad-divorzju ghandha tidhol. L-argumenti tieghi ma huma ta l-ebda knisja ghax perezempju jien ma naqbel xejn lanqas mal-annulamenti. Ghalija l-annullamenti hziena u bid-divorzju jirdoppja l-hazin. Jekk semmiehom l-editorjal ma hadthomx: 1. Il-pajjiz diga swietlu 4 mijuni euro ghal referendum u kemm ser jiswa jekk jidhol ma nafux; 2. L-erba snin ta separazzjoni ma ghandhom bzonn l-ebda certifikat jew ittra ufficjali; 3. Minhabba s-separazzjoni li tista tkun finta, ma hemm l-ebda garanzija ghal manteniment la tas-sieheb/siehba li tkun hliet hajjita/u u lanqas ghal manteniment tat-tfal specjalment jekk ikunu xi tnejn jew tliet minn ta l-ewwel zwieg u xi tnejn ohra minn tat-tieni biex ma nsemmux it-tielet; 4. Hadd ma semma xi studju dwar kemm hawn li ghandhom bzonn din il-ligi li ma marrux jiehdu d-divorzju minn barra u f'dan l-istudju wiehed jistma kemm hawn li hallew familja bit-tfal warajhom u jkun tal-misthija li tapprovalhom it-tieni zwieg (jien naf tnejn li jekk jidhol id-divorzju nisthi nghid li approvajt meskinita to bniedem li qabad u halla l-mara bi tlett itfal ghax sab ohra); 5. u ghax nemmen li min bhali jaqbel li ma jidholx id-divorzju u ser jivvota le bhalma nhallsu kull centezmu ta taxxa tal-pajji ghandu jkollna d-dritt bhal kull cittadin iehor li jista jivvota iva u ahna nistghu nivvotaw LE.
@ Albert Borg If minority rights are rights which will threat the common good of the society, than would you still call them minority threats???
@ Daniel The threats which you call have been done by the church are all the way the media have been portraying them...(just read yesterdays letter) I live on planet Earth bdw....and not on planet arrogance
@ Kmag0003 you really fail to perceive the concept of 'minority rights' and that a society without its individuals is nothing. one cannot speak of about the greater good without looking at individuals' issues. first things first however: 1. The second article of the constitution is discriminatory towards all those who aren't adherent to the Roman Catholic faith - it does not cater for all the Maltese and should by EU regulations be removed. 2. Minority rights do not take into account 'all of society'. Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. Its the same reason why Nazi and Communist regimes declined thankfully, or would you like to go back to those times? 3. The Church does have every right to give its opinion to its followers. Similarly Malta Today who is not even claiming to be unbiased in this situation has every right to give its opinion to whoever is willing to read, whether they agree or not.
Why doesnt MALTATODAY feature what JPO had written on the 28 February 1997 in In-Nazzjon? We have to show who the pro-divorce activists really are.
Kmagooo3 You call this editorial an imposition on its readers ?then what do you call the c church threats of a sin to vote yes?On which planet do you live? Great editorial Saviour.
@ Albert Borg I read all the news possible...when something like an editorial is biased, than all the articles will be written in a biased way...this can deceive the readers, thus yes in my opinion it will impose an opinion by deceiving the readers. About your other comments, use your IQ (assuming you have) and not your arrogance...Hope you realize that a decision like the introduction of divorce will affect the whole society...thus the Church has every right and it is in the interest of the society to resist the introduction of divorce.
Maureen Attard
Il-Media qieghda taghmel Brain Washing. Ghaliex qed tiehdu biss, jew ahjar qed tissaprtjaw naha wahda tal-munita? Trid tkun altru qed tghix fil-qamar biex tindunax li dan is-sit qed ixaqleb lejn l-iva bil-kbir.
I believe, that every Maltese citizen knows and has the right to live his/her life!
@ Kmag0003 The opinion is not being imposed. you are very free to seek your news elsewhere; very much unlike this forsaken country where I am forced to follow some dubious moral code which i disagree with, subject to the wills of people who hallucinate and believe they are speaking to dead people some of whom i doubt ever existed to begin with. if its your religion be proud of it but please keep it to yourself and don't shove it down my throat by entrenching it in the constitution or prevent the social advancement of Malta into the 21st century by barring the entry of modern legislation. for clarification, we are no better than the extremist islamic countries which are portrayed on the western media and have pretty much become the laughing stock of our European colleagues.
Jiena nahseb li bdejna nghixu l-ahhar zminijiet tad-dinja, kif hemm kiktub fil-ktieb tal-Bibja l-Apokalissi. Bdejna naraw dizgwid bien l-insara, gwerer kullimkien, terrimoti ma nafx kemm u kollox jindika dak li hemm miktub f'dan il-kteib li gie rrelebat lil San Gwan l-Evangelista minn Alla. Mhux qed nghid hekk minhabba l-kwistjoni tad-divorzju li hawn bhalissa imma meta tara u tqis haga, haga u tghaqqadhom bizzilla jidher li bdejna nghidxu THE BIGINING OF THE END.
Chris Tanthi
"Hu fatt li fis-soċjetajiet tal-punent id-divorzju żdied b'mod allarmanti f'dawn l-aħħar għoxrin sena. Dan ma kienx dovut għal xi bidla radikali fil-mod kif jittrattaw lil xulxin il-miżżewġin. In natura umana ma tindidilx b'mod daqstant drastiku fuq medda ta' ftit snin. Iż-żieda hi riżultat ta' mentalita' divozista li daħlet minħabba l-effett tal-medja u l-aċċessibiltà għad-divorzju" - Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, fuq il-gazzetta In-Nazzjon, il-Ġimgha 28 ta' Frar 1997
I can now understand why our values are being massacred. Look at how one of the leading "independent" so to say news paper expresses their opinion...look at how their opinion is being imposed on its readers....