Il-Kandidat: Miriam Dalli
Miriam Dalli is a Labour candidate on the 5th, 11th districts
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When and why did you decide to be active in politics?
It all started with team Qawsalla, after which we helped set up the Labour Party’s youth branch where I served as equality officer to attract more women to the party and later became the Forum’s first international secretary. My studies led me towards journalism, but this did not quell my love for politics. In 2014, I was asked to contest the European Parliament elections. Although the first thought was to say ‘no, at that time contesting the European Parliament election felt like a natural step.
What were the reasons that made you choose one political formation from another?
The Labour Party has always been the most progressive force on the island with issues like equality, women’s empowerment, supporting workers and pensioners. I always saw the Labour Party as the party that protects the most vulnerable. It is the party that shares my beliefs and values as a social democrat. I believe that I can make a real difference in people’s lives – a positive change. A political party’s main strength is its ability to listen and act on the feedback it receives. We are here to deliver on people’s expectations, and we can only do so by remaining firmly with our feet on the ground.
What inspires you in politics?
On a personal level, my parents are my inspiration and literally my anchor. Both worked very hard to give my sister and I an amazing childhood and they always pushed us to be the best versions of ourselves. My mother is my role model: a very determined woman who taught us how to not only believe in ourselves, but always work hard to achieve more.
Politics naturally brings you close to citizens – and it is the people who I meet that inspire me to continue working hard to deliver change. I believe in a better quality of life: one that is based on sustainable economic growth, greener spaces and more opportunities for our youths.
How are you conducting your election campaign?
It is a continued exercise of dialogue with citizens, so of course there is a lot of home visits, meetings and on the groundwork taking place. At the same time, the ministerial work continues, and we have continued to launch projects and investments. Only a couple of days ago, we launched the latest FDI – an investment of €48 million in a biopharmaceutical company. Ultimately, even though I am running on the 5th and 11 Districts, and I am committed to represent my constituents to the best of my abilities, the work I do as a Minister affects all of Malta and Gozo – and this is something that I always keep in mind and makes me work even harder.
What in your view are people’s concerns at the moment?
It is clear from my encounter with people that the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine is of concern to our citizens. That a war is happening just 2.5 hours away from us is not something to be taken lightly – and yes, as a government we are taking those decisions – such as the allocation of €200 million to protect families and businesses from energy prices hikes. But people are also valuing the quality of life and environment more and more.
And people are appreciating the Government’s assistance, especially during pandemic as we offered around €800 million in Covid assistance, whilst we ensure to keep the energy prices stable throughout the pandemic and even today.
What are your personal expectations in the next general election?
Although it is my third election, this is my first general election and I must admit that it’s a different ball-game to the EP elections, even so because the campaign focuses on two districts, compared to the EP where you have to campaign throughout all of Malta and Gozo. If I get the privilege to be elected to the Maltese Parliament, I will work to represent the constituents to the best of my abilities and to deliver on their expectations – especially with regards to a better quality of life.