21,000 voting documents uncollected

Almost 21,000 voting documents reportedly remained uncollected by last night’s deadline, before tomorrow’s referendum which will decide on whether Malta should introduce divorce as a civil right or not.

The Electoral Commission refused to give the information when contacted last night and this morning, with a spokesman insisting that the official number will be published in the Government Gazette later today.

Nearly 21,000 voters had not collected their voting document by the time the deadline last night.

Calculations suggest that the number of uncollected votes amount to approximately seven per cent of the 325,103 eligible voters as listed in the last Electoral Register, which was published in October 2010.

The figure of uncollected voting documents is said to be the highest in recent political history.

Polling stations will open tomorrow Saturday at 7am and close at 10pm, while vote counting will start at 10am on Sunday morning in Valletta.

Ara l-ewwel wiehed jiena gbratu l-vot , u missieri ghandu 84 ommi 80, u l-ahwa kollha u tfal tahhom kolha gabruh il-vot- hadd ma ghandu bzonnu d-divorzju. Imma xorta ser naghmluh id-dover u l-ewwel wiehed jiena nivvota iva, ghal pajjiz ahjar. nerga nirrepetiha dawk li ma gabrux il-vot huma EGOISTI! Punto e basta!
mela issa nibdew ma nivvutawx mela , jew ma nurux solodarjeta , ghax hekk qal redjoey,(ghax biex tigbor vot trid taghmel xi haga straordinarja) mela meta nkunu tajjeb ahna x'nigu naqaw u nqumu bil-pulit:) u hallina. aktar jien irispondejtek, x'int bla sens.
redjoey , konkluzzjoni tieghi fuqhek taf xinhi. wahda, f'sensik mintiex zgur ! anzi . wihed minnhim int bil-fors mela la ftaht halqek :)
Godfrey Grech
falzonsilvio - int fejn taf x'inhuma i-c-cirkustanzi ta' min ma gabarx id-dokument tal-vot? Kif taqbad u tiggudika u tghid li dawn huma nies li jitmelhu min haddiehor? Hafna mill-problemi tad-dinja huma ikkawzati minn nies li jirragunaw bhalek.
dawn il 21 elf, huma nies li gew jitmelhu min haddiehor. Proset ghandkom dritt, PERo kulhadd fid-dinja qieghed ta, u kulhadd suggett ghal xi haga. Dak li taghti tircievi lura , u bhal ma taghmel jaghmlulek. KARMA!
Let's hope illegalities near the polling stations are controlled. http://mazzun.wordpress.com/2011/05/26/min-verament-ha-jmur-l-infern/