No clear answer from Tonio Fenech on voting intentions

Finance Minister Tonio Fenech said he would pose no obstacle to the divorce law in parliament but refrained from answering whether he would vote no or abstain in parliament.

Tonio Fenech – who has more than once declared himself against divorce – refrained from stating how he will vote in parliament, or whether he will simply abstain.

Questioned about whether he will vote according to his conscience in parliament, as he once stated, Fenech replied: “My conscience comes first and foremost … even the decision as to whether I’m to stay in politics. This is me, as 'Tonio Fenech', and this is something which I have to live with.”

"The Maltese have voted in favour of divorce. It is parliament’s duty to see that the law requested by the people is passed and I will not be there to pose as an obstacle.”

Fenech said that the result of the referendum was a democratic decision taken by the people and “I am duty bound to see that this democracy passes through.”

Avoiding answering the direct question of how is going to vote, Fenech simply replied: “In the country there were those who voted yes, those who voted against, and those who did not vote – the Parliament should be left in the same liberty.”

He then reiterated what almost all Nationalist MPs who won’t declare how they will vote in parliament said: “Ultimately, the most important thing is for the law to pass.”

Hehehe xi cuc maltija tghidlek - ivvota kontra:))) Fl-ahhar mill-ahhar din il-messa in scena qed taghmilha biex tintogob mhux ax ghandek kuxjenza. Fejn kienet il-kuxjenza meta ghamilt uzu minn ajruplan privat biex tmur tara loghba futbol ma hbieb tieghek? Fejn kienet il-kuxjenza meta dahhalt f'butek dawk l-eluf ta' ewro - ovvjament minn wara dahar il-poplu - meta l-poplu ha biss 1.16 euro - taxxabli?? Fejn kienet il-kuxjenza meta kien hawn l-issue tal-pedofelija tal-qassisin??? Fuq dawn l-affarijiet il-madonna ma qaltlek xejn??? Ara veru iridu jkunu cwiec maltin biex jergaw jivvotawlek.
The people have elected you, and you have absolutly no right to vote in your liberty.........your right is to hear the people's voice and do what the people ask you to do............You are in parlament to govern the peoples, including those who are against just do your job fullstop.
Luke Camilleri
Il-Gonz ha jibdilhu il-Portafol il-dan il-Ministru, flok tal-Fionanzi sejjer jibghatlu SMS biex jghidli illi issa l-Ministeru tieghu ha jkun il-Ministeru tal-Infieq u tal-Biki... ghax qieghed iibiki il-kullhadd bl-inkompetenzi u l-arroganza tieghu!
Onnorevoli: ghalli jista jkun minn wara id divorsju l-hawn dehritlhekk il-maddonna. jekk le nahseb li il-lejla tidhirlek u jekk dakinhar rajta tibki illum tolfoq ha tara, imma mhux minhabba id divorzju minhabba it tkissir ta familji bl-gholi fil prezzijiet,
I wonder whether the select members of parliament who fraudulently self-donated €500 per week in tips for their hard contribution of sending this country bankrupt have had any feed-back from their rotten, confused and opportunistic conscience as they are conveniently raising for the divorce issue. In my opinion the divorce issue may now be considered a pittance compared to the life-long consequences suffered by the nation as a whole for keeping such selfish "honourable gentlemen" to retain their sticky, shit-ridden seats of power at such exhorbitant, unaffordable costs imposed on us mortal plebians without the least consultation or approval. This is where 'conscientious talk' and apparitions should have made more sense. Deservedly the divorce referendum results gave people more rights. Underservedly the referendum process steered people's minds away from several other realities. Pressure should now be re-applied on diverted issues silently highlighted by the results of the referendum, where Government proved an outright looser - surely for many reasons totally unrelated to the divorce issue per se.
IVA boxer, perhaps this time he will reveal a writing on the wall of some other Saint!
Forsi qed jistenna e mail minn ghand il Madonna biex jara kif se jivvota