Updated | After Delia's no objection, Grech says PN leadership's hand was forced to ensure media balance

Adrian Delia writes to the Nationalist Party’s electoral commission, informing it he has no objection in having Bernard Grech appear on party media • Grech says party leadership's hand was forced to ensure media balance

PN leader Adrian Delia has asked the electoral commission to accept Bernard Grech's request to be given space on the party media
PN leader Adrian Delia has asked the electoral commission to accept Bernard Grech's request to be given space on the party media

Updated at 6:05pm with Bernard Grech statement

Adrian Delia has informed the Nationalist Party’s electoral commission that he has no objection to Bernard Grech being given space on the party media.

But Grech has now implied that the leadership's hand was forced to ensure media balance by the party's electoral commission.

In a a statement released on Tuesday afternoon, Grech implied that it was the electoral commission that persuaded the party leadership “not to continue obstructing the implementation of the statute rules” that ensure a level playing field for candidates and prospective candidates.

Grech said that the electoral commission’s decision came after he repeatedly called on it to ensure media fairness as dictated by the party statute. “At last common sense prevailed,” he said in a cryptic message suggesting that Delia’s ‘no objection’ was irrelevant.

Grech's statement came just after Delia announced on his Facebook page that he had informed commission chairperson Peter Fenech on Wednesday that he did not object to Grech being given access to the party media.

Għadni kemm ktibt lil Dr Peter Fenech, Chairman tal-Kummissjoni Elettorali Partit Nazzjonalista. Dan wara li fl-aħħar...

Posted by Adrian Delia on Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Delia's letter came in the wake of complaints that Grech had so far been denied access to the party media.

The leadership contest has not formally started since both contenders have to wait for the end of a due diligence process before they officially become candidates.

Earlier this week the party’s administrative council agreed that the leadership rivals will be allotted time and space on the party media after the due diligence process is up. The electoral commission has also barred the candidates from debating each other pending the conclusion of the due diligence exercise.

Delia has enjoyed disproportionate exposure on the party media so far with people close to him justifying this on the basis that he is still the PN leader.

However, people close to Grech have argued that the exposure given to Delia went far beyond what was necessary, giving the incumbent a big advantage.

Bernard Grech supporters have voiced their objections at what they claim is Delia's power of incumbency
Bernard Grech supporters have voiced their objections at what they claim is Delia's power of incumbency

In his letter to Fenech, Delia said that despite the administration’s decision he was not opposed to Grech being given space.

“I, as party leader, find no objection that Dr Grech’s request [for space on the party media] is met,” Delia said.

He added that once the leadership contest starts officially, the electoral commission should give the two candidates the opportunity to debate each other on the PN media.

“[This should be done so that] members are given the opportunity to better understand the vision and thoughts of the candidates engaged in civil debates that are organised in a professional manner… as is worthy of the PN,” Delia ended his letter.

Read Adrian Delia's letter below: