Austin Gatt - divorce 'not a civil right’

“Divorce only becomes a civil right once Parliament recognises it as such" - Austin Gatt says.

Describing himself as a “fervent Catholic inspired by the teachings of Church”, transport and infrastructure minister Gatt claimed his position on divorce was not based on his religious beliefs but on his role as an MP.

Speaking on Radju Malta’s Ghandi X’Nghid today, Gatt claimed divorce is not a civil right "until the state recognises it as such."

Quoting the 2005 national census, Gatt said 61% of the Maltese lived in marriage whilst only 2% were separated or had their marriages annulled. “Even if this percentage would have doubled these past six years, the gap is still too high for Maltese society to justify the introduction of divorce,” he said.

Gatt added that marriage breakdown is not at such a high level as to justify the introduction of divorce. “Fundamentally, Maltese society right now doesn’t need divorce,” he said, but admitted separation rates were on the increase.

Asked by presenter Andrew Azzopardi whether divorce is a civil right or not, Gatt adamantly said it is not a civil right. “Divorce only becomes a civil right once Parliament recognises it as such,” Gatt said. He gave examples substantiating his arguments by referring to euthanasia and abortion. “Holland recognises euthanasia as a civil right, whilst Italy recognises abortion as a civil right because their own parliaments recognise them as such,” he said.

Gatt said divorce had two major faults: “It is extremely rare for someone who is not well-off to afford obtaining a divorce. Imagine someone who earns €1,000 monthly having half of his pay going to his former wife, whilst with the rest of his pay he needs to sustain his new family. How will he manage?” Gatt asked. “I say divorce only favours those who can afford it.”

Asked by Azzopardi whether the state would eventually subsidise those who remarry, Gatt scoffed at the idea. “You can’t have the cake and eat it,” he said, adding this is a consequence which people are not aware of. “One cannot call on government to have it subsidise those who want a second or third family.”

Gatt also said divorce will bring with it a 'divorce mentality': “The concept of marriage unity as we know it will be destroyed and divorce and separation rates will increase drastically.” Gatt explained the rates will still go up also after those who are currently separated obtain their divorce.

On the referendum question, Gatt claimed the question as proposed by the Labour Party was a bogus one. “It gives the false impression there is a guarantee divorce in Malta will not change as from the legislation proposed,” he said, adding in reality legislation does change.

“The EU referendum question was a simple one – a yes or no. The electorate should vote for the concept and leave it up to the parliamentarians to their job,” he said.

Moving on to his decision not to recontest the next general elections, Gatt said that he contested his first election in 1976. "In two years' time I would have been 15 years as a Minister. I've been there, done that," Gatt told Azzopardi.

He admitted of not agreeing with the "methodology" of how certain persons see the PN as secondary to everything else. "I stand behind Lawrence Gonzi. By winning the elections two years ago he did a political miracle. I will always be loyal to my party."

Gatt concluded by stating he saw no loyalty by those who leaked information from meetings such as that of the Executive: "Is there any value in leaking information just to be loved by the media? Where is loyalty in all this?"

Keep putting more nails in the PN's Coffin. Your agenda is elsewhere. If only you where good looking, but you look like a Jackass
gatt tahseb li int iligi ? ghax ftakar sentejn ohra int tkun civil. nispera li itelawk il qorti fuq il moqzieijat li ghamilt kemm ilek fil gvern.
About the following comment: Gatt said divorce had two major faults: “It is extremely rare for someone who is not well-off to afford obtaining a divorce. Imagine someone who earns €1,000 monthly having half of his pay going to his former wife, whilst with the rest of his pay he needs to sustain his new family. How will he manage?” Gatt asked. “I say divorce only favours those who can afford it.” The above is exactly the position initially taken by the Italian Communist Party in the early SIXTIES: that divorce was a privilege of the upper middle classes ("classi agiate"). Eventually they changed their position and became among the more vociferous supporters of divorce legislation until its enactment in 1974 (NEARLY 40 YEARS AGO IN CATHOLIC ITALY Dr Gatt!!!)
here are a few other things Austin does not consider a Civil right 1. getting rid of corrupt politicians lining their pockets 2. not having a government finding excuses to squeeze more money from tax payers - to fund projects for PN front companies 3. Having a secular political system that does not protect child molesters 4. Not having to put up with clowns running the country into ruin. 5.Not having a heredity political system with ministries passing from father to son. 6. Not being able to stop glaring conflicts of interest 7. Free Press Austin - you are an inspiration for birth control! I find you morally offensive. I really do hope there is a god. There is a special place in hell for the likes of you.
Jeffrey Vella
Tkellem il-Palladin tal-Kattolici Maltin. Ara veru ma jisthix dan ir-ragel ! Din il-kwotazzjoni ta' Austin Gatt tikkonferma l-arroganza ta' dan ir-ragel li milli jidher ma ghandhiex limitu.
Mark Vassallo
Ho Austin, Ho powerful one, you have the right to impose your wishes on others. We are but your humble servants and thank you for granting upon us the few rights that we have left.
My Dear Austin, You said,that Devorce becomes a civil right when the Parlament recognises it as such. And I say,that corruption is not a perception when the people recognises it as such. May I tell you what B.W.S.C,means.Mr.Minister, B is for Barrister,W is for With,S is for Smell, and C is for Corruption. Or simply, Barrister With a Smell of Corruption.
He should retire somewhere warm in preparation for his becoming ...He may have conned us but he will answer to the big guy eventually .
15 years as minister! WOW what a stupendous achievement.For once in your life tell the truth and tell us what have you achieved in those years? the destruction of every thing you were responsible for.15 years of lies, corruption,bullying, fowl mouthing and arrogance. God speed your departure, but dont go too far cause soon you will have to give account to all your rotten deeds. Good catholic chap what a lot of bullshit.
Heqq. If he said so so be it! Who can say otherwise? If you do, he will threaten either not to contest the next election or resign (which he never does, of course!)
This divorce Issue is becoming disgusting. it will be all MPs fault ,if it will not pass in parlament, and if they just yes for the referendum will pass ,and than the majority jack asses will vote No in referendum. The MPs cannot say that ,"Ehmm we cannot introduce the Divorce law, as the majority jack Asses said No- what NO/ If they for some reason don't need a divorce law for them, or for thier children? This divorce law is getting really disgusting .
Good Morning Malta! here we go again. *** ************************* “Divorce only becomes a civil right once Parliament recognises it as such" - Austin Gatt says. **************** Ehm , reading this this morning makes me wanna vomit my coffee on a person like you Austin gatt. until the parlament recognizes it? who the hell do you think you are? you are just a human being like everybody else! you are there cause people elected you. who cares what people likes you says - I never listen to rubbish on TV or Radio, where there will be GIBBERISH TALKS like yours for example. well you are speaking this way ... I know why. Cause now your time is almost over in politics, so you don't care .. what you had to do since all these years in politics ,.... you gained what you have to gained.. But hey listen, "WE DON'T NEED YOUR OPINION OR DON'T EVEN CARE WHAT YOU SAY". I just answer cause i saw it here, so like you speak on radio or TV, i just say this again "I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SAY" SOONER OR LATER YOUR TIME WILL COME LIKE EVERYBODY. YOU ARE JUST A HUMAN BEING . The PN will loose the general election that is 100%. you will see when it's time. you or Lawrence Gonzi , your carrots give them to the Jack Asses this time ,in the next general election you will see the greatest defeat, that the PN have ever suffered, all because of your arrogance and the hard headed Lawrence Gonzi.. RESIST OR SERVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pauline Moran
Kemm tiflah tkun ipokrita Gust!!! Sewwa jghid il Malti, (QABEL MA JLAQQA, ALLA JXEBBAH), u int u Wenzu w Toni l-istess pezza!!!! Qabel kellna Isqof li ma stahax jidfen lil Laburisti fil Mizbla u issa ghandna lil neputih jipprova joqtolna bil guh u bla drittijiet! Id dritt tad Divorzju mhux xi kapricc tieghek biex tilghab bih Gust, izda huwa dritt universali li Malta ghad maghndnix minhabba Gvern bi hsibijiet u politika tal Medju Evu!!! Inthom qatt ma ridtu li l-Maltin jkollhom d-drittijiet taghhom! dik il verita Gust!! F-istorja inthom dejjem ppruvajtu tinnegaw kull dritt li hemm fil bqija tad dinja moderna ghax inthom qed tiprogettaw ruhkom ta' moderni u ma hawnx Partit aghar minnkom fejn jidhlu drittijiet!!! Inthom il PARTIT TAD DWEJJAQ u lil-maggoranza tal-poplu dardartuh u mlejtuh bid dwejjaq bl-arroganza u l-politika medjavali taghkom. Id divorzju jrid jidhol f'Malta, trid w u ma tridx int! Int sirt il veru Zero ta' Malta issa ghax hadt ma ghadu jahmlek f'pajjizek stess ja Ipokrita!
Onestament - who cares what you and your ugly mouth has to say dear Agostino? Divorce is a civil right, approved or not by parliament! Your only concern is that JPO does not win his battle over Gonzi, but take my word, he will win the war against you.
So Gatt is favouring the men so they don't have to pay child support from their first marriage, and up you woman you have to live with abuse.
Austin Gatt has been supported by a liberal section of Malta, who saw in him in a no-nonsense Minister. Now he is giving away his Right Wing side: ruthless with unions (but then again who cares about them right?) and social conservative. Well, Tea party someone?
Bdaqshekk mintiex ser tapprova li int kattoliku Dr Austin Gatt ahjar tara xghamilt kemm ilek ministru ghax hlief TKISSER kull fejn kont int ma ghamiltx Dr Austin Gatt (1) l-Air Malta FAQQARTA (2) is Sea Malta ghalaqta (3) kemm domt ministru int l-EneMalta faqqarta ukoll bid dejn ta 400 mitt miljun li ghandha (4) id Drydocks ZARMAJTA ukoll (5) issa ha naraw xinhu gej bir riforma ta Trasport Publiku biex xorta ser tibqa taghti is sussidju stajna bqajna fejn konna Dr Austin FARRAK GATT (6)Lil ex HADDIEMA TA XATT ghamiltilhom GABRIJOLA MIL KBAR MIN DAWK LI TAF TAGHMEL INT Mhux ahjar IXXOMM TAHT ABTEK Dr Gatt ghax nahseb li ghandek INTINA seba PESTI mhux tipprova taghmilha tal QADDIS ghax il Qaddisin fis sema qedin Dr Austin Farrak Gatt