Mystic Angelik delivers Virgin Mary’s message to vote against divorce

Borg in-Nadur mystic Angelik Caruana says Virgin Mary delivered anti-divorce message today.

Self-styled mystic Angelik Caruana – whose alleged weeping Madonna statue was found to contain human blood and olive oil as revealed in an internal Curia document – today delivered the 332nd message from the Virgin Mary calling on voters to say no to divorce.

Caruana claims to deliver messages from the Holy Virgin in what have been uninterrupted visitations since 2006, when he claimed a statue of the Virgin in his house was weeping tears of blood. Sister newspaper Illum later revealed the blood found on the statue of the Holy Virgin had in fact been human blood, allegedly belonging to Angelik Caruana.

In the new message, the Virgin Mary says in so many word: “My children, join up together within one cry: ‘No!  No to divorce!  No to divorce!’.”

Caruana’s message from the Virgin Mary is passed on to Franciscan priest Hayden Williams, who is Caruana’s spiritual guide, to broadcast to the public.

Perhaps too similar to the claims by finance minister Tonio Fenech that the ‘Madonna is weeping for the Maltese’, the alleged message says: “indeed, my heart is aching. The heart of my Son Jesus aches as well. At times I also weep because of you, my children. Yes indeed, my children, I say it again: my heart aches!”

“Yes, my children, this is the reason for my weeping. This is the reason for my coming to you: because you are attempting to break up the unity of the family. Why this pro-divorce propaganda? Is it that you have become very smart? Or is it that you are now grown up and have greater know-how than before?”

Earlier this year, Caruana was involved in a security breach at the Vatican, when he attempted to climb over a security barrier at the Paul XI hall. Pope Benedict XVI was hosting a general audience at the time, when Caruana started shouting out loud to attract attention so that he delivers a letter to Ratzinger.

According to Vatican press chief Fr Ciro Benedettini, the letter was taken by the Vatican gendarmerie, containing "devotional messages". Caruana was then escorted to the exit. No aggression was reported but security guards appeared tense, according to La Repubblica.

Morna ndahqu l-Vatican ukoll. . Spiccajna pajjiz tal-pulcinelli.
mela il madonna nazjonalista ghax kieku kontra qalet. jien ma nista nifem xejn mil knisja thali dan il kumidjant iwaqa azufjet il madonna. emm cans li imaradd balla nies bhalu. trid tkun malti biex tamel dan il buffunati,
Maybe Angelic Caruana is related to Daphne Caruana if that is the case they both are a mental case.
I can understand breast feeding on demand, but not so much appearances of Our Lady.
Should have read: "Jesus was BORN a Jew ...."
Is anyone aware that St Joseph thought of divorcing his wife Mary until such time as an angel shot out of the blue to tell him: "No, no, you naughty man. She became a mother by the intervention of God the Father (presumably not the Son as that would have been incest and if it were the Holy Spirit - well, we might have ended up with something even stranger). Oh really, what nonsense. Jesus was both a Jew, lived as a Jew and died a Jew. So were his mother and father.
"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves'', "At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people''. "But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you.'' "Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.'' Who said these words, Mr. Paul Licari? Check for yourself. Thousands of false prophets like Angelik have come and gone since the begining of time. Nothing new. Id-dinja kienet w ghada minn mimlijja min boloh li jemmnu kull ma jaraw w jisimaw!!!
Paul Licari: Anki meta tmur ic-cirklu tara xi buffu jghamel " il-magija ". It-tfal jemmnu li dak li qed jaraw huwa veru ukoll - bhalek ! Jekk ma tridx tibqa b'moff ta' tfal, ehles ibda uza mohhok. L-anqas Lourdes u Fatima ghax hemm il-Madonna dehret ftit drabi. Izda , Alla jbierek, lil Angelik ilha tidhirlu sa mis-sena 2006 KULL GIMGHA ! Possibbli Licari, daqshekk int mazzun ????????
this guy is a fraud and should be put in a mental.
Lil Piccinino: L-ewwelnett naghdrek li qisek qed temmen frawdista jew mignun perfett ! It-tieni, qed tghid li d-demm dejjem ikun demm uman. Izda d-demm li sabu fuq l-istatwa ta' Angelik kien jaqbel ezatt ma ta' Angelik ! U z-zejt kien " taz-zebbuga extra-vergine ". Jaqaw ghalhekk qed temmen li kien tal-Madonna ghax kien " extra-vergine" u l-Madonna kienet " vergni " ??
Maybe after the referendum he will switch the olive oil for balsamic vinegar.
Why does not Our Lady occupy her mind with more serious matters such as poverty and war? This man is a joke.
Abdi D
Tajba din, il-Madonna ukoll tkellmet l-ahhar gurnata halli ghada zzomm is-skiet. Kieku tkellmet ghada ma kienx jista jghidilna Angelik. Tghid ma qaltlu xejn fuq dik is-soru li qed jinterogaw il-puluzija jew dak il-patri? Ghidilna Angelik x'qaltlek dwar il pedofli.
paloma ~ your madonna is not a very mature woman, is she? She cries to get her way? This behaviour does not encourage me to respect her. Spiritually mature woman state their case clearly without using emotional blackmail. And why doesn't her son speak up for himself? Heaven knows the scriptures are full of the words he spoke with hardly any from her. The bottom line is that these gods of your don’t give a toss about the needs of the community and nor do you, Angelik and the LE movement. What do you call that attitude? Christian?
Joseph Sant
Intom familji, kemm qegħdin tagħmlu sawm, penitenza u sagrifiċċji flimkien għall-għaqda tal-familja tagħkom? . Angelik ma tant jidher li qed jaghmel sawm. Xi tghid Angelik? Kiltu l-imqarrun illum?.. Eh Le bilhaqq illum il-Gimgha. Zewg tarjiet jghumu fl-ilma kiel.
B'dak li qed jinsinwa dan Angelik qed iwaqqa il Madonna u ir-Religion ghaz zufjett!! Dawn il paprati jonqosa il knisja f'Malta biex tkompli sejra ghan nizla mal fidili !! Lil Angelik ma nafux min Adam, pero nadru u najdlu miskin ghax ir ragunar tieghu zgur li qed ikun affetwat min ILLUSJONI ta barra min ghawn u nahseb ghandu bzonn ghajnuna urgenti. Li ma nistax nifem kif min imexxi il knisja f'Malta qed jippermetti dawn il hmerijiet billi ma jifthux halqhom jew ahjar jaghlqu halq min qed jajd dawn ic-cuccati kollha fuq il-Madonna!!? Dawn l'affarijiet qed iktar ibedu lin nies mil knisja "Kattolika" lijli l-ewwel wiehed. Din ta' Angelik kien jonqosni wara li fil purcisjoni tat Duluri kienu literalment qazzuni u iddiskustawni meta dahlu id-divorzju bhal pilatu fil kredu. Min dak inhar hlift li ma nersaqx lejn knisja iktar ghax ghalija regaw fethu il pjagi koroh tas-sittinijiet. Jien sincirament nemmen li Il maggoranza tal poplu Malti u Ghawdxi kapaci juzaw mohhom u iwarbu il biza u dawn il hmerijiet meta jigu biex jivvutaw ghal ligi tat Divorzju. In-nies ghazliet iridu, u id-divorzju huwa ghazla (OPTION ) ghal min tassew irid li jkollu cans iehor fil hajja mizzewga...dejjem jekk irid u mhux bilfors. Hadd ma jmur jizzewweg bil hsieb li xi darba jissepara jew jidivorzja,,pero din hi ir-realta tal hajja u id-Divorzju huwa DRITT CIVILI ghal min tassew ikollu bzonnu.Jien u il Familja tieghi mhux ser incahdu dan id-dritt u ser nivvutaw IVA bil qalb!!!
@ paloma Fil pajjizi l-ohra tal ewropa din it-talba ma saritx? . Din zomma ghaliek - kemm int tan-nejk!
Haqq ghal qarabali u t-tursin, ikkonvincejtni Angelik! l-int mahniex ta u mhux biex nivvota le!
(P332) Messaġġ tal-25 ta’ Mejju 2011, Borġ in-NadurGħeżież uliedi u wliedi ta’ qalbi! Dan biex Fr Hayden u Fr David jgħadduh lin-nies. Uliedi, iva qalbi muġugħa. Ibni Ġesù għandu qalbu muġugħa wkoll. Kultant nibki wkoll minħabba fikom, uliedi. Iva, tassew uliedi, nerġa’ ngħid: qalbi muġugħa! Qegħdin tikkupjaw pajjiżi oħra ta’ madwarkom, lill-ġirien. Għax ħaddieħor jagħmel hekk - tagħmlu bħalu. Qegħdin tippruvaw tikkupjaw lill-oħrajn. Qegħdin tippruvaw tikkupjaw dak li hu kuntrarju għal dak li għallimkom Ibni Ġesù. Uliedi u wliedi ż-żgħar tiegħi, nitlobkom teħduha bis-serjetà dis-sejħa li llejla qed nagħmlilkom. Baqgħalkom ftit ġranet oħra x’taħsbu. Aħsbu biss dak li għallimkom Ibni Ġesù wliedi, u dak li tgħallimkom ommkom il-Knisja. Tħallux lil ħaddieħor jidħaq bikom. Tħallux li ħaddieħor ipinġilkom fuq it-tila dak li jidhirlu hu. Uliedi, ħarsu lejn ikona. Hemm min forsi jgħid kemm hi mpinġija stramba. Iva wliedi, tafu min pinġa l-ikona x’għamel qabel? Tafu kemm għamel sawm u penitenza qabel? Intom familji, kemm qegħdin tagħmlu sawm, penitenza u sagrifiċċji flimkien għall-għaqda tal-familja tagħkom? Kemm? Ħarsu madwarkom bħalma wieħed iħares lejn ikona. Iva wliedi, ikona fiha storja u l-familja, jekk timxu kif iridkom Ibni Ġesù, fiha storja - mhux kif ipinġuhielkom fuq it-tila. Iva wliedi, għalhekk qegħda nibki jien. Għalhekk qed niġi għalikom jien: għax l-għaqda fil-familji qed tippruvaw tkissruha. Dil-propaganda għad-divorzju għaliex? Jaqaw tgħallimtu ħafna? Jew issa kbirtu u sirtu tifhmu aktar minn qabel? Uliedi, ingħaqdu f’għajta waħda flimkien: “Le! Le għad-divorzju! Le għad-divorzju!” Mhux vera li bid-divorzju tibda ħajja ġdida - tkisser il-familja mill-qiegħnett. Grazzi talli smajtu s-sejħa tiegħi.
Erba kelmiet ghandi ghalik sur angelik Iddahhakniex aktar qed twaqqa kollox ghar redikolu
Monique – thanks for getting back :-). And thanks to everyone who provided comic relief. I laughed hard today. As this whole game draws to a close, our best armoury against the lunacy of the last month is laughter. . To the NO camp, I never did, nor will I ever interfere with your way of life. If you refuse or are unable to understand the point of view of the YES side, I cannot fix that dilemma for you. The citizens in your country do not all think like you. Accepting this fact is a first step towards getting to grips with reality.
Schlangina You don’t even know what divorce is or what it entails. Divorce offends absolutely no one expect those people whom, like you, are too prejudiced to listen to WHY exactly others require a divorce. Divorce is a solution for broken marriages. Perhaps, you could kindly let us know why divorced people bring you harm? The ‘Mother of God’ did you say? How does an all-male misogynist (and cruel) church still manage to manipulate men and women’s minds with the beautiful concept of a perfect woman, Mother of God, when they show NO respect to REAL women in general , or care for the plight of many mothers. Oh yes, in the confessional priests tell women to suffer like the ‘Lord’ did. I thought the ‘Lord’ never got married himself; plus I am told the ‘Lord’ was not a woman. I guess that’s church logic for you. Whatever it is, allowing people to suffer is CRUEL and I will have NOTHING to do with your UNKIND church.
Hehehe donna aggornata sew il-Madonna???? Mhux qed tkellmek bhal ma kellem il-papa lil dawk l-astronawta hux??? Hallina man ax veru ghandek bzonn ta psikjatra!!!
Our Lady Keeps Perfect Time! Log on:
Hi veru tal-misthija kif il-knisja qed thalli dan il-kummidjant jghid dawn l-affarijiet minghajr ma twaqqfu jew tohrog stqarrija li tiddisassocja ruhha min dan, hi xi haga tal-meravilja,jew tinsab komda ghax qed jaghmlilha dak li riedet taghmel hi,li tbezza in-nies bid-dnub minghajr ma tkun qed tidher specifikament hi.
"...Why this pro-divorce propaganda? Is it that you have become very smart? Or is it that you are now grown up and have greater know-how than before?” For once i agree with you, nailed it !!
@torquemada: trid intik ftit demm bix iddellku ma xi statwa halli tkun cool? @AngieS: Precisely... calling atheism a religion is like calling bald a hair colour...
paul licari you need some mental cure dude, get a hobby
Fehmawvuci atheism is not a religion but the absence of religion. Other religions have their own shamans to. They re all in the same boat.....
Dal lejl dehritli l-madonna u qaltli biex ma naghtix kaz Angelik u li tinsab iddispjacuta li qed jinqeda biha. Qaltli wkoll li binha tkellem fuq id divorzju elfjn sena ilu meta z-zwieg kien hafna differenti milli hu llum. Qaltli li jekk nivvota IVAm managhmilx dnub ghax inkun qed nghin lill min ma sabx xorti fiz zwieg.
When are we going to lock this fraudster at Mount Carmel once and for all??
Joseph Sant
That's right Schlangina - so don't divorce. No one is asking you to. But pride and egotism are also grievous offences against God. Imposing your will on others who may not hold your same opinions and beleifs is an expression of pride, of wanting to dominate. And also remember that it's not for you to judge - only God is judge. . So think very carefully Schalngina. Of course you are free to vote whichever way you want but it would do you good to get off your high horse and view the whole picture not just what appeals to you. . A yes vote does not impose anything on anyone and you Schlangina can carry on living the Catholic life as you have always done in all freedom. But in the words of the Catholic Catechism (Section 2383) if civil divorce remains the only possible way of ensuring certain legal rights, the care of the children, or the protection of inheritance, it can be tolerated and does not constitute a moral offense. . Don't close the door on people who suffer just to allay your own conscience - that is an act of utter selfishness.
Hey,-Schlangina, how come you are so sure about what God wants or does not want...but regarding the Madonna you haven't got a clue what she whispers in Angeliks ears?
Zoo shih gab il-PM meta persuna titlob lil xi entita bhal ALLA ma hemm xejn hazin , normali. Imma meta xi had jibda jghid li ALLA Jeww xi ENTITA ohra qed tkellmu jew tkelimha , mela hemmhek ghandhu/a problema kbira. Jekk hawn psikjatra ta vera, jaf x'jien nghid. jew inkella fittxu fuq mental diseases, SCHIZOPHRENIA
Donella Agius
I don´t know what the Madonna told Angelik, but surely God does not want divorce under any circumstances, and that the Mother of God will also surely tells does that this is wrong and that divorce is a grievious offence against God.
Jiena jekk il-Madonna tkellem lil Lawrence biss nemmen. Viva Gonzi taghna!
Maybe next time when the Madonna makes contact with this Angelik, she should tell the exact 5 numbers for the Super - 5 lottery so that he can win and with all that money, he can pay many shop owners in B'Bugia, with whom he has big dues!!!!!!! But until then please stop using this type of cover up, because it's not working and you, and all the so called followers, should be ashamed to do all this. I'm sure that many of you need an urgent meeting with a psyhciatrist, and afterwards take a long, long holiday, for a change!! Go to HELL!!!
Bir-rispett kollu... għandi dubju kemm dak li qiegħed jgħid anġelik hu minnu (li qed tkellmu l-maddonna) imma lanqas hu sew li nwaqqgħu l-affarijiet. Ħadd għadu ma sab xejn li jwaqqa dak li qiegħed jgħid la l-knisja u lanqas il-psikjatra. Apparti minn hekk jaf dan l-għaref ta' Matthew Vella li kull meta bkiet il-Maddona id-demm dejjem kien ikun demm ta' bniedem u ħafna drabi tal-persuna li tagħha tkun dik l-istatwa. Matthew qabel tiftaħ ħalqek fittex imbagħad ikteb għamlilna pjaċir għax aħna ma rridux ġurnalisti li dak li jkollom fuq ilsienhom jiktbuh.
Marisa, you have to go soft on the Borg-in-Nadurians. They are walking through life with their eyes wide opening them they would suddenly realize that there is nothing left and their world is shattered. And they provide us with some major comic relief.
Maybe next time when the Madonna makes contact with this Angelik, she should tell the exact 5 numbers for the Super - 5 lottery so that he can win and with all that money, he can pay many shop owners in B'Bugia, with whom he has big dues!!!!!!! But until then please stop using this type of cover up, because it's not working and you, and all the so called followers, should be ashamed to do all this. I'm sure that many of you need an urgent meeting with a psyhciatrist, and afterwards take a long, long holiday, for a change!! Go to HELL!!!
it took long enough for the village idiot to crawl out from under his rock to make a stunningly ridiculous statement. Perhaps his message form Mary was delayed in the post?
I thought that there was a limit to stupidity; however, it seems that human stupidity is endless when it comes to "faith". Angelik is providing magic on demand. That's the answer to all our problems, flying hosts and thorns coming out of body cavities. I am so impressed I ll be voting no LOL
Paul Licari - all I can say is feel free and tell us about the manifestations you witnessed. The manifestations I am witnessing are a deplorable state of affairs where religious fanaticism attempts to blind the electorate in order to cover up social realities . As I see it, this fanaticism is fanned and driven by a corrupt religious institution – otherwise, they would have the decency to put a stop to it right away. It is deplorable that such ***** is allowed to be published. But put it another way. If your Jesuses and Madonnas want to turn a blind eye on domestic strife – then quite frankly I DO NOT want to subscribe to these deities of yours. They are CRUEL deities. Not for me thanks.
give this guy a rope, and tell him what to do with it.
Strange how Our Lady, so voluble and articulate when it comes to divorce remains so silent in the face of the atrocities suffered by children in the hands of paedo priests. Now that I would think is serious cause for tears or perhaps Angelik ran out of olive oil?
Mela il-Madonna dejjem lil xi imbecilli jew rahhall tidher, jew xi tfal tal-rahhala? Kif qatt ma dehret lil xi hadd li rebah in-Nobel Prize jew li hu membru tal-Mensa? I like this, its the only show of its kind on this side of the galaxy, and since its is free fun I am tempted to vote NO!
He is goin up to heaven in a vertical take-off vehicle! I can't understand how seemingly intelligent beings can gulp this thrash!
Angelik dak li qed taghmel u tghid jista' jwasslek il-Habs bhala Corrupt practice. Imma int postok mhux il-habs imma hemm Sptar f’H’Attard..... Monte Carmeli. Ieqaf tipprova titnejjek bil-poplu Malti jahasra ghax issa n-nies qieghdin isejhulek MISKIN!!!!!!
u kif meta tkun gejja xi elezzjoni tidirlu l madonna lil angelik? dejjem meta tkun waslet xi elezzjoni. Hemm xi haga tinten. ZGUR. IVVOTAW IVA DAWK KOLLHA LI MUMIEX TOSTI. IVA AT TOLLERANZA. mela Eddie Fenech Adami dahhalna fl Ewropa u sewwa ghamel, u Gonzi jrid jerga jdahhalna fid dlam ta l abbissi. Le issa ma nifilhux al aktar hmerijiet.
Here's another good one on Angelik who's a total nut job!
tiibki l madonna meta l poplu ha 50c maltin u tal pn hadu 500 euro zieda. Daqshekk PN ghalijja u familti. Qazzistuna issa. Froga wara l ohra. Carapelli kien iz zejt ghandikun extra virgin oil. Igbruh men ax issa izzejjed. dak xi jkun.
Oh, Jeeez....i'm not Madonna but my heart aches as well and the reason is a flock of ċuċ Malti following a proven fraudster no matter long as some wafers descent from heaven. This time round the Virgin did not carry Angelik into the "bowel of the earth".. suffering from lower back pain due to overstrain
Was it freshly pressed olives please?
Primarily I would like to thank Mr. Matthew Vella for publishing this last message. Next to the Borg in-Nadur Phenomena. Those who have not been eyewitnesses to these events simply jump to their own conclusions, many times based on incorrect information divulged by the media or third parties. I, like many others, have witnessed personally several of the manifestations. Those who have not seen anything think they can judge those who have seen! And on what basis? Just on what they think! All the messages, 332 upto now, as the main theme call for people to convert and to get closer to God through prayer. Many times in the messages there was mentioned divorce, much long before it was on the lips and minds of anyone, and advocating us that it is against Christ's teaching.
Ahjar taghtu dieta tajba u ftit exercises cardio ha jnehhi dik iz-zaqq
Lisa Borg
Kellu dehriet aktar minn Lourdes u Fatima f'daqqa!
Johann Azzopardi
Was it extra virgin olive oil?
Continue giving credence to a delusional madman. If you want the truth log on:
anglu int ghadek job mal gvern nahseb ridet tajdlek ivota le ghal nies bhal anglu li jiskarta kuljum
By the end of the day, expect Tonio 'VATless' Fenech to announce his holy vision too. Manybe, he'll tell us where the stolen VAT money is.
Bniedem miskin! Ghandu bzonn l-ghajnuna!
Issa hadniha drawwa li tidher il-Madonna. One time too many I am afraid. You have made our religion a farce and so I will be voting YES.
Truly a Comic relief. We are truly bleaase with miracles, the whisky that turned into water.... I really fancy a new name for Malta ... Maltistan! Of I forgot that we are in the 21st century!!!!!!!
This person is only causing harm to the roman catholic church. After it was confirmed that human blood and cooking oil were involved in the supposed 'miraculous manifestations', how is it possible to take this person seriously? Yet, you still see gullible people attending these supposed 'apparitions'! To me, this is just another case of religious fanaticism. Definition of religious fanaticsim: Religious fanaticism comes not from deep faith, but from a lack of it. ... The only thing religious fanaticism really demonstrates is weakness on the part of the fanatic. Weakness in his own faith.
Veru Angelik!? My statue has tears too. They are tears of laughter. She told me she was having you on!! . Now if your Virgin Mary had any sense at all, she would make a DIRECT plea to the YES voters. It’s only common sense. . Alas no bloody tears on my statue – though I have to admit that the state of some minds and the institutions which try to control them do bring me to tears.
Noted...........but I am still voting YES.
mal hobz iva, ma wicc il madonna le. Inhennu al haddiehor iva, nigu nitnejku minn hadd iehor le. mela nivotaw iva bhala simpatija al min hu fil bzonn. IVA GHAL LIBERTA IVA GHAX AHNA L MALTIN MAHNIEX TOSTI. IVA BIS SAHHA.
Shame on the Church to use people of this sort for its campaign. When is Malta going to break free from these religious chains. We want to be free to think and free to act without anybody's coercion
I am surprised the Blessed Virgin Mary did not end her message with "Viva GonziPN" ! One of his Ministers seems to be very chummy with Her: jiekol il-kirxa Maghha !
U lil dan il-mignun meta se jigbruh?! Dan kemm jahseb li hu mportanti li l-Madonna se toqghod tahli z-zmien mieghu! U meta l-Kurja arci-konservattiva talibana Maltija se ticcaqqlaq u trazzan lil dan il-bniedem? Jew ghax il-hmerijiet li qed jghid jissinkronizzaw tajjeb mall-kampanja ta' qerq, gideb u nofs veritajiet li tmexxiet mill-kamp tal-Iva bil-barka u ghajnuna tal-knisja (k zghira) Maltija? Aktar ma nisimghu hmerijiet bhal dwan u bhac-cucati li qal l-Ajatollah t'Ghawdex, aktar tbghedu n-nies mill-knisja taghkom.
Lil Angelik Caruana u kull min jemmnu : Ghadni qiegehd nistenna isemmalna r-recording tal-Madonna qieghda tkellmu ! Sfidajtu fl-Orizzont u baqa ma tniffisx ! Lil dan il-povru Angelik nithassru ghax postu mhux Borg-in-Nadur izda Monte Carmeli. U l-istess dak il-patri li qieghed mieghu ! Li nitkaza bl-Arcisqof li qed ihalli din il-farsa ghaddejja is-snin. Flok qed jikkonvincu lin-nies, aktar qed jikkonvincu li l-Knisja Maltija saret l-aktar wahda farseska fid-dinja !
Missu jisthi jitkellem!
Nothing about Libya?
What a farce. It is a disgrace the Church in Malta refrains from pronouncing itself about the impossible rigorous pattern of weekly punctual apparitions by Our Lady to a mannequin fraudster when the evidence is stacked against the case. The impression one gets is that the Church is fanning such gatherings (including those of ministers appearing on tv who can prattle spontaneous pseudotheological explanations) as one convenient way of possibly minimizing the haemorage given the recurring evidence from surveys that it's losing the flock.
Ma nistax nifhem kif il knisja thalli dawk is sacerdoti rispettati hafna specjalment patri partikolari, ma gembu spalla ma spalla. Dawn qed jghatu timbru ta awtorita. kollha jafu li dan kollu li qed jghid huwa falza. Pero donnu li l-knisja qed tinqed bih, ghat tela kollox jghid. Tghid wara referendum Mons. goudr se jimplimenta ir regoli tal festi? Tghid wara referendum se tinqata decizzjoni tas soru, tal patri mill kunvent Santa Liberata? tgid se jkolna decizzjoni dwar il patrijiet tad dar San Guzepp. Mur gib lill Mons. DePiro jara min xhiex ghaddejja l-knisja !!!!!!!!
Did she send more cooking oil?
sound strange to me that the holy virgin mary (praised be her name), didnt mention the nuns and priests who did this violent acts of rapes and abuses! shame on you angelic tqaraqx iktar bi nies
Anton Portelli
sounds stange to me that Our Lady did not mention Cohabitation and single parenthood and sex before marriage!!!!!!!!!!!
ser nghidha ta, u ma nidejjaq xejn. biex temmen lil xi hadd bhal dik- trid tkun "IBLAH"!
Ian George Walker
A little bit of comic relief always helps to relieve the pre-vote tension. In the past we used to have Tal-Farfett and Spiru Sant. Angelik is a worthy successor.
It's people like this guy who makes me want to vote YES! Doesn't he have better things to do?? Doesn't he (or better still Our Lady) know that people can get divorce from abroad and have it recognized by our pseudo-Catholic Government? So why NO to divorce now?? U ejja..hallina gbin!
Joseph Sant
Oh I forgot to say, the virgin seems to have a very good grasp of Maltese electoral law - she most correctly avoided the day of reflection!
Joseph Sant
Finally she has spoken! For a mystic figure Angelik's virgin tends to be rather predictable doesn't she?!