‘If need be, I will stand alone on divorce’ – Labour leader Joseph Muscat

Forces are against this civil right, but if need be, I will stand alone because I believe in tolerance and compassion, says Opposition Leader Joseph Muscat.

Addressing thousands who gathered in Hamrun to commemorate Workers’ Day, Labour Party leader Joseph Muscat reiterated that family policy is not standing against divorce but working on policies which ease burdens.

“Less burdens, more qualitative work and planning the future is what family policy should be all about, and not standing against divorce,” Muscat said. “You all know my position: don’t let any party tell you what to do. It’s up to you and your conscience.”

Amidst clapping, shouting and chanting, Muscat said: “The Labour Party has taken a stand – it has let you decide what you want. But the party in government, a confessional party, is telling people how to vote.

“I encourage Lawrence Gonzi: you are still in time to tell your politicians they are not tied by your party’s decision. Let people decide and not them. It is a responsible divorce.”

Muscat said he believes in “European values” and that a country should be lead by politicians who believe in values of compassion and tolerance. “Even if they are a minority, these people count on us to give them the right of a new life,” he said, adding that a woman who is beaten by her husband deserves a second chance.

Muscat added it would have been easy for him to pressure PL members in voting in favour of divorce: “However, I did not for two reasons: the value of tolerance and being able to understand those who do not agree with you. The time to threaten is over.

“Secondly, the Labour Party is home to unity, home to those who want to bring change to this country. Many have advised me against speaking on divorce, but I entered this party with conviction. I will keep on believing in this civil right even though I’d have to stand alone.”

Whilst adding he will respect what people will vote, Muscat added that people who fought for what they thought was right even though the majority was against them “inspire him.” He recalled how in the past, the “minority” fought for women to gain their voting rights, for 18-year-olds to be able to vote, for those who wanted Malta to be independent, ruled by its own government, those who were against homosexuality listed as a crime.

Raising his voice emphatically, Muscat said: “Even if alone, I willl keep on fighting for the civil rights which our country needs to work on.”

“The greatest value which guides us is tolerance. Don’t let divorce separate our country. We are not going to take it against no one. One unity we were, we are and such we will remain,” he said, as the crowd cheered in approval and chanted “Viva l-Labour”.

You never walk alone Joseph! . Keep up the good work so that we get rid of GonziPN once and for all.
proset Mr.Joseph Muscat. at lest your party have 3 against divorce the PN almost all -less two JPO and jesmond mugliette, so there is the difference And the worst thing is , that the PN goverment is hand to hand with the roman chatolic church. So under this goverment there can never be equal rights for all, since it can never be a real secular state. So yes I will stop voting PN , that is for sure.
Joseph Pavia
@fehmawvuci - May I kindly draw your attention to the fact that I am not Miriam Dalli who previously worked at One news. Thank you.
I absolutely cannot understand these Labour fanatics whose arguments are simply based on personal name calling. Poor Miriam Dalli got taken to task because she miscounted the followers of Joseph Muscat. Gandhi without the goatee. You guys should know that with so many loyalists who cant stand still, it is hard to gauge the total especially since Miriam's experience is limioted to counting on her fingers & toes at One tv. Maybe next time Veronique will remind her that her mobile phone has a calculator on it. Then there is Mikegold who has become a fixture in these blogs. What a pity his common sense isn't put to better use but my guess is that he is one of those blue boys who has learned to milk the Maltese cow while the rest of the citizens pay higher and higher taxes to try and stop this financial collapse brought on by GonziPN .
@mikegold117. Int m'ghandekx mohh hieles, Int tahseb kif igieghlek tahseb partit politiku. Mohhok skjav ta' partit. Immexxi bhal pupazz bl-ispag. Jien kburi li ghandi mohh liberu u nuzah kif nahseb jien u ma nhalli lil HADD u lill-ebda partit jew xi Gonzi jew Muscat jew xi knisja jiddettawli x'ghandi u kif nahseb. Jien ivvutajt liz-zewg partiti meta dehrli li kienu qabzu l-limiti tad-dicenza. It-tnejn iddizappuntawni fi zmien jew iehor. Meta kien il-PL fil-gvern u ma qbiltx mieghu kont minn ta' quddiem li kkritikajtu fuq il-gazzetti u fuq mezzi ohra ta' dak iz-zmien, u hekk naghmel lil dan il-gvern. Possibbli m'intix twegga' bil-mizuri li qed jittiehdu?. Possibbli tal-PL biss hu hazin u jaghtik f'ghajnek ?. Possibbli li jekk iniggzek il-PL toqmos u jekk il-PN jaghtik daqqiet ripetuti ma titkellimx u tbaxxi rasek ?. Issa jekk int xi wiehed komdu hafna jew li qed iddabbarhom sewwa nghidlek ifrah. Imma mhux kulhadd iffortunat bhalek !!. Wara kollox tista' tikkritika lil min ikun imexxi mhux lid-dell. Dell huwa biss dell. U bhalissa l-PL huwa d-dell tal-gvern. Meta u jekk il-PL ikun fil-gvern u ma jwettaqx dak li jwieghed allura se ssibni l-ewwel wiehed li nohrog nikkritikah b'mohh hieles u miftuh. Kif nista' jien naqbel u nissapportja lil xi hadd li ma zammx kelmtu fuq bosta affarijiet ?. X'j bqa' fih bniedem jekk tnehhilu l-kelma ?. Nawgural mohh iktar miftuh u liberu biex tkun tista' tirraguna ahjar.
@mikegold117. Int lil min trid lPrim Ministru ? Wiehed li xeba jitnejjek bil-poplu inkluz INT ? Wiehed li minn wara dahar kulhadd inkluz INT ha 500/600 euro fil-GIMGHA u fl'istess hin li kien qed jiffanga fiz-zieda li ha talab lil kulhadd inklux INT bid-dritt sabiex naghmlu is-sagrificcji. Wiehed li bil-qalb ivvota sabiex jizdiedu it-tariffi tad-dawl u tal-ilma u sammar lill kulhadd inkluz INT ? Wiehed li jonfoq 100 miljun (ta' linqas) sabiex jaghmel teatru bla saqaf mit-taxxi ta' kulhadd inkluz INT. Wiehed li nefaq gid il-poplu fi sptar state of the art u kull min jmur hemm ikluz INT lanqas jsib sodda ? Wiehed li bazzwar lill kulhadd inkluz INT bit-taxxi li impona u l-isparpaljar ta dawn l-istess taxxi ? Jien wisq nibza li INT my friend jew m'intiex 100 % okay jew qed tpappiha jew int anglu tal-festa b'xi kanna fil-warrani .
Luke Camilleri
@mikegold117 Int hadt €500 zieda fil-gimgha jew €1.15 zieda u ZIDIET FIL-PREZZIJIET BISS bhal fid-diesel, gas, dawl u ilma u ilma u servizzi ohra essenzjali? Mhux kollox b'xejn zgur ...imma lanqas il-Prim u ta' madwaru jiehdu €500 fil-gimgha ZIEDA u l-kaxxier tieghu jaghti €1.15 zieda ( taxxa eskluza) lil-Poplu Malti! Ghal anqas Joseph qieghed maghna u ma jithanzirx! Int ahna jew m'ahniex?
Ejja Joe halli tkun PM u kollox ikun b'xejn. Kompli wieghed qed fl-istess triq ta' Sant l-aqwa li jkollna daq is-siġġu
Prosit Dr Muscat tad diskors tieghek. Malta ma tistax tibqa immexxija min Gonzi Pn ghax qeridna. 1) DrGonzi qabel il-Baġit 2010 ghamel surcharge qawwija fuq l-Ilma u fl-Elettriku u nehha is sussidju li kien jaghti fuq il kontijiet tad dawl u ilma. 2)Kellna żieda drastika fil-liċenzji tal-karozzi li qed jiżdiedu kull sena sakemm il karozza taghlaq dsatax il sena, segwit minn żieda drastika fil-ċilindri tal-gass 3)Zieda drastika fis sijsa fuq fuel,fl- alkoħol, Sigaretti, u minflok ma ta il-vawċers tal-enerġija huwa nehha dawn il-vouchers li jammontaw għal 11million fis-sena. 4)Xerrej li ha jixtri ghal ewwel darba propjeta pieghe jbati biż-żieda fit-Tariffi tal- MEPA segwit minn żieda drastika fil-Siment li żgur se jżidu l-prezzijiet tal-proprjetà fis suq. 5)Wara L-budget 2010 kellna zieda fic cilindri tal gas, rega ghola l-fjuwil, gholiet il bolla ghal min jaqbad 1600eur. 6) Il-Ministri inghataw zieda blura ta Eur500 fil gimgha bil mohbi f’allowances dirett mil minestri mhux mil budget allokati lill-Kamra tad-Deputati meta l-poplu inghata Eur1.16. 7)Gonzi hajagħmel Parlament ġdid u teatru bla saqaf li ha jiswina 100 miljun. Ajhar naqqas it taxxi min fun in negozjanti biex jaqtalom naqa l-ispejjez b'hekk jincentiva lil haddiem. 8)L-Gvern ha jintroduci "Second Pillar Pension" is-sena diehla jigifieri jkonna tnaqqis obligatorju fil-pagi taghna ghax tghola iktar il-bolla ghal kullhadd dan habbara il-gvern. 9)Ma kull 20Eur li tghati fuel johodlok Eur12 f’taxxa il Gvern! 10) L-isptar Mater Dei ghandu hafna inqas soddod mil- St Lukes meta giena miljuni kbar. 11)Inutli tghid sahha bxejn meta tmur ghand il privat biex tinqgheda bil ques kbar li jkun hemm. 12)L-Gvern ghamel estensioni ghal Power Station tal Marsa li tniggez 13) L-Gvern nefaq miljuni tal Euro mit taxxi taghna ghal Power Station li thammeg l-arja li tahdem bil heavy fuel oil mhux bil gas ghal arja iktar nadifa. 14)60elf familja jghixu bil minimum wage. 15) Ix-Xoghol zdied imma l-kundizzjonijiet u il-pagi li jinghataw huma dicenti ghal hajja tall lum? 16) 35% tal-Haddiema l-uniku mpjieg taghhom huwa part time b’kundizzjonijiet drastici. Suldati taghna qeghdin jintbghatu mijiet ta mili lboghod biex jingiebu go pajjizna immigranti illegali meta Malta ma tiflahx iktar u Burden Sharing kienet farsa kbira. Illum rega gholda Diesel, kwazi kull xahar jghola l-fuel u l-pagi qatt. Ma nafx kif tista tega itella lil PN.
QUOTE; ''Addressing hundreds of people who gathered in Hamrun to commemorate Workers’ Day'' Kindly note that thousands attended today Miriam!
QUOTE; ''Addressing hundreds of people who gathered in Hamrun to commemorate Workers’ Day'' . Hundreds does not make 2000 - I believe you wanted to say THOUSANDS .