Former OPM official Ramona Attard submits candidature for Labour Party presidency

Prime Minister Robert Abela called on more participation from women at leadership level within the Labour Party during the general conference on Thursday

Former OPM official Ramona Attard has submitted her candidature for the Labour Party’s presidency.

The announcement was made on her personal Facebook page, where she stated her determination in continuing her work in favour of social justice and equality.

“After I served at the Labour Party’s broadcaster and eventually formed part of the communications team at the Office of the Prime Minister, I now offer my commitment towards the role of President,” Attard said.

Bid-determinazzjoni li nwettaq iktar ħidma favur il-valuri tal-ġustizzja soċjali u l-ugwaljanza, għadni kemm...

Posted by Ramona Attard on Friday, 3 July 2020

She also expressed her satisfaction at the Prime Minister’s comments during the Labour Party’s Extraordinary General Conference on Thursday, where he called for more participation from young people and women at leadership level within the party.

Earlier on Friday, outgoing president Daniel José Micallef announced that he would be submitting his nomination for the post of deputy leader for party affairs.

The post was vacated after former economy minister Chris Cardona’s resignation.

On Thursday, Micallef announced the Labour general conference had voted unanimously to have the second deputy leadership post contested only by candidates who are not MPs.

READ ALSO: Labour president submits nomination for deputy party affairs leader