Candidates vying for Simon Busuttil, Marthese Potelli’s seats submit nominations
Nominations submitted for parliamentary seats vacated by former PN MPs Simon Busuttil and Marthese Portelli

Five candidates have submitted in their nominations for the parliamentary seat vacated by former Nationalist Party MP Simon Busuttil.
The five candidates will be seeking election on the Twelfth District, after Busuttil resigned his seat to take up the post of European People’s Party secretary general.
Vying to take Busuttil’s seat are former radio presenter David Thake, ex-St Paul’s Bay mayor Graziella Galea, former Floriana councillor Edward Torpiano, Sam Abela and Simone Aquilina.
Another six candidates have submitted their nominations to replace Marthese Portelli, who resigned in February, on the Ninth District.
The candidates are businessman Ivan Bartolo, St Julian’s mayor Albert Buttigieg, PN international secretary general Roselyn Borg Knight, Swieqi mayor Noel Muscat, Sliema deputy mayor Graziella Attard Previ and Charles Selvaggi.
The casual election to replace Busuttil and Portelli will be held on 10 March, with the time for nomination submissions having closed today.